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Everything posted by DarkHeart

  1. Haha, of course ill post pics with the cream covers then put it to the vote as to which colour covers are staying on!
  2. Go on then i'll take them, pm me your details and i'll sort payment out tonight.
  3. Haha for a minute i thought you were going to say cream coloured wilkinson pickups ;-) i have actually been wondering about those you have for sale, ive never had any wilkinson pups are they any good for the money?
  4. haha well, i did sort of suggest if it turned out nice it would warrent better pups and controls and it has, still a cheap bass though at under £120 with the new controls, the main thing is though playing something youve sourced the parts for and put together yourself, you cant buy the feeling when you first plug it in and it works! i know its nowhere near as good as some of the beauties that are built on here but its mine and i did it.
  5. ive cheated a bit and bought a better quality pre wired control plate just need to work out what i want to do about the pickup choice now.
  6. thanks for the kind comments, ive no idea what kind of neck it is as it was bought 2nd hand off here but its really nice, it definitely needs new pots as even though these are new they work backwards and only really make a difference at the last 1/4 of a turn. the neck pickup is fairly meaty but the bridge pickup is a bit thin (its off my washburn) so i will probably buy a new bridge pup and pots or there are some emg pups for sale on here that i might inquire about. main thing is everything works and its playable.
  7. ok call me mr impatient but after 3 coatings of oil i decided i liked the colour as it matched the neck so ive waxed it, built it, played it, now im going to wax it again and leave it alone for a few days to sort itself out. it definately needs a better control panel as the volume pots seem all over the place and i will probably treat it to better pickups purely on the fact that it plays great and in my opinion looks great as well. im quite chuffed with it if im honest! its gone from this, [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80190.jpg[/IMG] to this in 3 weeks.
  8. just read one of his latest ebay adverts and he is now considering himself as a `pro guitar improver` rather than `master bodger gluthier` this advert has tickled me somewhat i love how he reckons the Gould has a better neck and finish than the `USA Strat` he had in for work the gould is also only £94 brand new. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USA-style-electric-guitar-by-Gould-in-sunburst-finish-/190718420817?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c67b42751"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2c67b42751[/url]
  9. no idea, i dont think it was the guy who i got it off on ebay he just said a local luthier
  10. i got it off ebay for 20 quid it was covered in about half an inch of grey primer! supposedly swamp ash its nice and light with a nice grain, it matches the neck bought off bc member rapscallion a treat, its definitely a keeper as ive always wanted a jazz but i think once its up and running the budget part of the title might get removed as im hoping it warrants better pups and pots! i think i might get a headstock decal of `Faker Jeff Bass` made as youve guessed it my names Jeff
  11. just out of curiosity i attached the neck, stuck the pups bridge and control plate on just to see what it looked like, i like it, im hoping with a few more coats of oil it doesnt darken down too much but as its just the neutral colour i dont think it will as it almost matches the neck spot on, i could even be tempted to leave the scratchplate off, i screwed the bridge down last night and stuck a couple of strings on and was very impressed with the action without any fiddling with truss rods it was as good as anything ive got, i could easily be tempted to sell my Washburn for a decent set of pups! anyway i bet your all getting bored with all the pics and posts so heres another pic [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80224.jpg[/IMG]
  12. 1st coat of oil gone on it, looks ok but 1 or 2 runs on it, ill possibly get another coat on it in the morning then im off for my birthday weekend (this is my prezzie to myself ) [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/2012_09070008.jpg[/IMG]
  13. couple of things added today, tuners arrived (cheers psychoandy) and duly fitted and ive lined the control cavity with copper tape whether it needs it or not also ive fitted the strap buttons, still waiting for the danish oil to arrive but with any luck i could have it at least strung for my birthday on sunday as this is my prezzie to myself [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80221.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80220.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80222.jpg[/IMG]
  14. Andy could you keep the top neck for me for a week friday and ill have it, thats if you havent sold it yet.
  15. Very very nice
  16. i might be able to get a stainless one polished at work to match the control plate
  17. yeah and theres a stainless steel one for sale on here thats tempting me as well
  18. with the pups, bridge and control panel on the white doesnt look so bad, the wood will probably darken down when i oil it so the white might stay for a while yet [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80218.jpg[/IMG]
  19. i was thinking black funnily enough as it will contrast the wood better than the white
  20. haha yeah football, big news today is...............we have a neck! Ta Da! fits nice and snug just waiting for the tuners and neck plate then thats all the bits sorted.
  21. my first plan was to paint it yellow with a blue scratchplate as the yellow was suggested by a very dear friend of mine and the blue scratchplate would have made it the same colours as Leeds away kit but that went out of the window haha
  22. as a side note to my particular sacking, the band im in now just welcomed the drummer from the 1990 band into the fold so now its me the guitarist and the drummer from the original 5 piece, he turned up to the practice today armed with all our 20 odd year old demos and we all agreed it was the singer that sacked me that was sh*t and best of all the old chemistry is back!
  23. not sure about what the neck is at the moment as ive bought it unseen off a member on here but im hoping it will be here midweek at the latest
  24. with a white plate, not so sure yet [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j186/jeffhop/SNV80210.jpg[/IMG]
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