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Everything posted by DarkHeart

  1. try spraying with spray filler primer then sanding back http://compare.ebay.co.uk/like/140697000005?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&adtype=pla
  2. Got some vintage fender reissue pups fitted now, some fender tuners in the post and a neck plate with the `F` for Funder logo etched on it there will probably be one last pic in the thread before i start on its brother, im going to strip a squire precision back to the wood, oil it wax it get and the same colour scratchplate although i will leave the logo alone in the words of Arnie "I`ll be back"
  3. im going to do the same with a Squire precision to match (hopefully) my jazz when its finished so im following this thread
  4. that looks superb shame you couldnt get see thru knobs
  5. I agree with the lack of grain filler, its going to take a lot of coats of paint and a lot of sanding to get the grain out of the finish, you could try a couple of coats of spray filler primer before sanding it down.
  6. that looks amazing, just read the whole thread, then looked at my tbird copy and now theres evil thoughts buzzing around my brain and ive got a neck to play with hmmmmmm
  7. just tell her that when you saw it its beauty reminded you of her and she will either go awwwwww and go all gushy or hit you over the head with something for saying she looks like a piece of wood!
  8. I`ll take the chrome machines if theyre still for sale, pm me your details. Jeff
  9. Mmmmmmmmm nuff said!
  10. maybe if he had used the correct handed tuners he wouldnt have had that problem,
  11. it plays really well and doesnt sound too bad either if im honest (i probably dont need new pups but you know how it is ) i dont really have much experience of guitar exotica but this plays easily as well as my 5 string rockbass streamer which is the most expensive bass ive owned but dare i say that this looks better
  12. Damn, no Bartolinis for me outbid in the last seconds :-(
  13. To be honest ive no idea what kind of neck it is, i bought it off a guy on here.
  14. a paralympian special, edition? thats just wrong!!
  15. what dont you rate about the Bartolinis? ive never owned any as ive never really had a good enough bass to justify buying decent pups for but i think im going to with this one, bare in mind i play in a rock band and never solo haha
  16. My work in progress Jazz is done (maybe ) so here it is and also my ahem `personalization` on the headstock [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/IMG_0003.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/IMG_0001.jpg[/IMG]
  17. this wasnt so much a build as a `lets stick some bits together and see what happens` idea. here it is my £50 p/bass [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80260.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80261.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80262.jpg[/IMG] neck pocket is as snug as a bug in a rug now, magnum ice creams do have their uses!
  18. haha i dont think i could part with it im facing a dilemma now though, a pair of Bartolinis on fleabay at £40 aaaargh! i might have to scratch the budget bit off the title haha
  19. just bought some needle files and done it, thanks for the advice, must remember to put a dremmel on my next xmas list!
  20. ive just got a jap, pb scratchplate to fit onto a no namer body and the pickup i have (off a washburn) fits through the plate until it gets to the screw lugs which are way too big to go through, my question is are they supposed to fit through? the pickup itself will be a country mile away from the strings if thats how they are or do fender use a different sized pickup? [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80258.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80259.jpg[/IMG] i could modify the current pickup by trimming the height of the lug down but thats a last resort as it might get put back onto its original guitar
  21. DarkHeart


    originally put mine in here as `work in progress` its finished now, here it is. [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/IMG_0002.jpg[/IMG] and the headstock logo [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/IMG_0001.jpg[/IMG]
  22. Well here it is the last installment, logo arrived this morning and ive got to say im over the moon with it and would recommend the guy who made it wholeheartedly! His ebay name is `bobs_decals` he charges £7.50 for 2 decals and to me its just added the finishing touch to what has turned out totally beyond my expectations! Thanks to everyone for the input and ideas and also the very kind words, heres a few more pics of the now fully finished Funder Jeff Bass! [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/IMG_0008.jpg[/IMG] now what can i do next?
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