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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Posts posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. are other instruments stomping on your frequencies? There are two guitarists in my band - I remember a rehearsal when the guitarist put changed from Martin electroacoustic and telecaster to Gibson 335 & les Paul and I continued with my jazz bass. The overall sound of the band turned into a mess of low end mush even though we didn't sound any louder - everyone was contributing to the low and low-mids so there was no definition in that part of the audio spectrum. It sounded so bad it was pointless carrying on with the song until they worked out how to eq their amps so that everyone had space

  2. [quote name='ficelles' post='1262198' date='Jun 9 2011, 01:27 AM']You don't believe in defending your friends? Ah well...

    I think your friend could probably do without you attemping to defend him. I wonder whether you can see that you weren't very successful in defending how he had incorrectly listed his bass and managed make you yourself look a little foolish in the process.

    A more successful approach would probably have been to have introduced yourself into the conversation as someone with personal knowledge of the seller and the bass in question and state the facts as you see them along with your opinions of its authenticity in a calm and reasoned manner. Such a post would certainly have made me more willing to give your friend the benefit of doubt about whether the inclusion of incorrect information in the listing was wilful or not.

    Instead you put on a lame hardman act, belittled people who gave the benefit of their knowedge and experience by referring to them as "self-styled experts" and incorrectly threw around false allegations of possible libel - all whilst admitting that you know nothing about the instrument in question and being incapable of providing any evidence to back up your position that the questionable information was correct other than vague unquoted hearsay and wishful thinking.

    If I had acted in such manner (we all have an off-day and make a fool of ourselves ocassionally) and realised I was totally out of order, I would have apologised to the people concerned, but I have no such expectation from you.

  3. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1261218' date='Jun 8 2011, 02:13 PM']I've been using a Schroeder 1212r with a LMII for years now, never had volume issues and it's always done a great job despite being so small.
    It's important to realise that everybody will just recommend what they use though![/quote]
    I use a 1212L (like a 1212R, but neo speakers) for rehearsals & gigs - can't see myself ever needing another amp or cab - sounds great and is tiny, light & loud

  4. [quote name='BB3000S' post='1259968' date='Jun 7 2011, 05:28 PM']Ok, so I couldn't restrain myself from asking our friends on the EBMM forum about this: [url="http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-basses/50001-ebay-stingray-copy-supposedly-ernie-ball-music-man-confirmed-real-ernie-ball-music-man-neck.html"]http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-...c-man-neck.html[/url]
    Clearly this whole thread is growing out of proportion, but hey that's what we do on the internet sometimes. :)[/quote]
    Just looked at BB3000S's post on the EBMM forum - One of the moderators over there (who I recognise as an EBMM expert from the dudepit days) has offered to eat any and all actual EBMM parts from the bass. :)

  5. [quote name='ficelles' post='1260118' date='Jun 7 2011, 07:18 PM']...I think it would be an idea to see if Martin can identify Seller: Member ID stig999000 so their name and address can be published in here. I wonder if that is making anyone nervous...[/quote]

    I can't see how that will help your cause and I can't see how anyone who has posted on this thread will be at all nervous if you did - I'm sure you'd be barking up the wrong tree.

  6. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259720' date='Jun 7 2011, 02:25 PM']I'd be careful using that word "lie" in print btw. Just sayin'.



    [quote]Brand: Musicman[/quote]
    I'm using this definition of Lie: To convey a false image or impression

  7. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259594' date='Jun 7 2011, 12:51 PM']Assuming he hasn't got totally put off by all the b/s re this listing and burnt it.[/quote]
    The only BS is in the ebay listing suggesting that the neck *may* be genuine.

    The listing title *now* says it is a copy, but it is was originally listed as being a musicman bass, but he got rumbled and changed it. It still says *brand: musicman* in the item specifics box, which is untrue, so by definition a lie.

