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Everything posted by evilLordJuju

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='367482' date='Dec 31 2008, 11:18 PM']It had a tone only earthworms could love. Or even hear.[/quote] oh man, that's the sound i'm after!
  2. I've got this BC Rich NJ mockingbird, and it is time to sell it. It is the through neck version. Someone has changed the electronics a bit, and I was going to make it original again before I put it on the block. The 3 way switch has been disabled, and the tone pot is a pull type with battery. This isn't stock is it... This bass was originally passive, am I right? Can anyone help with images, wiring diagrams and so on. It does work, I just think I should make original before selling TIA people, very much appreciated
  3. I've wanted one of these for ages. Anyone got one they want to trade?
  4. [quote name='chris_b' post='366252' date='Dec 30 2008, 02:29 PM']It had 2 tones, muddy and very muddy.[/quote] Yes, that's right. These basses are for people that actually like 'bass', rather than a weedy trebly clank Not suitable for every band line-up or every style of music, true, but when you want serious bass, not many instruments can compare. I usually play the two pickup versions (EB-2D, EB-3 and Epiphone Newport Deluxe)
  5. [quote name='redstriper' post='365846' date='Dec 29 2008, 10:50 PM']I tried a 60s Gibson EBO in a vintage guitar shop in London and it was nicer than this copy, but not 2 grand nicer![/quote] If you pay £2k for an EB-0 you've been robbed. Depending on age and condition they should go for £500-£1000 max (except maybe for the really old Les Paul Junior shape, or a stupidly mint one). I like the Labella flats
  6. Absolutely loved Galliano... bought all the albums, and saw them live a few times (Especially remember seeing them at Glastonbury more than once) Totally together (the Jackie Mittoo one), skunk funk, stoned again and so on..... Great band!
  7. What year is this please?
  8. [quote name='chris_b' post='362464' date='Dec 24 2008, 12:40 AM']They were not rated very highly at the time. If you had one you sold it as soon as you could afford a Fender![/quote] Looks a damn sight cooler than most Fenders though
  9. Ahhh, one of my favourite basses. Assuming the electronics are all working, £650 is an utter steal. I have three of these, and there is absolutely no way I would sell for less than £850. (Actually they are NOT for sale, although I would like to swap one of mine for something else [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16090"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16090[/url] - anyone?) A mate also sold one a few months back for £850. In fact, now you can't just import them at $2 to the pound, they should be even more. Someone snap this up before he puts his price up. By the way, you can read a lot more about the [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/RDartist.php"]Gibson RD artist bass[/url] on flyguitars.com.
  10. so, are you selling this? I'm interested
  11. It is a guild B302A 2 meaning two pickups, and A meaning it is ash (not mahogany) heres a [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/guild78p10.php"]Guild B302 catalogue page[/url]
  12. [quote name='Lifer' post='308347' date='Oct 17 2008, 08:39 AM']I always think Andy Fraser when I see one of them[/quote] The reason I mention Jim Lea, is he had a two pickup EB3 - and (i think.. please correct if i'm wrong) John Birch added a third pickup in between the other two - you can see that bass here [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VLsw668PVyY"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VLsw668PVyY[/url] I believe that was stolen/lost and he got John Birch to make him a new one. Some of these facts may be off - can anyone confirm. Slade are treated more seriously in the states (presumably because they can't detect Brum accents, and they never saw [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=TLm9iBUAogk"]this[/url] )
  13. [quote name='spiltmilk_2000' post='308418' date='Oct 17 2008, 10:34 AM']Thanks all... It was a friends old EB2 which first gave me a craving for hollow a hollowbody in my arsenal... As you can probably tell i havent done my research in this area though. Would you say the Harmony H22 is one of the closest i'll get to an EB2 for tone / feel / look? I guess maybe i should just save up for the real mccoy! I wish Gisbson would reissue the the EB2 [/quote] The H22 has some good features and some bad. Yes you get the fantastic bassiness of the EB2, but the tuning keys are awful. If you shop around you can probably score one for $500 or so from the states. Here are a few things to listen too - not the best examples of anyones work, but all feature an H22 played basically as they are [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/H22pt2.php"]Harmony H22[/url] played into my computer sound card - no amp [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcEEowLytrs"]Small Faces[/url] live - not their best performance, but one of the few not mimed [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpVGXcblBhg"]Spencer Davis group[/url] live - not their best performance either, but one of the few not mimed Harmony also made the two pickup H27, but these don't have the bassiness of the H22 The Epiphone Rivolis put out in the late 90s may be an affordable option for you (and if you buy an old Gibson EB humbucker for £80 on ebay will be almost indistinguishable sonically from an original) The hollow body was an important part of the sound, but the overwound EB humbuckers probably had more to do with it. The Jack Cassidy simply doesn't have this. Quick plug - Check out my band, the [url="http://www.myspace.com/thesilverbrazilians"]Silver Brazilians[/url].... I use an EB2 on two tracks on our myspace page - i'm gonna kill you, and Iraqdonalds
  14. [quote name='chris_b' post='290272' date='Sep 23 2008, 07:42 PM']Why would anyone pay £1395 for an EB0?[/quote] No, that would have been the price V&R listed it at. If someone went in and offered them £1000, I suspect they would have sold it, and simply not changed the price on the website. If someone offered them £1395 they were probably too rich to care. Well, I love my EB0s, and I think £600 is about right for this, though a Slade fan (probably in the US) might pay a little more. (We all know Jim Lea, right) Just to compare - I bought an unbroken, unmodded, 9 out of 10 [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1962gibsonEB0.php"]1962 EB0[/url] for not much more earlier this year. And that was pre-global financial meltdown. What is a Birch mod worth?
