My first tiny bass was a black Ashbory, then I got a blue one to keep it company as they're like guinea pigs and get lonely. I grew to dislike the stock latex string which took forever to get in tune and would occasionally snap for no reason when the bass was in the case, so I started using Kala Pahoehoe strings when these became available. Due to the tiny scale length and lack of frets it was not easy to play the ashborys in tune.
Then when Thomann first launched their kahuna uke bass (based on a half size acoustic guitar) I ordered one but had to return it due to faults, then I had to return its replacement due to a different fault and I kept the third one for a while. I also used pahoeho strings on this. It was difficult to get a good tone using this bass and it was very prone to feedback.
I eventually upgraded to a Kala SMHG-FS ubass - the one with a solid Mahogany top & tortoiseshell binding. I used pahoehoe strings on this for a while, but at the London bass guitar show a few years ago I met Mike Upton (owner of Kala) who was exhibiting various kala models including one that came fitted with Galli flatwound ubass strings which have a nylon core and Chrome steel flat wrap. I bought a set of the strings and Martin at the gallery reshaped the nut slots on my ubass to enable the strings to be used. After many years I was finally happy with my tiny bass.