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Everything posted by Bass-Thing

  1. OK this thread was actually about replacing my Amplug which I've found! Not remotely interested in whether or not you can get an app or a laptop to work folks. I have my lovely wife to do that...Sorry, though I will say if you are still using a PC and not a Mac, I can neither understand nor be held responsible. Any opinions on the DEAN portable bass headphone amp?...
  2. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1337391025' post='1659359'] That sure is a beauty. Here is my most recent acquisition.... [/quote] Uuunnhhh...Thank you! You have just made an old man very happy! Did you ever toy with the idea of a gold mirror scratchplate? Worth a try
  3. [quote name='budget bassist' timestamp='1218483088' post='260320'] I think the humble musicman bass deserves it's own porn thread, they're not the most expensive, but they're definitely some of the best basses you can get short of getting a custom shop! To get the ball rolling, here's my not so expensive, but still lush sounding and playing SUB bass: Let's see what other beauties you guys have got, i know there are plenty out there! [size=1]EDIT: sorry for the huge photos if any of you have particularly slow internet like mine is being at the moment![/size] [/quote] That is beautiful. Mine is exactly the same except I've stuck a mirror pickguard on it. Can I just ask you how you are posting your photos? I can only stick tiny little thumbnails on.
  4. Brilliant! Back in the day I only had one bass - a Squier P-bass funnily enough. I thought it would be nice maybe to have a back up, went for a browse in a music shop and came out with a lovely used SRX300 that became my main bass for several years. Always regret selling it. They are fabulous basses and I hope you enjoy yours (the 500 has superior pickups/bridge etc.) Be warned though. My collection, or Harem as I call it, has expanded somewhat over the years and I'm sure yours will too.
  5. In fact I'm thinking I could stick this neck onto my P-bass and put the Status J bass neck that's on it at the moment onto this body so then I'd have the 70's RI P-bass I've been lusting after and an active jazz with a carbon graphite neck......STOPPIT!!!!!!
  6. That is lovely and I'm sorely tempted. As far as I'm aware what you have is basically a Geddy Lee neck and they have to be the best necks on the planet. I did actually play both a Geddy Lee and a 70s RI P-Bass at GAK and they felt the same. The rest of the build looks great. I think this bass is an absolute bargain and I'd be surprised if it lasted a week on here.
  7. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1342351382' post='1733522'] I have the Amplitube app with iRig and I personally think it's better than the Pocket GK one. Horses for courses though [/quote] Thanks that's good to know. It's a cheaper set up too from what I can tell, though you have to have a bass amp bolt on I think I was curious to know if iRig worked with the PocketGK or if you have to get and iRiff port. Anyway now I've found my good ol' amplug I can take my time choosing. Also curious to know how the Micro H turns out Bluejay.
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1342290944' post='1732948'] It strikes me that if the internet didn't exist there wouldn't be much in the way of GAS and I was thinking. If I sold every bass I have, and had just a (good) passive jazz bass.... well all the music that I want to play that could do. and wouldn't it be easier that way? [/quote] I've always felt that if I could only keep one of my basses it would without hesitation be my Geddy Lee. I don't think you would ever regret buying a really good jazz bass and surely it would be ok to make it a 3 bass only rule? I have always fuelled my GAS by looking in the windows of music shops and browsing. As a young boy it was Charing Cross Rd and Denmark St. Now I'll go in and ask to try something which really doesn't help. I don't think the net has made that much difference in that I've always preferred seeing the real thing to looking at pictures Sadly the net does make it easier to impulse buy though I'm glad I didn't buy a gorgeous and ridiculously cheap Squier deluxe iv (I've tried one and it's surprisingly good) that was for sale on here yesterday (black with badass and gold hardware £120 for f*** sake!). Fortunately it's gone already.
  9. ...and guess what? Found my Amplug! My specialist subject should have been the bleedin' obvious! Anyway very grateful for the advice I've had here and I think the PocketGK will shortly be joining my arsenal. If Palmer made a dedicated bas amp though...