  15. have you thought about a Harmony H22? I love 'em. Cheapish (especially if you import) The Jack Cassidy is not really much like an EB2 - no real boom, a bit too refined (It was a copy of the Les Paul Signature bass) with its variable impedence pickup and switching.
  16. I have 3 gibson RD Artist basses - I'm looking to shift one. I don't actually want to sell it, but I do want to swap it for another bass. The two that I could swap are not mint at all, but are complete and functioning players basses. I am only interested in basses pre 1982 or so, and more likely pre 1975 This is the one with moog electronics inside. Does anyone have anything they might like to swap for an RD Artist? Just testing the waters really. If it sounds possible i'll send some photos. Remember I don't want to sell this, swap only (unless you offer me stupid money) anyone?
  17. nice bass - good luck. Is that an RD Artist nestling beside it?
  18. Yeah, i'd say mid £XXX, depending on the usual factors The early seventies competition ones (stripes) do go for more
  19. Well, it is a project, and does need some work. Just place a low bid - you never know you might get lucky! This is my first attempt at selling out of ebay, so it may not have the same number of viewers as on there.
  20. I'm selling a 1965 EB0 project bass - body only -no parts. see here. It is an auction - place your bid in the thread relating to that bass, or email me an offer ([email protected]). Haven't got a firm price in mind. [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=43"]http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=43[/url]
  21. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='139944' date='Feb 13 2008, 11:04 PM']Hmmm... I know this sounds a little too obvious, but how about an Epiphone Thunderbird?[/quote] Other than the shape they are quite different - the epi has a bolt-on neck, and not a neck-through of the Thunderbird (or a set neck, like the non-reverse), and although I don't know what wood makes the Epi, it certainly isn't mahogany. The very earliest Tbird necks were all mahogany, with the neck becoming a mahogany/walnut laminate fairly quickly. The non revs go back to the plain mahogany neck. They are not the same pickups either....... I do think Epi thunderbirds are quite nice though - certainly good value, and the non rev version is also really nice, despite still being a bolt-on etc
  22. The closest is a 1960s [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/epiphoneEmbassyDeluxe.php"]Epiphone Embassy[/url] - it's the same hardware, pickups etc, and both are all mahogany 34 3/8" scale. Not many other long scale mahogany through-neck basses - does anyone else know of one? Do rickenbacker do a mahogany bass?
  23. Grabbers are cool - but so are G3s (thats the 3 pickup grabber) and Rippers These 3 had the same body shape, but the [url="http://www.gibsonbass.com/grabber.php"]Grabber[/url] and [url="http://www.gibsonbass.com/grabberG3.php"]G3[/url] are more Fenderish in that they have a bolt-on neck, whilst the [url="http://www.gibsonbass.com/ripper.php"]Ripper[/url] sticks to Gibsons tradional set-neck. A lot of people have their favourites - I like the mellowness (and bassiness) of a Ripper, but a lot of people like the 'snap' of the Grabber and G3. All great basses though and well worth checking out. £600 is a fair price, if it has a case - though I reckon if you watch ebay for a while you'll get one for less. Would you import from the states? you'll certainly get one cheaper there - as long as you don't overpay on postage (no more than $120 with case)
  24. A bunch of us Gibson fans have got together to order a bach non-reverse thunderbird style bass. see here [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=1408"]http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=1408[/url] I'll be getting one for sure - will post pics when they arrive. As far as I know, Bach will make you anything, if you can get together an order for 25 of them....
  25. And that picture really demonstrates one of the key problems with that bridge. The silk windings often go over the saddles, hence the need to cut it back a bit. I've had to do this a few times; it's ill-advised , but i've had no problems so far. They do tilt a bit too, sometimes - not so bad with the under-bridge mute, and a lot of people took them off and replaced with a badass in the seventies or eighties. If you replace the worn hex screws that hold the bridge to the posts, they normally sit ok - failing that i've seen random pieces of cork etc stuffed under the front end, which also seems to do the trick. There are some more older [url="http://www.gibsonbass.com/bridges.php"]Gibson bass bridge descriptions[/url] on my site
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