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Everything posted by Crikey!

  1. i had an L2000 which i sold to buy the SUB. I think a normal Ray may be the way, but im not sure i can afford it... trying to think of what i can sell.
  2. hi, I recently traded my EBMM SUB stingray on here for a Fender Precision. The reason I had to move on from the SUB is the slab body causing problems with a rib injury. After getting the Precision i found it instantly more comfortable to play. The body is just the right size, its a nice weight, the neck is perfect and it sounds amazing BUT i'm missing the stingray bite. So what i'm after is suggestions for a compromise. I'm not interesting in modding the Precision and ive only got a little bit of money to play with on top of whatever i can sell the Precision for. I started looking at SUBs and then remembered why i got rid of mine to start with, so thats out. Any suggestions appreciated, and if anybody has anything for sale that might do the job, feel free to PM me. Cheers Ben
  3. I use my ABM every night without fail, its a brilliant cab and i prefer it to ampeg 810s any day. However, it lives in the van between gigs, its easy enough to get in and out of the van on your own and wheel it about, but stairs will need 2 people. It will fit in a ford focus, but if you care about keeping the paint on it, you're gona have trouble. The general method of 810 loading is to tip it up against the van bumper and lever it up and in to the back, wouldnt advise doing that in to a car. Saying that, the ashdown does have handles on the side where the ampeg doesnt... which is very handy. id say for that price, do it IF its gona be used regularly in big venues, you wont be loading it by yourself and you have somewhere to store it. If not, its gona be a pain, you'll end up hating the thing and selling it on pretty soon.
  4. I use my ABM every night without fail, its a brilliant cab and i prefer it to ampeg 810s any day. However, it lives in the van between gigs, its easy enough to get in and out of the van on your own and wheel it about, but stairs will need 2 people. It will fit in a ford focus, but if you care about keeping the paint on it, you're gona have trouble. The general method of 810 loading is to tip it up against the van bumper and lever it up and in to the back, wouldnt advise doing that in to a car. Saying that, the ashdown does have handles on the side where the ampeg doesnt... which is very handy. id say for that price, do it IF its gona be used regularly in big venues, you wont be loading it by yourself and you have somewhere to store it. If not, its gona be a pain, you'll end up hating the thing and selling it on pretty soon.
  5. cheers! PRICE DROP BUMP.
  6. BUMP. Gotta go soon. Offers considered.
  7. upcoming summer tour dates... we're getting about a bit this summer so feel free to come say hi. MAY 21st - Ivy Leaf, Sheerness 27th - Poco Loco, Chatham (w/ Tree House Fire) 28th - Unfest, Tunbridge Wells Forum (early) 28th - The Dome, Tuffnell Park London (medium) 28th - Brass Monkey, Hastings (late) TOUR W/ TREE.HOUSE.FIRE 30th - Westcoast Bar, Margate 31st - Cherry Tree, Canterbury June - 1st - TBC 2nd - Hobgoblin, Staines 3rd - Red Lion, Gravesend 4th - New Cross Inn, London 5th - The Cobblers, Brighton 6th - Edge Of The Wedge, Portsmouth TOUR W/ CLAYPIGEON 9th - Hamptons Bar, Southampton CANCELLED 10th - The Winni Gate, Salisbury 11th - The Mothers Ruin, Bristol 12th - Hobos, Bridgend 13th - Red lion, Reading 14th - Beer Cart Arms, Canterbury 15th - The Barge, Gillingham 16th - Beacon Court, Gillingham 17th - The Ivy Leaf. Sheerness 18th - The Flag, Watford 19th - The Old Bell, Derby 20th - The Well, Leeds 21st - Banshee Labyrinth, Edinburgh 22nd - Bar Bloc, Glasgow 23rd - TBC, Norwich 24th - Steamboat Tavern, Ipswich 25th - Old Cock, Halifax 26th - The 3 Tuns, Gateshead 27th - Secret Show, Blackburn 28th - Hollywood and Vine, Hull 29th - TBC, Liverpool 30th - The Maze, Nottingham July 2nd - LONDON UNDERWORLD w Random Hand, Have Nots 8th - HINKLEY KARNS 9th - CAMARTHEN PARROT MUSIC BAR 10th -CARDIFF UNDERTONE 14th - Red Lion, Stevenage 15th - ALTON LOUNGE BAR 16th - ASHTON UNDER LYME WITCHWOOD w Mouthwash, JB Conspiracy 19th - NEWCASTLE TRILLIANS 22nd - Westcoast Bar, Margate 23rd - SIDMOUTH 'LIVESTOCK' FESTIVAL 29th - NOTTINGHAM MAZE w Mouthwash August 3rd - Nambucca, London 4th - REBELLION FESTIVAL - EMPRESS BALLROOM 5th - REBELLION FESTIVAL 6th - REBELLION FESTIVAL 7th - REBELLION FESTIVAL All up to date. all info at [url="http://www.facebook.com/talanband"]the facebook page.[/url]
  8. BUMP. Will take £290 or trade for a Fender?
  9. Anybody know if the Tiny Terrot (guitar) flightcase will fit bass terror? Looks like a bass terror flight case is more than double the cost of the guitar one... and im not gona be happy having this little thing rolling around the back of the van for months on end without a flightcase.
  10. BUMP. offers?
  11. Fully working, good condition, will trade for anything as long as it's a pedal. Preferably the same size or smaller so it'll fit on my board. Cheers Ben
  12. Cheers chaps. It's in near mint condition, but ive just bought a Tiny Terror and gotta refund myself the cash.
  13. Hi, Just bought a Bass Terror, so this needs to go. its an AH200 GP12, series 6. Been flightcased since the day i got it. Came to me in amazing condition having previously been kept by an amp tech (or so i believe). I have toured this amp extensively, its done 100s of gigs with me all across Europe and has regularly been used by every band at a gig. Never had a single problem with it. No noise, no loss of power, absolutely nothing. The most reliable thing ive ever owned. The amp has never failed to provide on volume (250 watts) and has an incredible sound. I've used it in the studio multiple times, choosing to use this over a mesa 400+ and Ampeg SVT2. So, top quality, super reliable, amazing condition, flightcased head. £270 Based in Canterbury for collection or can post at buyers expense.
  14. Crikey!