  10. [quote name='spellonyou' timestamp='1342286180' post='1732866'] i have the korg pandora px5d, and it works pretty well for me. also, it handles down to low-B without sounding funny. i did an a-b test in the shop between the pandora mini and the px5d, and found the sound quality of the px5d to be superior. if you're looking for nothing more than a good quality instrument headphone amp though, i would consider trying out the one that is made by Palmer. It's more expensive than the amplug but cheaper than the pandora mini. i have not tested the Palmer myself but seen good reviews about it on the web. [/quote] Had a look at both and to be honest I think I'm probably going to go down the iPhone app route. The Korg looked a little complicated for me and the Palmer looked great but is definitely a guitar amp first and foremost. My teacher has advised me to have a good pocket headphone amp setup for music college and I realised I can't find my good old amplug. I know it will turn up though. Thanks for your help though. Much appreciated
  11. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1342273957' post='1732655'] If you have an iPhone, then the Gallien-Krueger app might do for you. You'd need a cable that most probably is more expensive than the Amplug, but OTOH, this is way more flexible and gives way better sound. Other apps do roughly the same, like GarageBand and iShred Live, which both incorporate a choice of amps and effect pedals. best, bert [/quote] I do indeed have an iPhone and the PocketGK looks absolutely perfect. The iRiffport is expensive but opens up a load of other really good iPhone apps like Garageband. Might be something that you'd find useful Bluejay?
  12. Relieved it's sold because I seriously don't need it but was going to buy it cos it's just gorgeous.....
  13. I think the Amplug is great and it's suprememly portable but it doesn't handle below E too well. I don't want to buy another if there is something better out there, especially when the moment I do I know that the lost one will turn up! Any ideas folks?
  14. BUMP!!! Why not buy them both and have a $$$$? Seriously for less than the price of a new German $$ you could have a German $$ plus a Chinese $$ as a backup!!!
  15. Bump for the bargain of the Century!
  16. Bass-Thing


    Hola! Encantado!
  17. Bass-Thing


    [quote name='rushers' timestamp='1340666850' post='1707989'] Hey everyone, figured I should introduce myself, I've been playing bass for about 4 years now and I am going to BIMM (Bristol Institute of Modern Music) in October to study for a BA in professional musicianship - 3 year course. After that, hopefully will have the qualifications and skills to do session work in between performing with my band, who are also moving down to Bristol. If anyone is interested here's a link to our EP, which you can download for free [url="http://lieslieslies.bandcamp.com/"]http://lieslieslies.bandcamp.com/[/url] My current rig is Dingwall ABZ V --> Line 6 G30 Wireless --> Boss Tu-2 --> MXR M133 --> EHX Freeze pedal --> TC Electronic BG500 2x10 I am about to purchase a Genz Benz 9.2 head and a Vanderkerly 112EXT cab. hopefully if I have any money left over (which I doubt), I will also be able to get a Darkglass B3k. I am keen to experiment with effects with bass also, if anybody can recommend some effects that'd be cool. I have recently subsribed to bass guitar gazing and have done a fair amount of journalistic work, so I would also like to think I could write for No Treble or Bass guitar magazine at some point in the near future. Here's my cover of The Arusha Accord's 'Dead To Me' - I've had some lessons with their bassist Luke Williams and he approaches it in a really different way that I think is overlooked, check them out. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1MdWwiBrvM&[/media] I could go on but I'll save the ranting. Cheers guys and girls. Rushers. [/quote] Welcome to the forum mate. I will be doing the same course only in Brighton and only the first year as a Pro Dip. I'm going to be 50 however and I would swap all my basses for some of your youth (well maybe not the Geddy Lee!). Enjoy your studies. The world needs more good bassists.
  18. [quote name='groovebuster' timestamp='1342186551' post='1731129'] best.. america, worst... uk. is there nowhere on this god forsaken rock i can try out a stingray classic? how bout a 62 p bass? has any 1 here ever seen a 75 jazz bass on a shelf. i doubt it! every shop full of useless cheapo tat. uk sucks. [/quote] GAK in Brighton has all of those on the shelf. So has Guitar Guitar in Epsom. Also the best sucking I've ever experienced has been in the USA. Maybe get out a bit more?...
