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Everything posted by Teobass88

  1. I don't know Warchild, I'm sorry! I think that the MarkBass sound is plug&play, and this is a good thing but, to my ears, with 4Ohm cabs, my LM 800 (A III with a more powerful power amp) was too compressed with a gain setted on 11o'clock, at the limit of peaking as the instructions say. New MarkBass head with 4x10" 104HF before and A.T.S. BB410EG after... I'm not stating MarkBass's only s**t, of course! And I'm a great supporter of Italian brands indeed I think that with a little extra money it's possible to buy an A.T.S. (Italian brand) or a GenzBenz (Streamliner is a fantastic amp, which I use with much satisfaction) or an Aguilar ToneHammer....and those amp (A.T.S. particulary) are so much more dynamic and warm..they sound "real".. And if you want to hear something REALLY neutral you've to try TecAmp Puma! When you can try this two amps in a A/B test...no way..LM loses immediatly..... MarkBass stay were you put it but, in my humble opinion and in my experience, there's so much better with the same budget and, for Rock or other genres were bass have to be rich and warm MarkBass is very limited.
  2. Yep, I think tha it has a very plastic sound...even with really good cab MarkBass heads (I can talk about LM and SD) are still compressed and absolutely without dynamic. I know that many great artists use MarkBass in many different kind of music (From Caròn til Orion) but these bad features make, in my opinion obviously, the sound of these amp's only suitable for Pop Music.
  3. In my humble opinion...absolutely no! MarkBass is appropriate only for pop....
  4. Very interesting description...is this album avaible?
  5. Obviously I don't think that a faboulus gear made me a faboulous bass player...It would help me only to bring out every mistake I do!! but when you can ear, you can correct! Thanks again for the answers! Now I know something new!
  6. Thanks for the answers guys! Well, I don't follow the sound of someone! Belive or not, I've bought a Warwick Thumb before I knew that JPT uses these basses exlusively. I don't want THAT sound, when I think about "The Sound" I think about a sound like JPT (Or Alain Caròn, or many many Flamenco bass players) but I play in a context very similar to JPT, so that's "my sound" in "my genre". Only a concrete reference: speak about a sound it's quite difficult in Italian..in English, for me, it borders on the impossible!! So, knowing that in studio it's possible to reach almost every sound with more or less precision, I'd like to arrive in the vicinity of that sound..but in live situation, with my gear and Amp. I know that it's quite impossibile to get the same result, but I know that there are many amp with great Hi-Fi response but also warmness and "fusion" sound... But I don't know what exactly I've to try! I'm torn between two types of amp: Hi-Fi and Valve! Before my genzbenz I've had a MarkBass LittleMark 800...I think that it's sound is hawful! You can hear the absolute lack of "fluency" of the audio spectrum, on the other hand StreamLiner 900, wich has a GREAT punchy and warm sound and a nice fluency in all the frequencies, has a lack of responce for the Hi-Fi thing! I absolutely consider GenzBenz a right step for the reach of my ideal sound, as was the A.T.S. Cab and I truly believe that will be soon the SiC Bass that is actually in construction...but I'm planning to do the next one!! Neve is something I cannot even image!! Maybe in the future, when I will be a professional musicisan ( ) I'd try to work with this mechanical miracle! Obviously in a studio...not mine!!
  7. I use this strings on my 4 strings basses and I've used them for a little bit of time on my Fretless warwick. Very smooth and warm, they bring out low-mid and bass frequencies heavily. Not so muddy as you can expect but absolutely without high-mid frequencies. They've a really strong tension, in my opinion they're the best strings of ever, considering only this feature. I don't advice them for fretless because they hide most of the meowing! After 4 years of activity on a JB Special...they're still perfect.
  8. Another Day, another topic I've always dreamt about a sound in particular....warm (Absolutely NOT overdriven), like the valve sound but also really definite. Deep, not dry...quite Hi-Fi. I like a good presence in the low mids and treeble. As you can read, this is a kind of antithesis, but I've hear something real, real close to this idea: when I think about the "perfect" sound, Jeroen Paul Thesseling on Omnivium Album is what I get. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ypNM7zfykI (Here you can hear at 1:39 but It's very interesting also in the other part of the song...most of all in the "Death ones"... I'm interested in this sound...I know that for having this result you MUST have a producer with the balls!!!) I know that JPT uses an Hellborg bass Preamp and I've heard tons of samples on youtube but, what I hear, is a very dry and "empty" sound. I know that, in studio, you can obtain everything you want but, theoretically, can this Preamp (With a real powerfull and Hi-Fi amp like Crown, I've thougt about 1200W power, bridged I suppose...) return a sound like the one I like? Even in live situations without loosing the "punch" and "headroom" tipical of a pre-valve amp but maintaining the Hi-Fi spirit of this sound. Obviously we start from a fretless bass, with same PU position and sound and a (very!) good 4x10" cab!! Sorry if I was unclear!!! Can someone answer my questions? Someone who has the Hellborg, for example! Thank you a lot!!!
