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Kenny Gair

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Everything posted by Kenny Gair

  1. Yeh sure. I am no major hurry. Have another to sell (that I think will be gone tomorrow). Are you gigging here?
  2. Decided to keep it. Lovely bass that really shouldn't go.
  3. Need shot to fund my bass lust
  4. WITHDRAWN [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Looking to sell my lovely Mazeti active fretless to fund the purchase of another instrument. I bought this about a year ago and have used it both live and in the studio. It behaved perfectly. Had it set up by a luthier (repair God) when I bought it, fitted a bone nut to replace the crap plastic one and played it. The bass is in superb condition despite being used live. Fitted with a set of Picato Custom flats, the bass sounds and plays very well. Based in Lanarkshire. Happy to travel (within reason). Would consider a trade but would need to be up the way (I can part with cash for the right instrument).[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]You can see and hear it in action here: [[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju5tCaFZ0Pc[/media][/font][/color]
  5. [size=4]I found a post on another bass forum where a guy reckons he is using [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Innovation Rockabilly nylon core strings on a Stagg EDB. All seems reasonably sensible to me.[/font][/color][/size]
  6. Ahhh....that just answered my next question re magnetic pickups. Thanks. It [iezo bridge pickup in the Stagg. I assume that should be OK?
  7. Thanks Tom, yeh....practice, practice, practice. Strength has become a bit better and I do find it a bit easier but the strings really bother me. I must admit to being a little reluctant to spend the best part of £200 on a set of strings for a £300 instrument though. All that said, the strings may make a huge difference and be worth the spend. Hmm, food for thought.
  8. No bowing at all. Thanks.
  9. OK Dudes, I added a fairly useful Stagg 3/4 to my wee collection of basses as an interesting add on for recording and a little live work however, I am not really that fond of the string tension and find it tiresome to play over long periods. So, I thought perhaps (after taking a little advice) it might be an idea to change the strings for something with a little less tension. I was advised by a pro player to look t the Thomastik Spirocore low tension set but my wallet ran away and hid when I found a set on Amazon. Whilst I am not adverse to pay a few quid for a decent set of strings, my Aberdonian ancestry keeps pulling me back. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Oh and as an aside......if any of you use one of theses basses..... I am constantly tormented by the body side bar falling out. Anyone found a solution?
  10. Brill thanks Lozz
  11. How do you find the 15? I have a 4x10 and am sick of having a sore back but I like the 4ohm ness of it. I see the 15 is 8 Ohms..... bit concerned about having to buy two cabs to get the full 500w.
  12. Handwired, that's good info thanks. As I spend a lot of time playing blues/jazz style of music, the old school really appeals however, the lack of bottom end may pose a bit of a problem. Perhaps a different bass and style of play may change that....I'll see soon enough. I was a bit concerned about the DI only having post and not pre. All that said, that's the engineer's problem, not mine :-P Cheers
  13. Way too sensible advice! Maybe I just fancy an upgrade.... at £500 odd quid, it seems like reasonable option.
  14. Hi all, OK...dilemma. I have a wee Ampeg B2re tranny head that, despite what you may think about them, has been fantastic. Great wee head, loud and, coupled with a 4 ohm 4x10, sounds great. However, I am going to try out a Markbass TTE 500 later this week. Does anyone have any experience of the TTE 500? Particularly if you have played with both, I'd really appreciate your findings/thoughts. Thanks in advance.
  15. Yeh, the nut should be OK. It's Rotosound 40's I have on now, the B being a 125 so they should hopefully be OK at that.
  16. Hubrad...this kind of thing? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rotosound-RS885LD-TRU-BASS-STRINGS-5S-65-135-/280646603445?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4157d752b5"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rotosound-RS885LD-TRU-BASS-STRINGS-5S-65-135-/280646603445?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4157d752b5[/url] The heavier gauge......, a bit of tweaking at the bridge I presume, nowt much else to consider?
  17. Now we are on the same page
  18. Yeh, I would really like to try them for a while. I play mostly blues/jazz and would like an alternative to the lively sound from my fretted bass. I use an EUB with flats and love the sound, would be nice to capture some of that on my fretless. Thanks for the advice!
  19. To be honest, it's more the sound than the feel (yes I know much of that is in my fingers) that and a concern about what the rounds will do to the fingerboard in time. I'm not that hard on strings but still a little worried about making a bit of a mess. Does any of that make sense?
  20. Hey Bass Dudes!! Bought a fretless a few months back and replaced the pretty knackered strings with a set of roundwound Rotosounds (which I love on my fretted bass). However, can't say I am overly happy with the sound and feel of the rounds and really want to try a set of flats but don't want to waste £30 odd on a change that I don't like. So, any advice? I do like Rotosound strings and have see sets of 5's (yes it's a five stringer() on fleabay along with Elites, that I used to use reasonably happily in roundwounds. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!!
  21. Gone?
  22. Kenny Gair


    Have you come across the SansAmp Vt Bass Deluxe?
  23. Kenny Gair


    Perfect thanks. I'll have a look!
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