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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Jean-Luc Pickguard last won the day on November 22 2023

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    South of the river

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  1. The only time I was propositioned after a gig, I had to politely decline the offer in question saying, "I'd love to, but I don't think my wife would be too happy about it"
  2. Lozz, this design is on a black Gildan 5000 shirt. If you want to double check the size, there's also a link to a pop-up size guide on the page below the size selection drop-down.
  3. Something similar is available on my online apparel shop, bassthing.uk https://bassthing.uk/shop/tshirts/bass-benefits-t-shirt/
  4. Return To Sender — Elvis
  5. Feet Like Fins — Cocteau twins
  6. I have just uploaded a new version of the band name generator. This has probably around 10× the number of words as the first version. Due to the size of word list, rather than doing everything using javascript in the browser, this new version does all the clever stuff on the server in PHP. This means it is less likely to crash the browser. There is still some work to do before it is officially launched— notably I need to go through the word lists and remove a lot of the crappy/obscure/archaic words. Currently I'd say the app is a fair bit less useful than the previous version due to there currently being a lot of crappy words in the source lists, but once I have edited the lists down, it should improve.
  7. Does something like this come with a case, and if so, how the hell would you carry it? Its a bit of silliness like Elwood's multi-stringed beast in ZZ Top.
  8. It's a fake of a fake.
  9. It appears to be aimed at the kind of people who think smoking would make them look cool.* *it doesn't — it would make them look like they stink.
  10. Is the talent switch available separately, and is there a bass version?
  11. Quartz Going On — Marvin Gaye
  12. Only A Prawn In Their Game — Bob Dylan
  13. I expected him to be hostile after the way he's been speaking over the past few days. If anyone had any doubts about Trump being Putin's puppet, this disgusting behaviour from him towards Zelensky should banish any doubts. He is doing exactly what Putin told him to do. Anyone who voted for this buffoon after all the warning signs should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
  14. Just googled it — There's at least one band with that name
  15. I was at the event last night — you can see the top of my orange/yellow bandana at the far left of the pic, it was a very enjoyable way to spend an evening. I've never played a sandberg, but after hearing Holger I will definitely check one out. It was particularly refreshing to hear Yolanda speak about her approach when she played sessions where she expected there to be a bass part already written which she then interpreted. i.e. if you write an original bass part, you should get a co-credit and royalties.
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