  9. Hear this, by Jeroen Paul Thesseling, on 3:08 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=snDfSqcPHWk I know that this solo hasn't so much technical stuff or particularity...but it communicates me a lot!!
  10. I think that that fridge is impossible to set ona stage...maybe for a real professional musician..in a stadium....with the mission to kill someone with your own volume!!! Seriously...If I had a really powerful amp...a cab like this would give a tremendous senso of power, but it's impossible to put into a common car!! The weight isn't so heavy...my 4x10" is 50Kg... If there would be a system to disassemble in 2 or 3 pieces, something like this cab could be something REEEEAALLY interesting!
  11. Oh... my... GOD!!!! You don't image what I'd give for this...[url="http://www.tecamp.de/en/products/cabinets/41-bad-cab.html#specifications"]BEAST!!!![/url] [size=1]And for the car which can transport it!!![/size] Someone has tried this monstruosity?!?!? (If It would exist in A.T.S. catalogue... )
  12. I've an "all ovangkol" bolt-on 6 Fretless Thumb bass. Up to now it's the best factory bass I've ever tried but, for the 6 strings, Warwick puts a couple of Spil-Coil Pick-Ups and they're very muddy and poor of dynamics...so I've replace them with Neodimium Humbuckers and the bass is just reborn!! Now I'm going to get a custom instrument with some features taken from the Thumb project! Symply great! I've heard that NT models have much more "growl" and a better response on the low-mid frequencies...don't know if it's true...but I'd like this very much....but NT was too much expensive for me!
  13. I've two 7strings balanced sets in my closet...my bass will be ready after summer. I've bought balanced set because my lutist advise me higly on that! I will post my considerations ..... in October! CircleK for life!! Only for their incredible proposal and innovation!!!! If they're long lasting strings and sound as I read over the web.....they're the absoluteley best strings on market!!! Proportionally cheapest than Elixir!
  14. [b]Chris2112: [/b]I didn't say cheap, they'r not cheap at all! When EMG fished the collaboration with Warwick MEC was born and it's the Warwick itself. MEC ar close to EMG but, for my ear, very different. Once I've tried a Thumb 6 BO with EMG 45DC....another world! But I don't like so much EMG sound...I heard a bunch of Warwick with Bartolini, Seymour Duncan and Norstrand....and each time, the bass it seemed to be more "open". Low-mid very punchy and high-mids not mudded at all! I've made a change with a "botique pickup" so I know that it's quite different between an industrial one, but I can affirm that my Thumb is reborn! Before the change the potential of this instrument was at 60%. And it's a real pity! But, obviously, we're talking about feelings and likings...and [i]De gustibus non desputandumm est [/i][i] [/i]
  15. I can tell you this....When I talked about PUps change on a Warwick bass EVERYONE who has did it, in every place, on computer or real life, on every warwick model, has said just three words: "so much better!!"
  16. http://www.bassonthebroadband.com/index.html Did you know this Website?!? A web radio on bass guitar!! Awesome!!!
