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Everything posted by 7string

  1. There's a slight chance I might get this finished by the time the World Cup starts. Always good to be prepared for huge disappointment.
  2. I use XLN Audio Addictive Drums. Great bang for the buck and it doesn't need masses of hard drive either.
  3. That's sounds great. Sei's are great used buys and pretty reasonable too considering.
  4. Apart from an obvious Sei bias, I'm going to throw [url="http://www.carvinworld.com"]Carvin[/url] into the mix.
  5. As an Englishman living in Scotland, it's always nice to wave the flag from time to time. [quote name='steve' post='760322' date='Feb 28 2010, 11:54 PM']it's going to look brilliant when it's finished - how about using the fabric on the headstock too?[/quote] I thought about that but thought it might be a bit much. Plan is to paint the headstock plain white.
  6. Cut out the fabric for the front today. First thing was to put the body on a piece of card and draw around it.... ....then cut that out with a sharp knife. The middle is kept for use later on. Now the fun bit, arranging the fabric under the template. With that sorted, the template was attached to the fabric with drafting tape. This is a low-tack masking tape which is great for masking off fingerboards and so on. I then cut around the fabric and the template leave a gap all the way around. Take the tape off the fabric and I've now got the fabric for the front. The next stage is to paint the edges of the body and then the fabric can go on. I've decided on white for the edges and the headstock to go with the fabric. That will be a slow process as I haven't done this kind of thing before.
  7. [quote name='NJE' post='759680' date='Feb 28 2010, 11:58 AM']So, not that I needed much convincing that a Sei Jazz is my ideal dream bass after reading through this thread, but two things have made my GAS worse recently. The first was the article in Bass Guitar Magazine which I think I read about 5 times and the second was me mooching around on the Gallery and Sei websites earlier where I saw two stunning examples of their work.[/quote] You should have a look at the [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=586388"]Sei Owners Club[/url] on Talkbass. More Sei loveliness and discussion await.
  8. [quote name='farmer61' post='757836' date='Feb 26 2010, 07:45 AM']Selling my first bass to fund an engagement ring - 34 years ago [/quote] Had something similar. I had a choice between putting a deposit on a guitar and taking a girl out. The girl won and we eventually married and divorced. My now wife heard me tell the story and found me the guitar, so all things turn out right in the end. PS. The guitar was a 1988 Charvel 475 Ltd Edition in Platinum Crackle. 350 worldwide and 50 came to the UK.
  9. The resurrection of Encore's is catching on. Keep the thread updated.
  10. Always great to have another 9 string on the forum
  11. 'Tis a strange world The lid for the control cavity is included, but not pictured for some strange reason. [b]d-basser[/b] - No prob for a setup, just give me a shout.
  12. Brilliant I think that the 1 p/u and the piezo into the ACG pre is [b][i]the[/i][/b] way to go. Maximum sounds, minimum fuss,
  13. Personally, I think that thru-body stringing does make a difference. Don't know why but (to my ears) it gives more growl and sustain.
  14. If it's anything like the Glasgow store, then it's going to be great.
  15. [quote name='Clarky' post='755303' date='Feb 23 2010, 06:43 PM']Erm, I commuted to work in London on a Harley for years (a Sportster to begin with, later a Fat Boy). Very reliable, massive torque, low seats (so easy to clamber on in a business suit), looked wicked (the Harley, not the suit).[/quote] I used to do that as well. Funny how car drivers will move out of the way for a Harley but won't budge for a Hornet.
  16. It's the Line 6 Pod Mount. I bought it for £16 or so on eBay. It's powdercoated metal and comes with 4 little rubber feet which fit it to the Pod itself. The mount itself can be screwed down or put through the handle of an amp. Well worth the price.