    BUMP. now for sale. £375.
  15. Crikey!


    European tour starts in 8 days, need to get this traded. May consider selling. BUMP
  16. Crikey!


    BUMP for pics. Kinda. more to come later.
  17. Crikey!


    Nothing too interesting to the story... Went on stage with all my ribs in full working order, came off stage with one of them broken. Not too sure what happened. I'm pretty sure i just got a bit carried away. Anyway. BUMP.
  18. Crikey!


    gone. cheers.
  19. Yep, we're on tour again. Having 4 months of not playing 7 nights a week after 83 days on the road over the summer isn't going down well with my body clock. so here's our first tour of 2011. just a little one to start off. We're bringing our friends Captain Accident + The Disasters aaaand Bareface. I'll list January dates too.. JAN 29th - Underworld, Camden 30th - Beercart Arms, Canterbury 31st - Poco Loco, chatham FEB 11th - Ivy Leaf Bar, Sheerness 12th - The Forum, Tunbridge Wells 17th - Drakes, Maidstone 18th - The Worlds End, Finsbury Park 19th - Westcoast Bar, Margate 20th - Orange Rooms, Southampton 21st - The Star, Guildford 22nd - Beercart Arms, Canterbury 23rd - The Banshee Labyrinth, Edinburgh 24th - Hollywood and Vine, Hull 25th - DBs, Weston-Super-Mare 26th - The Globe, Cardiff heres the facebook event [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=179785965372372&ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=1797...2372&ref=ts[/url] hope that all works... let us know if you're coming. there'll be plenty more touring this year, so anywhere you think we should go, just let us know. Cheeeers
  20. Tours all done, Cheers to everyone that came out. 54 days on the road has wrecked my gear. More tours coming up though, watch this space
  21. Still looking to book a few more dates if anyone can help. mainly southwest/ north east. Europe dates should be up soon too.
  22. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='861658' date='Jun 8 2010, 11:33 PM']if the deal with ste doesn't happen, I'm interested in a sale[/quote] will PM you.
  23. Edited the OP with up to date dates. John Q Public arent touring anymore, just doing the Barfly gig. Captain Accident and The Disasters are replacing them. Album will be on spotify in the next few days/ weeks.
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