  17. Seeya everybody! I ask to you to forgive me if you found (And sure you will) some bad English errors!! I'm going to write some impressiona about my (not-so) new amp. The GenzBenz StreamLiner 900 Here's the BassWhisperere review video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-27szg61bw Obviously, there's no ever possibility to understand the real features and the effective sound of an Amp. So I will talk to you about it after an intensive use in my band! Well...before buying it I've read on many forums that STM is very mid scooped, well I can truly say: FALSE. This is another little video, by the italian store were I bought this amp, that demostrate what I wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-O7ohbUZx0 This is not a "plug-and-play" gear. It has a volume and Gain control that real sculptor of your sound and, before you can think about the eq section, there're many many many tries to do with these two knobs! This amp can give to you a real vintage and muddy sound or a giant nearly-overdriven sound or a clean and warm sound. The last one is what I like! So, with the right balance between Gain and Volume, you can get what you want. Here's the sore point: the EQ section. What real this amp lacks is a modern and efficient EQ control. It has a unique a modified passive Baxandall network for the bass and treble along with an active tube driven mid filter. The consequence is that you can hear mid frequencies only by cutting bass and treeble. So If yuu want a mid focused sound: no problem even if you want a bass-mid or mid or high-mid focused sound...but if you are in serch for a 600Hz and a 4kHz at the same time...you got a problem....and I've got this problem!! Actually I've solved this lack with an (horrible) BOSS-GEB7 pedal eq, which passes in the S/R, and I preserved the cleanm, warm valve timbre and the incredible punch that this amp has got but, for the definition and the high frequency, I've to boost on the GEB7 on 4,5kHz and surroundings. And I've to open a little bit the Tweeter of my cab (Which is a marvellous A.T.S. 4x10", an Italian brand that I will soon review on forum!) that acts on 1300Hz...an high mid tweeter! I've already planned to buy a custom EQ pedal here in Italy (There's a fantastic craftman who mades incredible pedals) but I've a custom bass under construction and....well....I'm a student and this means a lot of money I've to spend (Summer WORK?! I'm COMING!!! ). Consider that my Musical situation is a Progressive Death Metal band and I need a "particular sound" that only very high gear can effectively give...I think that this amp can give to you a perfect sound for every context. And it's quite cheap!!! 900W are very present with punch and clean dynamic....I think that for have a TRUE pre-valve sound like the STM you've to spend a lot of money more that 800€. For this price band I think that Streamliner is the best!! Experienced People, I pass the word!!
  18. I've tried one of earlies Warwick's CS. A Corvette which was a 35" scale with bubinga body and Wengè neck...when they say to me how much it cost....my mind screamed "WTF?!?!?!" and my mouth said "Oh.....WTF?!?!?" Don't misunderstand me: really nice bass and really clean sound, growling, definite..etc..etc...(35" scale merit) but for an ugly piece of Bubinga (And i [color=#ff0000][u][b]LOVE[/b][/u][/color] Bubinga) not even pommelé and a little bit longer neck... Thanks but NO thanks, I prefer to buy a total custom bass by some good lutist!!!
  19. Eheheh...they're Neodimium Humb with Serial/Parallel/Single switch, they're HUGE but incredibeley mid-focused. The Treeble are very musical and natural...and they're passive with an output that's more powerfull than an active set! I've made some short sample, you can they [url="http://www.i-spira.com/home.htm"]here[/url], above "[i]Matteo Salvestrini[/i]", click on the [i]SERIE SB[/i] button there are my samples! Look on the left!
  20. Another interesting [i]Flamencoinspierd[/i] project is Ensemble Salazhar, you can hear only [url="http://www.jeroenthesseling.com/audio.htm"]here[/url] their work.
  21. I sell my Schecter Riot 6 NT, the one with the natural finish, old series with a beautiful Wengé top. The Bass is in a perfect condition, bought last year. It needs only a string change. Perfectly set up, there's no deadspot on the fingerboard. This bass sound's quite flexible, basically it has a modern voice. [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31798194/Teo/Sample%20Riot.rar"]Hear it!![/url] - but consider that the strings aren't so fresh... The neck is amazing: agile, smooth and comfortable. You won't believe that is a six strings, the one under your hands! The bridge is very interesting: it hallows to set strings throught body, for a better sustain, or on the bridge, for a more incisive attack. I sell it because I'm going to purchrase an higher instrument. 800€ without shipping charges. Their're charged to the buyer (They're calculated on destination so I can't know exactly how muche they are). Here some shots of the bass: And the technical sheet: Construction: 6 strings, neck-thru/Ultra access Body: ash with wengé top Neck: maple with multilaminated walnut inserts Fingerboard: rosewood Scale: 34” - 24 jumbo frets Inlay: dots Pickups: EMG 45HZ Controls: 1x Blend + 1x Volume + 2 bands active 2 EMG electronics Bridge: Schecter Custom MachineHeads: Schecter Hardware colour: Black Chrome Nut: Graph Tech Finish: Natural Satin
  22. I love Flamenco too.. One of my favourite song is: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dCMvZ4lBKI[/media] Absolutely foundamental bass line...but it fits perfectly! Enjoy!
  23. Here's mt Thumb BO 6 fretless after the I-SPIRA upgrade!! Now it's has a fantastic dynamic, definite and growling sound!! Fantastic!!!
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