    I am having difficulty understanding the weasly-worded assertion that the neck appears to be *kosher*. I don't agree that this means I'm *a moron* but I would appreciate peoples' opinions on what they think that line means:
    [*]He believes it to be a genuine musicman neck but can't prove it
    [*]He believes it to be a genuine musicman neck and can prove it
    [*]He knows it is not a genuine musicman neck, but it looks like one from a distance if you squint
    [*]He knows it is not a genuine musicman neck, but is hoping for someone as uninformed as he was to take a punt
    [*]A Rabbi say it's OK to eat it?
    [*]Something else

  8. [quote name='ficelles' post='1259216' date='Jun 7 2011, 01:03 AM']Ok kiddo, this seller happens to be a close friend and he ain't lyin' re the neck info. You want to talk about it, maybe come and see me.

    Fyi he HAS contacted MusicMan and HAS been told by MusicMan - after sending detail photos - that the neck looks genuine (I thought there was a separate serial no on the neck to the one on the body but I could be wrong).

    Bravado apart, it's clear he was ripped off on this bass and is being very honest rather than repeating the spiel he was given.

    I have worked on this bass as far as cleaning out the control cavity and using switch cleaner on the pots goes, but since I know zero about MusicMan stuff I can't tell you any more than is in the listing. Whatever it may be it actually plays nicely and sounds pretty good.

    But don't be so quick to call people liars online - he's a genuine guy who has bought unwisely (unkowingly) and is trying to be fair when re-selling by giving all the info he has at his disposal.

    Btw if anyone knows the original seller of this bass I'd like a word with him.

    OK Tough guy, if you want to know whether the neck is genuine, why not let the collected wisdom of basschat see the detailed photos that someone at musicman looked at and paste in the full text of the reply they sent? :)

    Did the musicman representative actually use the word "kosher"?

    What marks / text / numbers are on the back of the headstock?
    Are there extra holes to indicate that the (probably not schaller BML type) tuners are not the original ones?
    How does the truss rod adjust?
    How many mounting holes are in the heel of the neck?

    From the pics posted, the neck does not look right but the pics are not very good. Better pics may show it in a much better or much worse light. i.e. Either the neck is genuine and worth several hundred quid on its own (in which case I and a few others here will eat humble pie) or the "kosher" line is shown to be untrue.

  9. Apart from the lie regarding the neck, the title is still unacceptable even with the word 'copy' thrown in. It is against ebays rules to use a brand name in the title to describe a product which is not made by that manufacturer. Thats why I never sell cheap Hoovers, Sellotape, Biros and Kleenex

  10. I went to a shop with money in my pocket ready to buy the one they had in stock. I had been gassing for it since I had seen it on my previous visit and loved how it looked. When I tried it however - it was heavier than my '81 "QE2 anchor" heavy-ash precision, It had hardly any volume acoustically and the bridge saddle was fixed, so changing to a set of TIs could possibly have resulted in way-off intonation. I went home with the money still in my pocket and no regrets.

  11. I think the HiMass is basically musch the same as a Gotoh. I had a Gotoh originally when I built my fretless precision, but swapped it out as I preferred the punch you get with a BBOT. I did a dry run without drilling (blutak) and tried putting a bridge cover on - it will fit, but the screwholes will need to be between a quarter and half an inch further back than for a BBOT.

    With the screwholes in the normal places it definitely won't fit. With the holes moved back, you should easily still have enough room that the front of the bridge doesn't play peek-a-boo out from the front of the cover.

  12. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1256430' date='Jun 4 2011, 01:13 PM']Brandoni Guitars apparently do a fairly decent one.[/quote]
    I've built a Telecaster guitar & a fretless Precison bass from Brandoni Parts - Necks & bodies seem to be of a quality equivalent to my MIJ Fenders.

  13. [quote name='gjones' post='1256083' date='Jun 3 2011, 11:50 PM']...because Mr Fender obviously though it was needed to keep the scratchplate down. In the eighties they realised it was unnecessry[/quote]
    Not quite how it was. The pickguard material used in the 60s was prone to warping, so without the hole, the guard could lift in this area. The cheaper modern material they used in the 80s was more stable.

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