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Everything posted by mart3442

  1. I've used Seymour Duncans for years, before the Basslines rebranding, and before they were building Antiquities. In terms of what I wanted from a pickup, I've always found them to be a significant upgrade over stock, punchier, tighter tone with better defined low end and more clarity throughout. What I want isn't going to be what the next player wants, but its a no brainer: You have the pickups to hand, put them in and see what you think... Its in the ears of the player at the end of the day.
  2. That would explain why some '70's Fenders have that dirty orange headstock, whilst some are so clean, they could have been made yesterday... Thanks to everyone for the replies, I'll report back from the lab presently.
  3. The decal is underneath the polyester. Just as It has been on every '70's Fender I've owned..The acetone solution could be the one. I''ll test it on a patch, it can't make it look worse than it already does.
  4. Thats not an option for me. On the assumption that the original finish is polyester clearcoat, I'm wondering if theres something that could be used, that would affect the varnish only......
  5. My '77 P Bass has a layer of orange(ish) varnish brush applied over the original headstock finish. Obviously the previous owners attempt to "relic" the headstock. Any ideas of the best way to remove this without damaging the original finish, and crucially, the factory decal and serial number? Cheers, Mart.
  6. Couple of things, with regards to Jaco being a "soloing bassist" and not playing for the song.... He was actually one of the most supportive players out there, especially with Joni..... And James Jamersons lines being written for him...? Thats not actually true, a chord or lead sheet yes, but that was it. The lines for Reach out, and many many more, are on record (no pun intended) as being improvised. Theres plenty of documented evidence and first hand accounts to support this. "No love for Jaco". Each to their own, now I think I'll go start a thread about a player I'm not fussed on..... ???
  7. Can you measure the width of the pickup in its case please?
  8. A keyboard player I work with is 72, still fit as a butchers dog, until the doctor put him on statins. Its really knocked the life out of him and aged him. He's going back to see what can be done.......
  9. Sold my Realist to Paddy. Great lad to deal with.
  10. [b]Bought a set of EMG's from Chazz, great comms all the way. Items sent quickly and bulletproof packaging that was up to my own standards! Recommended geezer.[/b]
  11. [b]I've always used Duncan antiquities. The "Pride" pickup is near identical to the tone of Fenders L series pups, but with a more defined and tighter low end.. I always remove the stock Fender jobs, they never have enough punch and the bottom end sounds sterile and flabby to my ears. I have an original '63 jazz under the bed, I'd change the pickups on that too, but its never been touched. I'll go against the grain: Had a set of Frailins in one of my jazz basses. Can't say I was that fussed. Good luck with it......[/b]
  12. [b]I bought Rogers Underwood pickup, and he threw in one of his own design pickup clamps. Very knowledgable chap, and a pleasure to deal with.[/b]
  13. Nice one: [email protected] please. Any info, age, model etc would be great too.
  14. [b]Sorted, thanks Roger.[/b]
  15. Can you put "SOLD" in the title please. Thanks.
  16. [b]Bought Johns Dunlop strings. Good guy to deal with, buy with confidence.[/b]
  17. I'll take 'em at that price! How do you want paying? Mart.
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1495804103' post='3306748'] Assuming you mean the MB112 or similar ([url="http://www.richtonemusic.co.uk/products/gallien_krueger_mb_112.asp?gclid=CjwKEAjwpJ_JBRC3tYai4Ky09zQSJAC5r7ruKyf48kVHahW83IyrM5BNI6U3jBB_DmZIFDlacMpXzxoC7yXw_wcB"]http://www.richtonem...MpXzxoC7yXw_wcB[/url]) then that weighs 30lbs. Not backbreaking, but as heavy as the suitcase that most of us would take for a fortnight's holiday. Most typically for a DB gig I'll have an Aguilar TH350 and a Barefaced OneTen. The TH350 weighs three (count them, three) pounds. The OneTen weighs 15lbs. I didn't have to push too hard to find a more portable rig, frankly. [/quote] The GK weighs nothing in real terms (11kg at a push....). I'd rather carry one small combo and a Bass than a small head and a small cab and a bass.......
  19. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1495796667' post='3306670'] But would you want a GK MB...................? But seriously, that was my sole amp for many years, went all over UK , Europe and flew to Lanzarotte and Gran Canaria. I've still got its flight case. But I think we've moved on a bit since. [/quote] I've used Acoustic Image, Aer, you name it. I always come back to this little combo, it just seems to work with my setup. Are you interested in offloading the flightcase by any chance?
  20. Hi Mate, these are designed to be used with an active preamp, such as the one that was in your Thumb Bass. As a passive pickup, they have a very low output........
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1495708151' post='3305991'] A separate head and cab are far more portable than a combo. [/quote] You'd be pushed to find a seperates setup thats more portable than my Gallien Krueger MB combo.......
  22. [b]I have two combos, a 1970's 60watt Roland Bass cube. Sounds killer with ther EUB, not so good with the Double Bass, and a GK MBS 3, which is great with the Double Bass. Just wondering what you lot were using.....[/b]
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