Hi all
Let me introduce myself! Hailing from the flats of Lincolnshire i needed some funk in my life and started playing double bass at 9years old (much to my parents dismay). I took up electric bass 4 years later and now 20 odd years on im still playing!
ive owned too many basses over the years and currently own
Warwick corvette 4string standard (BUBINGA) 97' (proper german one)
Warwick thumb 4string 'dirty blonde SE' 2006 (possibly the prettiest bass ever!)
Squier modified fretless jazz 2010
Homemade P bass copy fretless bitsa bass
Stagg EDB
Peavey Bam 210 combo
Behringer Head
2X Behringer 4x10's
and a board full of effects!
Im currently playing in a band [url="http://www.robotsfounderrors.com"]www.robotsfounderrors.com[/url] give us a like on facebook!