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Everything posted by dnarocks

  1. Very nice. Looking for trades?
  2. If only you would take my two spectors basses and genz combo amp. We would have a deal!!,
  3. Very nice. Where are you based.
  4. Bump. For a meet in derby. You have my number!!
  5. These are awesome and loud. Don't wattage rating put you off. I just got a markbass and have handed the on loan hartke back to its owner. Great amps. Overlooked due to weight and size. Bump from me.
  6. Doh!!! I only have a Spector euro 4 string going spare. Gutted. Really want a sadowsky. Good luck with sale. Also have Spector rebop 😬😉
  7. So I will throw it out there. The aguilar th500 is great. I a/b these amps. Mb tc and aguilar. The th500. Sounded great.
  8. Can I have the tuner please. Thanks.
  9. Tempted, is neck precision or jazz in width. Thanks.
  10. I saw a video and it sounded good. Although it's not like trying one out. Thought someone may have. See what comes on the thread!!
  11. I have heard from bass gear that these are good. Has anyone else had experience playing, or hearing one. Just not superkeen on the wing on the body.
  12. Is this still for sale?
  13. I have two spectors,and a bass collection. Love the playability of bc. But despite upgrading all pups and electronic gear the bc will only sound so good. Spector euro and rebop sound better but aren't as nice to play. But Spector has better wood and build quality. Personally I will never get rid of BC bass but the other two are up for sale. I would like a GMR OR Sadowsky. They play like the bass collection. But sound much better and are more reliable.
  14. dnarocks


    I have a Spector Euro. Great condition. Plus cash your way. I also have a Spector rebop. Thanks.
  15. Very tempted
  16. Very tempted
  17. Very nice.
  18. Great basses. I have 320. Will never part with it. A solid back up to my Spector euro. Though I replaced all electronics. Have a bump on me
  19. I have a 1x12 genz stl cab with tweeter control. Obviously with cash your way!!!
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