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Everything posted by BigBeefChief

  1. Slightly off-topic but I met Mani last night. Top bloke. He was doing a DJ set and even played one of my bands new tracks! How cool is that?
  2. ROCK. Not my usual cup of tea, but these somehow pull it off.
  3. ....it was Dave Entwistle, the scouse plasterer from next door.
  4. My Mum was played by Entwistle, and she's a pig. Well done. A sound theory.
  5. Now that's eclectic!
  6. One of my heroes. His sound is what bass its all about for me. Nothing to twiddly, just doing what a bass player should be doing.
  7. BigBeefChief


    Welcome. Playing instruments strung upside down automatically makes you cool.
  8. BigBeefChief


    I prefer the term "surprise sex".
  9. BigBeefChief


    Hello mate, where in Kent are you?
  10. If you want sh*t, try the "Hiwatt Maxwatt Hurricane Bass Amp". Its a hefty 10watts which makes it almost totally useless for any sort of practice. I've got one and I'd struggle to give it away.
  11. Hijack/Bump Be interested to get a view on what your Carlsbro combo is worth second hand. I've had one as my practice amp for a while now and considering a change.
  12. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17323"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17323[/url] Does not include strings. Transaction to take place in Netto car park.
  13. What a pretentious set list. He'll probably being tutting away when people ask what the f*ck he's playing.
  14. I would love some kind sir. Kind find 'em anywhere round here. Would you like a SAE?
  15. I much prefer my women to have small hands.
  16. Buy me a drink and I'm anyone's.
  17. I bet your neighbours think you're a nutbar.
  18. C'mon, Daphne and Celeste have more talent than Bloc Party. Less pretentious as well.
  19. I agree. If you're going to make an album, labour intensively over every bit of it. You may never get another chance. But you must also appreciate that most listeners won't appreciate the fact they you forked out for a £900 cab over a £300 cab. Of course, you can (probably) here it, and that's what is self indulgent. I'm not knocking it, everyone likes to self indulge. As for stopping using pedals, I agree again. If they're pretty extreme, then they become an integral part of the sound. People will notice this. They won't notice who manufacture your strings.
  20. Some crafty enditing there CrazyKiwi!! I wish I was a Mod.
  21. Not at all. A generalisation would be to say no one notices. Bass players/audio nuts will always pick up on the tone of everything, but very few others notice. I actually think a lot of bass players kid themselves that they notice more than they really do. Be interesting to blindfold Ampeg/Markbass/Epifani fans and play a selection of gear to them. I think there'd be a few bruised egos.
  22. My issue is that I have no desire for versatility. All I want is ONE good tone. Thats it. I've got no desire to do bass impressions. I have an idea in my head of what a nice tone is, if I can achieve that (which I can with a S1 Jazz) then I'm happy. The truth is, all this emphasis placed on tone is slightly self indulgent. Very few non-bass players actually care or notice.
  23. What jobs do you guys do that allows you to view ebay links during the day?? I'm in the wrong line of business. Either that or the IT department here are over zealous.
  24. I just thought of another band who would be top of my list of all time most hated band/people. Bloc Party. Unfortunately, seem them live. And had the misfortune of sitting with them back stage. A singer who can't sing, a bass player trying his hardest to look "quirky" and "interesting" and a drummer trying to look like Dr Spock. Also saw an interview with the singer in the NME and all he did was moan about fame and how fake everybody is. He is the most pretentious pr*ck I have ever heard. When I'm bigger than the Beatles I will have it written into my contract that Bloc Party are not allowed withing 500metres of me. For my own sanity if nothing else.
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