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Everything posted by Crikey!

  2. Right, times got rough, my Squire VMJ is up for sale as i cant justify having 2 basses right now. Squire VMF Jazz bass, 4 string, natural body MODS - DR Parts Precision neck FENDER Precision bass decal Black tuning pegs (brand unknown) Black control plate Black plastic knobs Black GOTOH bridge Only problem with it is i dont have all the screws for the tuners, simple case of finding little black screws and screwing them in... Will post in gig bag + box for £165. Won't take offers but i'll welcome a bidding war. I dont have any original parts.
  3. bumpylump. still here.
  4. [quote name='WarPig' post='716171' date='Jan 17 2010, 11:13 PM']P-m-d[/quote] replied i think... Had some offers but still available.
  5. Thought i'd add im not just looking for pedal trades... Will trade for bits and bobs, cases, pickups, necks, cheap basses whatever you have to offer. As long as it's something i want.
  6. Can't believe how far this bands come. Played with you at the college BOTB like 2 years ago... now you're touring the world. wicked. x
  7. I've reached a point where im happy with every part of m rig, the only thing im not sure about is the synth. Alongside the big muff it just doesnt seem to be cutting it anymore... I'm gona have a play around with the layout and see what difference this makes but im interested to see what people will offer for it. If anything good comes up i'll happily trade. So there ya go, look forward to hearing from you. x
  8. are you gona change the black string tree?
  9. nice one gents, thanks a lot. I love The Hostiles track. had it on repeat for ages when i first downloaded it. FingeringAm - let us know what you think of the rest of it! Oh and if anyones interested, which im sure some of you might be... The bass on Tunnels was recorded through an Ampeg SVT-2 in to an Ashdown ABM810 cab. Using my G&L Tribute L2000.
  10. my bands tour is heading through bristol in July. I'll post a date and venue when i get confirmation... planning 7 months ahead is the way to go.
  11. traded. Well, in the process... Cheers for the interest.
  12. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='688009' date='Dec 18 2009, 08:41 AM']Yeah that should be cool, I'll bring it tomorrow if you're coming?[/quote] Completely missed this... sounds good, i would be really cheeky and ask for the black strap buttons too but the other day i gaffer taped the strap to the bass... so it doesnt matter now.
  13. [quote name='Tait' post='689298' date='Dec 19 2009, 06:43 PM']plays a cool looking guitar though.[/quote] maybe he should just put the strap over his face. [quote name='BT!' post='690331' date='Dec 21 2009, 02:20 AM']good call on the fandangle shirt[/quote] Yessss. He turned up to recording wearing that t shirt when Andy from Fandangle was producing the cd... Sorry. Back to the orange fretless. I hear word that it's gona be sorted soon?
  14. This is the first release from Ska Mutiny Records. It features the first new release by my band (Tyrannosaurus Alan) + 3 of the bands we toured with this summer. It also features tracks by other forum members. Can't remember exactly who but give us a shout if you're in The Hostiles... or any of the other bands on this comp. It's a really good listen. Genuinely, ive never bought anything this good and its completely free to download. Plus theres some amazing bass playing on it. www.skamutinyrecords.com [url="http://www.skamutinyrecords.com"]FREE DOWNLOAD[/url] Just click and go.
  15. many interested. I duno much about big muffs. but i know i am a muff fan. Will research and PM. Wayne, you can have my van if i can have your company car. x
  16. ok, for the right pedal i'll be willing to throw in one of my syb-5 pedals. i have one that works and one that doesnt. so like... depending on the offer depends on what one i'll throw in. i also have a zoom multi effects unit... and a boss DI box. all of these ready to go for a good distortion. got my eyes on a big muff.
  17. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='683056' date='Dec 13 2009, 03:12 PM']I'd take the SYB and ODB as a small down payment :-) Your ABM is not to be scoffed at though bud. Nice gear![/quote] cheers, its lovely. but my band are weak. they'd love a nice bit of markbass. ahh id offer you the pedals if i didnt need them.. im looking to trade for another distortion though if you have one?
  18. I wana try a new distortion, my plan is to keep swapping/ adding cash where need be til i find one i wana stick with. as such... the ODB-3 is up for trade. It's in a good working condition, bit scratched and dirty from being used.. obviously i'll give it a clean but its by no means mint. its been toured for about 6 months now.... If anyones got an overdrive/distortion they wana trade or trade+ cash just let me know. we'll do a little swapsies. and we'll be the coolest kids in town with our new pedals. cheers Ben. oh and i can get pics if necessary, but i dont think theres much point.
  19. this is exactly what i want. pm'd.
  20. dont spose you fancy swapping that badass for my black gotoh + cash? im gona get some of my vmj up here soon... its getting punk modded. practicality first.
  21. We're supporting Chas + his band in Chatham, Kent tomorrow night. Its £12 entry (rip off) Ive been given 40 tickets at £5 otd. If you want a ticket for this message me your name and i'll put you on the list. facebook event: [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=217957083355&index=1"]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=2179...355&index=1[/url] wicked. I doubt this is gona get any response at such late notice but it'll be fine...
  22. oh hello. Thats me band. What an awful picture of our guitarist.
  23. id love this, but i have no money and my whole rig is barely worth what you're asking. Just cant afford it... shame.
  24. TUUUUUBELORD. That looks like a wicked gig. Im on tour at the same time so won't get to ANY dates. Otherwise id definitely get down to Kingston.
  25. [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=153581074722&ref=nf"]FACEBOOK EVENT[/url] For you computer savvy attendees, or even non attendees, feel free to inform facebook either way. x
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