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Everything posted by jamirrorquai

  1. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1313517894' post='1342277'] I've played in varying sized bands. sometimes it works sometimes its more hassle than its worth. i play in a 4 piece doing originals and i works to have singer/guitarist, guitar, bass and drum. I've also done things in 10+ piece bands, one was a jamiroquai tribute and it didn't work because its nearly impossible to coordinate everyone, there was practically no money so no-one really cared enough to bother and the band leader is a tool of the highest order. The other one was a 60s tribute and that worked really well because we were all getting decent money, though the band leader was a bit disorganised. different strokes for different folks [/quote] Shame that you think of me as a tool of the highest order, but that is your decision. I hope that you continue to make great music in the future and have loads of success in everything you do. Because although things didn't work out and as you say it was impossible to co ordinate everyone and to get them to care enough, I would never have anything bad to say about someone who tried to do something they have faith in. And I certainly wouldn't degrade someone on an internet forum, that they knew nothing about and couldn't get the chance to defend themselves.
  2. [quote name='bassist_lewis' timestamp='1327328448' post='1509343'] I got this crap from the guy who ran th Jamiroquai band I was in, he decided we weren't tight enough as a band (search Jamirrorquai in Ireland and you'll see that that was NOT the case) and wanted to rehearse weekly for months without any prospect of gigs (this was at all our expense I might add). IME if someone thinks that rehearsing is more important than gigging then they know nothing about music. [/quote] Lewis I am shocked and actually stunned by this. I would have expected more from you to be honest then this. As you and I both know there were times when we were not ready because of certain issues and other problems. I have never had any issues with booking gigs but I will not any one on stage that unless I was 100% happy with the sound and show. As a tribute band you have to be better then the original otherwise you open your self up for so much hate and agro but from an ex member of the band whom worked for me in my other business when you needed the money ????? thats below the belt and totally unfair and in the main untrue. I am out of pocket by over £400 because I paid for all of the last rehearsals and when I have tried to book gigs months in advance I have been told by other band members that "I may get another gig that day" and that leaves me in a posistion where I cannot accept the gig. I am not going to fall out with anyone over ths but come on be fair and play the game by at least telling all sides before making me out to be the villan. In saying that I hope all your other bands work out well and that you have much success in the future. Mac
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