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About highwayone

  • Birthday September 28

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  1. Hi Steve, if you change your mind about the white one, let me know. Cheers.
  2. Hi Lozz, hope you're well mate. I'm a sucker for a white p bass as you know lol! If the sales doesn't t go through give me a shout pal. Cheers.
  3. Any interest in an Epiphone Jack Casady swap?
  4. Did you sell it?
  5. I love the Mexican basses and have owned 6 or 7 but the last time I bought a new one it was £510 so I was surprised to see that they're £600+ now. The Nate Mendel I have is a Mexican and it's a great bass.
  6. I have had many great Mexican's but they were less pricey when they were the old standard range.
  7. Is it just me that thinks that the player series is overpriced? £600+ for a Mexican p bass?? It doesn't appear to be any different from the standard but is more expensive. I was.looking to buy a new p bass but won't spend £650 on a mex version. Rant over 😀
  8. Hi, is this still available? Thanks.
  9. Cheers all, plenty of food for thought for me.
  10. Cheers Lozz, it's for the Foo fighters tribute I'm in so mainly retain the instrument sound. I'll see if there's any tech21 or mxr gear about 👍
  11. Main instrument is a Fender P so not active.
  12. Looking to ditch the amp and go down the preamp/DI route as I use in ears for every gig and the amp isn't really required. Any recommendations on a decent pedal to use for this? Someone suggested the Sadowsky SBP-1 but there's none about. Cheers.
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