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Jean-Luc Pickguard

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Everything posted by Jean-Luc Pickguard

  1. [quote name='BassBunny' post='63877' date='Sep 21 2007, 11:32 PM']It looks like the wrong jack socket to mount on the control plate. When i got the EMG's for my Jazz they supplied a pre-wired stereo jack to power the pick-ups. Looks like this giuy lost his and used whatever he could lay his hands on. Weird.[/quote] The decal is fake. So the neck is unlikely to be Fender. I wonder if the body or anything else is genuine...
  2. I'm sure the counter staff at Eric Lindsey Music in Catford will have a go if you really want it done... See this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6049"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6049[/url]
  3. Apart from the fact they have no idea how to do a convicing relic job, I bet the customer was ignorant of the MIM routes under the pickguard being so different to the jaco bass and will get a bit of a nasty surprise with the swimming pool round the neck pickup. The discuss covering over the wiring route with gaffa - Yeah that's going to look so cool . An MIM jazz really needs to keep its frock on.
  4. Next time someone need a definition of the word dickhead, they should be referred to this video. It sounds like the customer wanted a jaco bass so they offered to relic a mex std, not having the slightest idea how to do it or the differences between lacquer and poly finishes.
  5. I think the last set of strings I bought were about £40 for a 5 sting set of TI flats to replace the stock strings on a new £200 Peavey. The TIs will probably last about ten years, so I consider that a bargain. I used to use Rotosound flats, but I had three sets of crap ones turn up in one order once and haven't risked them since.
  6. A japanese sting bass has the wrong type of paint to relic convincingly. Plus the fugly pearl signature marker will look even more wrong on a relic.
  7. [quote name='Bass_Widow' post='63196' date='Sep 20 2007, 04:58 PM']He has a very garish purple signiture bass.... doesn't really fit anywhere in the house. [/quote] This One? Its lfalex innit?
  8. No one really needs more than one bass and one guitar My missus started complaining when the total reached around seventeen basses & twelve geetars including the kids' instruments...
  9. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='63062' date='Sep 20 2007, 12:51 PM']I generally get more attentive service in Sound Control, believe it or not.[/quote] They're the same company these days aren't they?
  10. I'd love to see Line6 (or someone else) make a reliable 500W head with a similar size & weight of a Mark Bass LMII and line 6 flexibility including a good compressor/limiter.
  11. [quote name='51m0n' post='62357' date='Sep 18 2007, 09:44 PM']My advice - get a pair of PZMs (pressure zone microphone).[/quote] I have a pair of "tandy/realistic" PZMs. & they work very well.They are actually balanced mics: you can snip off the minijacks & put on XLRs. Converting them to phantom powering can also be done but is very fiddly. I used to swear by them ,but as you have to sort out the batteries, cables and recording device I'd always use the H4 these days.
  12. I have just bought a 1212L and I'm over the moon about how small and light it is compared to my Ashdown MAG cabs. I must admit I'm surprised you're thinking of getting a PJB suitcase -Its actually about the same weight as the 1212L and the LMII together. I'd have thought the briefcase would be a more appropriate choice as its half the size. I'd probably get one of the smaller schroeder cabs like a mini10L+ to use with the LM in the house and for "acoustic" gigs if the missus complained about the 1212L being "on display".
  13. My first impressions of listening to the 1212L were not good with my crate powerbock, but I guess thats because it can only put out 75W out of a single channel into a 4 Ohm cab and its also designed as a guitar amp. It was all fuzzy and unfocussed. I have gigged with the crate using the 8Ohm bridged output into my Ashdown MAG 210, but I guess I can't use it as a spare anymore with the 1212L. No problem really: the last powerblock on ebay went for more than the new price I paid, so I should be able to get my money back on it. Trying the 1212L with the MAG300 head it sounded very bright at home, I wasn't sure about how I would need to tweak the eq on the amp for the best sound live so for the gig I decided to use my Highway 1 jazz with John East J-retro to be able to do any eq adjustments on the bass. At the gig the schroeder sounded absolutely majestic. I had no problem getting the sound I wanted with the MAG's eq flat, just adjusting the J-retro. I mostly used a sound I found that I absolutely loved. It cut right through the mix, but also had warmth without any wooliness. It was almost like I have previously been playing with a duvet over the speakers when I used other cabs. I kept the tweeter control set to 12 o'clock, however as the knob protrudes a bit I pulled it off to minimise the risk of any damage occuring to the pot in the boot of the car. As the 1212L is smaller than the MAG210 I was able to fit the MAG head and my bits & bobs bags in the boot of my smallish car where the head would not fit in with the MAG210 cab, so thats an added bonus. All in all I'm glad to have joined the "Schroeder Club". Jorg does indeed make wonderful cabs. Now I just need to find the perfect head to go with it as the MAG sounds good, but I'd like something smaller, lighter and more powerful. Maybe a littlemark II?
