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Everything posted by Crikey!

  1. Crikey!

    ableton live

    ive been using cubase to record my stuff but for some reason its not working today, does anybody know if i can export the backing music to ableton live and record vocals from there? orr how to set up cubase to you use a line 6 guitarport as an asio? orr even how to set it up so i can completely get rid of the guitarport? its all a bit of a mess, any help would be great. thanks Ben
  2. Crikey! - Been playing since age 11, now 16. Just finishing off GCSE exams and then im going on tour with 2 of my bands and doing various other gigs all around the place in another 2 bands as well as my electro project. Going in to the studio with 5 bands over the summer doing my own stuff and some session work. Likes listening to ska, lots. heres my "official" bio: Ben "Batman" Robinson: Bass Band Duties: Being Mature, funky bassage, bassface trainer Background: A deeply philosophical and political mind makes ben the only sensible one in the band. His family are the shaolin monks. Ben developed a strange split personality at the age of 11. It seems that he suddenly becomes EXTREMELY silly when on stage. ah yes, i like to jump around a bit. Looking for a job at the moment to finance yonder tours.
  3. well even if the live thing isn't gona happen, the other guys are still making money from it surely? it'd be in there interest to put a bit of effort in, unless the amount of money just isn't worth standing still for a few minutes to get the photos? ok i realise its slightly more than that but still, its all for the benefit of the band right? just give it a go, if needs be then just emphasise how they'd benefit from it if its that kind of situation. i think i might have heard you once or twice...i'll have a look around myspace
  4. its another one of those things thats just down to preferences, if you think you have too many, you have too many, if you dont then you dont. I'd go with 4 as my maximum, 4 working ones anyway. Main bass, Backup bass, 24 fret bass if it wasn't covered by the first 2 and an acoustic bass. acoustic as in acoustic guitar not double bass. i have 4 at the moment but only two of them are useable and only one is safe so 3 of them don't really count... =P
  5. its always worth a try if its something you wana do, the worst that can happen is that it doesn't take off and then all you can do is move on. On the other hand theres whole load of things that could happen, it could be the best thing you ever do, i'd say definitely suggest it and try some persuasion, if the other guys are up for it then go for it. They might not be too keen at first but if you show them the potential of it then it might work, but yea, just to say it one more time... i say go for it, can't really go wrong can it? what was your old band called? if you dont mind me asking... =S
  6. so apart from the looks and features, theres no particular difference in tone/build quality etc? i'll have a look on ebay, i like the look of the...whatever one had no pick guard or fret markers, i dont remember if that was the export or non export... thanks for the advice, i'll have a play around and see what i think, should get up to london at some point, i might come back to ask some more questions though thanks Ben
  7. I get leads crossed with the guitarist pretty regularly, one time it happened though when the guitarist snapped a string, he told me and the drummer to keep playing. so because he'd snapped a string the stage manager ran on with a spare guitar (efficient!) i didnt notice, jumped across the drum riser, took the guys hat off, pulled my lead out, strap came off, when i landed i swung round and knocked the mic stand over and then got cramp in both my feet. then the spare guitar was out of tune and we had to spend 5 minutes of our set writing "the tuning song" best gig ever. other than that just been things like cutting your hands open and bleeding through the set... oh and the guitarist decided to tell the crowd that he'd "strapped a sning" its lucky we don't take ourselves too seriously.
  8. me on stage 1 me on stage 2 me at radio caroline after being interviewed anyone listen to radio caroline anymore? im the one sitting on the invisible chair, without a girl on my lap.
  9. ive been looking around the web and ive found the standard aerodyne jazz, black, no pickguard. ive also found a japanese aerodyne jazz that comes in a range of colours and has a pickguard. i can't seem to find many details on the japanese export model, so if anybody knows about this type of stuff could you please explain to me any differences? apart from the obvious colours and pickguard differences, wouldn't want you wasting your time thanks Ben
  10. can't wait to see that in blue, tis gona look superdy duperdy, very BC Rich like but not tacky at all like some basses with those kinda angles. i like it very much
  11. My electro stuff is on myspace... www.myspace.com/stinglikeabutterfly got some gigs coming up in reading over the next few months, like all new music, need all the support i can get so i'd really appreciate it if you gave it a listen and add me if you like it all the songs are downloadable and if anybody digs it enough i can send you another 17 or so tracks
  12. i had something like this, not sure what happened, the wav file would play in itunes and real player and stuff but not WMP, have you tried opening it in another media player?
  13. My main bass is my G&L tribute L2000 no other big brand basses...just cheapo muck about things.
  14. i reckon white pearloid...or black, but that might turn out looking cheap.. =S gold on red just looks cheesy in my opinion, like the fender deluxe thingy mijigs.
  15. right, thanks for that, im pretty sure i can keep my place, i can play just as good if not better than the double bassist, if the tone is the only real problem i have a cheap double bass modeling type thingy that gets pretty close, and im sure it wouldn't make a huge difference in an orchestra situation. If its about the look then thats just a bit shallow really.. ive heard people say that electric basses are like double basses for lazy players, which is understandable to some extent considering the size issues with a double bass but when referring to tone, does playing style and technique influence the overall sound more or less on either type of bass? or is technique just technique and uninfluenced by the instrument?
  16. Plain and simple, what are the advantages of a double bass over an electric bass? or is it simply down to tone and feel? not having a dig, i'd just appreciate some thoughts, may lose my place in the local jazz orchestra because the director wants a double bassist instead.
  17. aye up, bit sideyways. tis an Ashdown MAG600 > MAG410 > MAG115 loverly.
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