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Everything posted by DarkHeart

  1. Haha no it`s Victoria from the WWE, the wife was into it when we met so we compromised with signed pics!
  2. This ^
  3. Yeah, Ive got all the paperwork for it so thought why not and I`ve still got the original neck which if I ever sell it will be included free.
  4. I asked a question on the repair section and among my friends about replacing the truss rod in a Fender neck (previous owner had snapped the nut off), too much hassle was the cry, especially as it`s a bound neck.....bugger! So here I am with a Fender Vintera 70`s Jazz bass in Inca Silver, the body is truly immaculate, anyway I tried several reputable websites including Fenders own and no new Fender neck of the same spec are available. I turned my attention to Northwest Guitars, they did a very similar bound and block neck but with rosewood rather than pau ferro and a bone nut rather than synthetic, get in my basket! These necks are now also out of stock as it happens so i bought mine just in time. I contacted a mate of mine who does refinishes and set ups and got him to refinish the neck in the correct tint and also apply the decals (yes I know its not a genuine Fender neck but the rest of the bass is so thats my argument) anyway I picked the bass up from him yesterday and oh my what a pretty thing she is, I think it`s a keeper despite the relatively low output of the pickups (im used to either humbuckers or active or both) the neck feels every bit as nice as the original in the hand and it just looks lovely, all this for a swap for a cheapy bitsa, definitely my score of 2020!
  5. The 3rd from the left has the easier stringing especially if you`re trying to re string with used strings.
  6. Intonation isn`t usually a problem its getting a decent action thats the tricky bit.
  7. Funny you should say that 😉
  8. Put an extra strap button on the heel and use a wide suede backed strap.
  9. Its a shame they decided on a 3 point bridge otherwise It might have been a bit more tempting.
  10. I`ve had the 5 string, got it for £40 as it had a badly fitted nut, I changed the nut for a wider cheap adjustable one, the pickup for a Warman one and the bridge and got a really nice playable 5 string out of it, £115 for one is a decent price.
  11. There`s this... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Boston-Neck-Jb-Style-Maple-Pau-Ferro-21-Frets-Paddle-Head-9-5-Radius/324237329467?hash=item4b7e0d043b:g:8xoAAOSw2VpfF9nP
  12. I`ve just bought the block and bound rosewood neck from NW, not got round to fitting it yet but its well finished and a better fit in my jazz body than the original fender one!
  13. I`ve just got hold of a Fender Vintera Jazz in a trade which has a sheared off truss rod nut, is it worth getting someone to replace the rod or just buy a new neck? Bass itself is mint condition and basically cost me next to nothing!
  14. Isn`t a T/bird technically a single cut?
  15. I quite like the headless basses.
  16. Bought a bridge from John, first class comms and very quickly delivered. Cheers Jeff
  17. I`ve just come across this thread for the first time and as I`m an owner of the 5 string variant and have had zero issues with mine, no painted neck, bridges in line, nut isn`t brilliant but I can live with it, the only thing with mine is it was advertised as blue and is green. The neck on my 5er is a joy to play, not too wide but lovely and shallow, if I had a gripe it would probably be the pups and pre amp but it was only £290 .....a steal!
  18. Yeah, I bought the body off ebay which is paulownia, if I ever see an ash or anything other than paulownia I`ll be re bodying it, pulownia is a nightmare to work with if you don`t have much gear. The pickups are Warman, the bridge is a Overlord of music which have had bad reviews but this one seems ok with my little mods, the neck was bought off here years ago and I`ve since added a vbt loom rather than the hidden switches as I couldn`t get the sound out of it I was wanting. The string retainers are cheap chinese things but they are getting replaced shortly with the retainer that came with the bridge.
  19. Got another top quality loom from John, cheers!
  20. I`ll have that, pm me your details for paypal . Jeff
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