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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Posts posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. [quote name='Stag' post='100975' date='Dec 7 2007, 03:54 PM']...but it does seem a little stoopid to advertise them as short scale strings and then make them TOO short???[/quote]
    That's what I though, but it was the same for both sets I had. I may have had a couple of rouge sets or they may have been from a Friday afternoon batch, but they were two different guages. On the other hand maybe they forgot that fender made mustangs, musicmasters and broncos and designed the strings for 2x2 headstocks like hofners & danelectros.

    I suspect that the 32" TI jazz flats may fit - I've just put a set on a daisyrock, bit forgot to measure them up against the musicmaster. The Rotos short scale flats definitely fit,but the last few sets I bought had a very inconsistant feel across the strings where two were smooth one was a bit rough and one was very rough. They sound nice on my '71 music master though.

    Have you thought about what pickup you're going to use in the musicmaster when you put it back together? I can recommend a plain black covered cool rails strat humbucker from brandoni - It was £30 when I got mine. When fitted it looks 100% identical to the original pickup. Wire the coils in series and it sounds massive. Also of course there's none of the hum like the original single coil pickup and the bass doesn't sound weak & wooly at all which was a problem particularly on the E string with the original.

  2. [quote name='Stag' post='100852' date='Dec 7 2007, 12:55 PM']Got some nice new La Bella short scales from Stringbusters to put on it when it arrives... cant wait!!!

    I must say - Stringbusters - A1 service there. Uber-fast delivery and very good prices. Two thumbs fresh :) :huh:[/quote]

    [b]Check the G is long enough[/b]

    I've had two sets of LaBella shortscale flatwounds and couldn't use the Gs as they were too short for the musicmasters. Used one set on a daisyrock & the other on a musicmaster with a G from a set of old (but not too old) similar but long scale LaBellas.

  3. [quote name='dood' post='100427' date='Dec 6 2007, 06:40 PM']His prescription nearly had me falling off my chair with excitement.

    "Lots of sex, as often and for as long as you wish." - True story![/quote]

    So I wonder what your would doc prescribe for people with hand/arm problems? :)

  4. [quote name='bremen' post='93355' date='Nov 23 2007, 03:10 PM']Nice finish! What wood is that? Are they Warmoth parts?[/quote]
    I think Nino has used Warmoth parts but may get them from USA custom these days.

    It certainly looks like this bass on the Warmoth site:
    [url="http://www.warmoth.com/gallery/gallery.cfm?fuseaction=include_featured_a"]<a href="http://www.warmoth.com/gallery/gallery.cfm?fuseaction=include_featured_a" target="_blank">http://www.warmoth.com/gallery/gallery.cfm...lude_featured_a[/url]</a>

    His headstock is also features on the usacg site:
    [url="http://usacustomguitars.com/pegheads.html"]<a href="http://usacustomguitars.com/pegheads.html" target="_blank">http://usacustomguitars.com/pegheads.html[/url]</a>

  5. YMMV but what I do is relax & play with a lighter touch & let the amp do its share of the work. I used to get terrible cramp in my forearm during gigs when doing a few faster & louder songs in a row during the second set. These days as I have the amp a bit louder and use a limiter I don't have that problem.

    I can play faster and for longer with a lighter touch & don't need to hammer the strings hard to get an agressive sound. - I also use very low tension strings.

    I also use a red gripmaster which I used to think strengthened my fingers, but I was probably imagining it as Jeff Berlin says they're no good - and he always seems to be so certain about everything. :)

  6. I'm sorry guys, but this is really not a good idea. If basschat is seen as somewhere people openly arrange to exchange illegally copied CDs to each other as is being suggested it might attract unwanted attention and potentially cause trouble for the site owners.

    It would be better for people to send in their own original tracks for which they own the copyright.

    jus' sayin'

  7. To say metronomes have no use is far too sweeping a statement to take seriously.

    Jeff Berlin doesn't do himself any favours if there are bass players that know him for coming across as a bit of a knob and consequently don't check out his music.

  8. My first played/owned was a black "Yamato" Jazz copy which was £75 from Soho Soundhouse (when it was in Soho Square). A couple of years later I worked all Summer in Bejams to get a Cherry Sunburst Fender Precision which I still have. I made the yamato fretless and sold it to a mate.

  9. [quote name='tauzero' post='94965' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:48 AM']Incidentally, the PW one looks as if it has that dreadful spring arrangement on the sleeve which I avoid like the plague as it makes such a noisy and unreliable connection.[/quote]
    Dreadful? :huh::):huh: Not in my experience, in fact just the opposite.

    Whilst I have experienced a noisy and unreliable connection on one of my basses, this was due to using a cable with standard plugs and was caused by the socket.
    Using a Planet Waves cable in the same socket actually cured the issue. The bass that sufferered from this problem was a '71 musicmaster that had the socket replaced with a cheapie one before I got it. The socket's contact was very thin and had lost its springiness and the jack seemed loose in when plugged in with a normal cable. Replacing the socket with a switchcraft cured the problem.

    I always use planet waves cables as do the guitarists I play with. None of us has ever had any problems with them.

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