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Everything posted by isteen

  1. I have the smaller MS60B on my pedalboard, and the B3 is my home toy. I like both a lot, but feel no need to upgrade to B3n
  2. isteen

    Bass Soul Food

    I play with a pick as well as just the fingers. I have several basses with standard pickups (Fender, Sandberg, Yamaha, Ibanez - and a very VERY cheap Harley Benton), and my amps are both EBS (450 Classic with a 4x12 and Reidmar with a 2x12). After a A/B test of BSF/Mojomojo my personal taste is the Mojo. Just the warm sound I like, with a hair of overdrive
  3. isteen

    Bass Soul Food

    Swapped the Bass Soul Food for a Pigtronix Philosopher Rock compressor, and bought the Mojomojo. I hated the Mojomojo at first, but after a day I discovered that "my tone" was dialed in like this. Now I like that thing a lot
  4. isteen


    Post deleted
  5. isteen

    Bass Soul Food

    Thanks, that's about the same settings I have dialed in on my pedal. I must admit I like the tone better in a band situation, than when I play alone at home (and I just ordered that Mojomojo earlier today 🤔)
  6. isteen

    Bass Soul Food

    Thanks mate. What I really cant her used to is the boosted miss, when Drive is just turned past 12 o' clock
  7. Haha. Discovered I had posted something the wrong place, so I posted it in "effects". Couldn't figure out how to delete this original post 😚
  8. isteen

    Bass Soul Food

    I have received some food for the soul! First impression was a disappointment, quite big even - but when i sat down and turned the knobs back and forth, I was happy again. The first impression was that it sounded like a bee in an empty pot, but as I turn down Drive, Blend and Treble the harsh midrange disappears and a warm and subtle crunch appears. What settings do you use?
  9. Moved to "Effects"
  10. Can’t remember, but dont they all have a blend knob?
  11. After playing with it (B3, nothing else, I swear) I find I like the 160 with just a hair of gain from the Xotic BB. I can post the settings of anyone is interested
  12. This thread is just what I have been looking for. I have both the Zoom B3 and the Zoom MS60-B. I was thinking of getting an actual compressor, but them remembered the options the Zooms gave me. As an always-on compressor, which of the Zoom-simulations would you pick? I am not slapping or popping, just looking for an even sound and tone - but fattening up the tone a little bit, wouldn't hurt anyone. Hope to find a useful simulation, so I could spend the money on strings instead of an actutal compressor pedal. Thank you
  13. I also were a bit tired of my nano muff, and thought of replacing it with a Bass soul food. Can the Muff actually be used as a subtle “ crunch” like the soul food? Having my board in the rehearsal room, I can’t fiddle with it right now. Should I stop thinking of the Bass Soul Food, and learn to tweak my Muff instead?
  14. Any links as to how to update the firmware - sorry for not being so tech minded
  15. I have been looking very close in the Fender Mustang lately, everything looks great except the price. I can get 3 Squier Jaguar for the price of a Fender Mustang, has anyone had a chance to play both? In playability and tone, is the Fender worth the extra money? Hope someone can help me out. Thanks
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1504181187' post='3363197'] Not knocking the LH500 but it's of its time. You could do better, i.e. smaller, lighter and er... 'soundier'. [/quote] Like in what amps? Thinking tone/value as in LH500
  17. Years ago I used a LH500. As far as I remember, the tone was really warm and fat. Actually thinking of getting one as a backup for my EBS amp. Connected to 2 12" EBS cabs - how do you feel about the LH500? From the user manual: [i][font=MyriadPro][size=2]The LH Series rear panels have 1/4-inch EFFECTS SEND and RETURN for connecting external effects processors, plus 1/4-inch and Speakon connectors for connecting your bass cabinet or cabinets. [/size][/font][/i] The LH500 does not have Speakon connectors, or am I wrong?
  18. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1494573387' post='3297012'] [i][color=#231F20]"With two amps together, connected through the Effects loop (Send from one to Return on the other), you can drive two 4 ohm cabinets, getting a separate volume control for each cabinet while using the EQ from the one you plug in to"[/color][/i] [color=#231F20] [/color][color=#231F20] [/color] [color=#231F20]What an odd suggestion! Why would anyone wish to do such a thing? [/color] [/quote] Stereo
  19. Don't avoid giving the little 250 watt Reidmar a chance, or the heavy but nicely warm sounding Hartke LH 500
  20. Any users out there, who want to talk about this thing? Every time I use this at home, I think it sounds pretty "thin" due to the light material it's buildt with. Been thinking about stuffing some "stuff"inside it, to get a fuller/beefy tone. Then every time I use it in a rehearsal or at a small gig, I'm amazed how good thing thing plays at 50% volume. Kick in the compressor, and it actually shakes my trousers. It plays so much better when volume is turned up, than at home where I don't play so loud. Anyone tried to place some kind of isolation/dampening material inside?
  21. It's a new smaller version of the old 250 watt Reidmar, and I have the power I need in that small package
  22. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1494142263' post='3293509'] Agree here too, that is assuming you already love your amp. [/quote] I do. I have tried A LOT of stuff. The stack I love most is my Reidmar going into 2 12" CL also from EBS
  23. Actually I use my VM into a Bass Muff Nano. My board is Tuner-Vintage Microtubes-Bass Big Muff Nano - Zoom MS-60B I use the VM to color my tone, and adding just a bit overdrive. In guitar solos etc. I kick in the Muff, for a fat sounding drive in my bass. The Zoom is just my toy for playing around with.
  24. I am looking for a lighter set (300-500 watt)to replace my curtent set-up - a 500 watt EBS Classic + 4x10 EBS CL). I am thinking of an Hartke LH500 (NOT very light weight) and possibly a 2x12. What good sounding cab would go nicely with that Harke Amp? What else could you suggest, for a pop/rock band?
  25. I use a Darkglass Vintage Microtubes as an always on mild drive. Does any of you use anything in combinstion with it (reverb, chorus etc.)?
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