  14. At last count, 15: NS-Design CR5M upright Fender Highway 1 Jazz with j-retro Arctic White Epiphone Thunderbird Ashbory Stentor Student 3/4 DB '90 MIJ "Jamerson" '62 reissue Precision 81 "heavy ash" cherry sunburst precision Fretless 'parts' Precision Peavey Millennium 5 AC BXP Danelectro longhorn Squier vista musicmaster '71 Fender Musicmaster '86 Hohner B2A 'cricketbat' Dean Pace upright Homemade 1 string "plank" EUB
  15. My 1212L was delivered this morning. I should have had it delivered to home as it was waiting for me when I got into the office. I can't wait to get it home and put it through its paces (quietly). First thing I noticed is the carpety felty covering is kind of blue which looks better than the black on my Ashdown MAGs also it is easier to carry than my MAG115 & 210 cabs, similar in weight, but it seems to look even smaller than I expected.
  16. I have ordered a 1212L from SHXmusic - should be delivered tomorrow hopefully. I haven't had a chance to try one yet though, I just know I need something light that weill be loud enough and the Schroder seems to fit the bill from what I have heard. I will put it through its paces onstage on Sunday.
  17. [quote name='Legion' post='59156' date='Sep 12 2007, 11:17 AM']Unfortunately with them being monster strings it pulled the neck a bit and put the action rather high, so I tried to correct it but seem to have been left with a buzz on only the open E string.J[/quote] Did you just adjust the action at the bridge? The reason the action went higher is because there was more tension pulling on the neck, so you should have tighened the truss rod first to set the relief correctly, then made any nesessary height adjustments at the bridge and nut if necessary.
  18. I use TI flats and have no trouble with thru stringing even on the low "B" of a 5 string, however LaBella recommend not to with their strings. here: [url="http://www.juststrings.com/lab-0760m.html"]http://www.juststrings.com/lab-0760m.html[/url] However, despite that I have used a medium guage short scale set of LaBella Deep Talkin' flats on a thru-strung with no problems.
  19. If you can manage to drink a couple of fliptop bottles of Grolsch you'll find a pair of straplocks that fit your existing strap buttons attached to the stoppers. That's all I use on my basses after an unfortuanate incident where a schaller one unscrewed itself causing a bass to hit the floor.
  20. Anyone who thinks the sh1te whipes are blueprint for the the future of rock n roll should be given the opportunity to listen to Clatter. Some bands have guitar and no bass and some have bass and no guitar. I remember the 80s when drum machines heralded the death of the drummer. Lazy and stupid journalism just makes the journalist look lazy and stupid.
  21. [quote name='Musky' post='57330' date='Sep 8 2007, 10:59 AM']Thinking about it, that night was a jam night rather than a O5B gig - I think your guitarist was missing. I love your regular set though, so different to most other covers bands. Any gigs coming up? Just took a look at your website and there weren't any listed.[/quote] Oh yes, It must have been one of Robin's jams at the Windsor, so it would have probably been the o5b rhythm section of myself & Mark with Sandy and a few other jammers I think I may have been playing the Dean pace upright that night. The whole band be at the Grove Tavern oposite South Wimbledon tube next Sunday 16th Sept for a charity fundraiser they're hosting. I'm not sure what time we're on, but there will probably be a several bands running all afternoon & evening. I'll put it on the o5b web site & myspace when find out the running order.
  22. Samuel Pepys wrote about his Bass Viol in his diary.
  23. The LEDs are a nice feature, but the cats eyes and silly little pickguard would make me keep my cash in my pocket (at least if I had any).
  24. Not only do I use the open E & A strings very often, I tend to slip in a low D by flipping the hipshot D-tuner to go lower than the open E on a few songs. Teachers (not specifically music teachers) sometimes present opinion as fact without backing it up withthing resembling common sense. Sometimes its nice to play both the open A and the A at the 5th Fret of the E string within a line because of the different feel it lends at different points of the line/riff.
  25. [quote name='Musky' post='57017' date='Sep 7 2007, 02:59 PM']Obviously 5 belivers! I've caught your band a few times (including that jam with a digeridoo player on Whole Lotta Love - classic ) Hats off to you sir. Very impressive.[/quote] Well, Thank you very much, not sure I remember that one. We must have been there with my mate Sandy - He's played didj with Rolf Harris as well as with Plant & Page, but he sometimes has trouble playing in different keys for some reason.
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