  19. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1341927327' post='1726321'] Best "physical" shops - Andertons in Guildford: Friendly, knowledgeable staff who will work hard to find the right bit of kit for you. GAK in Brighton: masses of stock, if you can go at a quiet time you can try things out to your heart's content. Rockability in Haywards Heath: tiny second-hand guitar store, friendly and some major bargains to be had at times. Worst: American Guitar Centre in Tonbridge. Rude and unhelpful, lovely stuff though. Denmark Street: not what it used to be. I don't have much experience of shopping on-line. Suffice to say though after trying Thomann twice, I won't be using them again. Their customer service for after-sales issues is rude, unhelpful and s-l-o-w. [/quote] Sorry to disagree but I am surprised Rockability are still in business. The setups I've had them do have taken ages and been hopeless, their excuse being 'there was nothing that needed doing' when there clearly was. I've also gone in, waited and been ignored so I've left. No excuse for rudeness and ignorance. No credit cards accepted but they sell instruments and amps for over £500. I think they stumble along because of their rehearsal space and music lessons for kids. Won't be sad when they are gone. On the other hand Carousel music in HH are a superb establishment and Jon their guitar tech is an absolute genius. Agree with everything else you say though. I think we're all glad the Bass cellar in Denmark St has finally gone. They told me once I couldn't try a Rickenbacker unless I bought it. I've had good stuff from Thomann too but they are too big for a good personal service.
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1340714888' post='1708440'] Here's a little trio of Foderas, in age order from left to right: [/quote] Any chance of a pic of the Wes Steed Herbie Flowers j bass?
  21. Nice bass! Welcome to Basschat.
  22. [quote name='Bass-Thing' timestamp='1342100378' post='1729579'] OK slightly strange Bump we have here. Folks if you are REMOTELY interested in buying my bass, you should definitely check out this one which is still for sale at an utterly ridiculous bargain price: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172375-for-sale-warwick-corvette-double-buck-4-string-price-drop-l375/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] This is not a Rockbass but a genuine full on German Warwick Corvette $$ going for the same money as I want for my Rockbass. My bass is a bargain for the money so what does that make this? The reason I'm advertising this bass is because I thought it had been sold so I posted my Rockbass details on the same page to see if anyone was interested. Bang out of order as it's still unbelieveably for sale. If I got on with the Corvette shape I would buy it myself. Seriously you'd be bonkers to buy my bass while this one is still available. [/quote] Incidentally this has been approved by Moderators folks.
  23. OK slightly strange Bump we have here. Folks if you are REMOTELY interested in buying my bass, you should definitely check out this one which is still for sale at an utterly ridiculous bargain price: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172375-for-sale-warwick-corvette-double-buck-4-string-price-drop-l375/page__fromsearch__1 This is not a Rockbass but a genuine full on German Warwick Corvette $$ going for the same money as I want for my Rockbass. My bass is a bargain for the money so what does that make this? The reason I'm advertising this bass is because I thought it had been sold so I posted my Rockbass details on the same page to see if anyone was interested. Bang out of order as it's still unbelieveably for sale. If I got on with the Corvette shape I would buy it myself. Seriously you'd be bonkers to buy my bass while this one is still available.
  24. [quote name='MysticGuitar' timestamp='1341996914' post='1727520'] Thanks for the advice I will tell Tom you suggested that. He isn't too fond of eBay, as the last time he sold a bass on there he was inundated with responses which asked him to ship it to another country. He hates shipping his basses because it risks getting damaged (based on our prior experience with other items that became damaged upon arrival, despite being packed extra well). I do think he'll go that route, though, if there are no takers here. He hates losing the bass, so he isn't in much of a rush yet. I can't blame him. [/quote] He can make it UK only, for collection only and do a buy it now or best offer price. Having done a bit of research, I think he should put it on for £3000 and see what offers come in. The trouble is generally that nobody has any money at the moment.
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