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Everything posted by girya32

  1. [quote name='Raggy' post='708556' date='Jan 11 2010, 10:29 AM']See this thread here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=72821"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=72821[/url][/quote] thanks - so thats where the ebay questions get answered..
  2. Hi BC'ers since I don't know what old stingrays look like, can anyone say what is this? (Ebay item 290389130663) The neck looks real to my inexpert eye, but the body and bridge look not so convincing... any experts can tell which bits are real ? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290389130663&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url] not that I have any spare cash at the minute, but just curious cheers Pete
  3. that is one gorgeous bass..... please pm me guide price, lets see if santa thinks I have been a good boy..
  4. [quote name='spacecowboy' post='623863' date='Oct 12 2009, 01:02 PM']Hey Pete, you may wish to state the exact year of the bass and price you're looking for. It would certainly help guys like me who love the older Warwick models! Cheers and good luck![/quote] Hi its a '93, (at least I think so, s/n ends in -93 ) price? £450? cheers Peter
  5. Hej warwick streamer, bolt-on Looking for a Geddy or a status series 1 ? currently I am in Sweden, not back til the 23rd [url="http://s647.photobucket.com/albums/uu193/LundenLad/streamer/"]http://s647.photobucket.com/albums/uu193/LundenLad/streamer/[/url] cheers Pete
  6. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='623486' date='Oct 11 2009, 10:27 PM']Anyone hankering after some quality graphite?[/quote] graphite.. mmm nice pm on its way
  7. [quote name='barneyg42' post='383314' date='Jan 17 2009, 04:50 PM']Thinking of flying in a bid in the last minute.....mmmmm, maybe £2.75ish should do it [/quote] I took it past 50 just to cheer the guy up..
  8. [quote name='Alemboid' post='377191' date='Jan 11 2009, 10:44 PM'] B[/quote] damn - you made my wife happy woman... I missed this by 30minutes yesterday, 99 cij for 3600swedish kronor (£300) [url="http://www.vendolin.se/Annonce_Detail.asp?rub=60003&annonceid=5544668"]http://www.vendolin.se/Annonce_Detail.asp?...nonceid=5544668[/url] double damn
  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='377079' date='Jan 11 2009, 08:53 PM']LOL, it's got your name all over it Col 22 people on BC have expressed an interest in this bass! Not one of 'em however has has either a maple-necked MIJ Precision, £350 of the folding stuff, or a postal address in a part of the World that won't cost > £150 to despatch to On ebay in about 30 mins at a BIN that means, with the current Euro/Sterling exchange rate, someone in France will have it within 30 secs. Come on guys, let's keep it in BC, it's a stunner of a bass Chris[/quote] gas attack... pm sent
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