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Posts posted by howdenspur

  1. My Dad came home with She loves you by the Beatles which, in hindsight was probably quite "out there" for a 38 year old police sergeant in 1963. I think he's still got a Love me tender EP kicking around somewhere.

    Anyway, I think the early exposure set me off though, by the time I got to my teens he thought my tastes had gone beyond the pale, Led Zep II making an impact with him, my Mum ("I can hear that racket down the road") and the neighbours who wanted to borrow something they could test their new stereo out with :o :D

  2. Having visited G4M a couple of times, I would say they are an online retailer with a physical presence you can visit, rather than a shop with an online presence.
    If you catch my drift.
    They have stuff on display and will get it shipped in from their main storage place if you want to see it. I wasn't knocked out with the set ups I looked at, but they are hardly unusual in that respect.

  3. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1385663249' post='2290917']
    OK, little bit of movement on this. The body and bridge bits have arrived at the Doc's. Howard is saying all is well, and that is good enough for me. I'm going for a solid colour, so the knottinge pattern on the upper bout will not matter, but I would recommend anyone buying one to tell Bach what kind of finish you are putting on. It comes with a belly cut, but Howard will be setting about it with his chisel putting a forearm contour on. The fret-board looks very nice indeed, puts the Doc in mind of Brazilian rosewood :). There will be a bone nut getting crafted too.

    Howard is getting the tuners in, and the Pups have been ordered from Thunderbucker. They are giving a build time of 2 weeks, plus delivery.

    Any-hoo, here's the bits so far..


  4. That is sad news. I always thought Allen was the coolest member of the band, a band who I was pretty struck with as a youth. Probably best known for their early stuff, Allen's keys added a subtle jazzy quality to all that riffing I thought. Nice choice of tune by the OP (the vids a bit naff!) - one of their good tunes from the 80s. RIP

  5. My P slipped off a stand onto a tiled floor. Took a nice chunk out of the poly down to the wood. Mrs H assisted with gluing back in with nail varnish (more forgiving than superglue she said) and now, looks ok. Felt sick at the time, but if you use and enjoy it, it's going to get the odd scar, so I'm over it.

  6. Got my Gretsch earlier in the year and just had it set up, strings changed, intonation, bridge pinned etc. It is a thing of great beauty - a bonny piece of work. A few observations...
    It does feel long and it is a big body. Doesn't bother me as I'm 6 ft 5 though. There is neck dive and I guess you could move the strap button from the body to the heel of the neck (the Thunderbird ruse), but there's no way I'm taking a drill to it. The strings do not centre over the pole pieces but other than it might look better if I cared to look closely, I'm not bothered. Don't think tone/volume/whatever is affected either. Don't think this is a QC issue, it would be a design issue if anything. The build quality in general is just about flawless. Nice chunky neck which suits my big mits.

  7. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1368175711' post='2074003']
    Its always baffling when people cover songs & dont learn the original. When I first started playing (I still do this now) I will study the song. I will stick it on a cd & listen to it in the car, I will listen to it over & over again till the timing, layout & every change is committed to my memory. Then I will learn how to play it, that way when I'm playing all the changes are totally natural to me.

    I have been in bands where a guitarist will say "I've listened to it twice, I know what I'm doing" then proceed to miss every change & get the solo wrong.... :huh: ...Ok then!
    [/quote]So true...being in a band where the guitarist thinks Dance the Night Away (Mavericks) is a 3 chord trick.

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