  17. Thanks for the kind words I say no more GAS as the only bass I wanted was a 5. I've reached my limit with axes now
  18. G.A.S. is a terrible thing and recently I’ve been having a hankering for a fretted 5 string. I started window shopping through Gumtree and eBay, but nothing really stood out and that’s the way it stayed for the last few months. What I wanted was something different, maybe an older Jackson, Charvel, or Hamer. As I have a thing for ’pointy’ basses. Maybe something white as a contrast against the black instruments Maybe even a bass with a whammy, now that would be cool. I also made a spec and went through the Warmoth and Carvin sites, which is good fun but the usual bass > budget equation came into play. I just kept looking at eBay and Gumtree and if something came up that would be great. No rush. So last week, I’m doing my usual look on eBay and cam across this. Blimey, I thought. It’s 5 strings pointy, white and has a whammy! That’s things got my name written all over it. Straight away I sent a message to the seller and asked how much shipping would be to the UK. The price was as expected, but then I looked at the other questions that had been asked. Shipping price requests from Russia, Spain, Canada, Thailand and China. Looks like they’ll be a bidding war. Damn. With the shipping price in, I asked Mrs 7 what she thought. She knew I’d been after a 5 for a while and gave me a budget to stick to. All I had to do was wait and put a bid in at the last minute but only if the price hadn’t risen over-budget. The auction ended at 2am but the Winter Olympics is on so staying up wouldn’t be a problem. So day-by-day the price rose, but only by a couple of bucks at a time. With 2 hours to go, it was near the budget and with 5 minutes to go I was still in with a shout. Now at this point Mrs 7 is [b]the[/b] person to have for those last-minute bids. She put in a bid which was registered with just 8 seconds to go. Needless to say, Mrs 7 won the auction and I am now free of G.A.S. So here’s some more photos. A white thru-neck 5 string pointy Carvin bass with a whammy, exactly what I was after. Before it gets here, the plan is to make a ramp just like I have on my Tyler. When it arrives, I play it for a bit then give it a new set of strings, a setup and any fret work that it may need. Can’t wait
  19. The published price of that GUS could always be a mis-print.
  20. Drill trick duly noted. Many thanks The fabric turned up today:
  21. I did have this in Bass Guitars, but as it’s becoming more and more of a project I thought I’d start a thread in this section. I was doing a trawl of Gumtree a couple of weeks ago and came across a bass. I mentioned to my wife that I remembered playing that type and model of bass years ago and it was great fun. I thought it might be good for friends of ours, but their children aren’t quite big enough yet. My wife said that if it was really fun to play that I should get it for my Valentine’s Day pressie. So here‘s “Val“: I really like these little things. A studio I used to go to had one of these with an EMG in it. They used it all the time for on-the-spot basslines as (even!) guitarists could use it as it's only a 30" scale. The original plan was to clean it up, do some fretwork, set it up and enjoy playing it. Problem was though that the more I looked at it, the more work it needed. The initial list looked like this: * Electronics are a bit dodgy. The pots are horrible and while I'm there I might as well change the input jack as well. * All of the pickguard screws are stripped as are all of the bridge screws and one of the strap buttons. The pickguard screws are of a few different sizes as well. * Fingerboard needs a good going over as it's virtually black and it's rosewood. * Frets need levelling. They're low but I think I can get away with just a levelling and not have to re-fret it. * And most importantly the Encore headstock decal has got to go. And that was a pretty good plan, but inspired by [b]Ou7shined[/b]’s pimped Encore Coaster “Betty“, I decided to go a step further and refinish the bass. I thought about which colour and how to go about it, but then I remembered that I’d seen a material finish. I found some instructions for this on the Project Guitar website, so that‘s what I‘m going to try and do; refinish the bass using cotton fabric. I’m not planning to refit the scratch plate which means I’ll have to fill in part of the pick rout. I’ve seen a “metal horn” online which will hold the controls in their usual place. I’m not a DIY’er by any means and I don’t have many tools so, for me, this project is pretty big. Hopefully, if I take my time I’ll end up with a good result. Progress so far * I decided to do the most important thing first and get rid of the ‘E’ word. [b]Neepheid[/b] put me on [b]plankspanker101[/b] on eBay and I’ve bought this. * I’ve looked into which sealers and lacquers to use and they’re on my shopping list. * I've got new pickguard screws, pots and an input jack from WD Music (quick and efficient as usual!). I already have a Sprague ‘orange drop’ capacitor. * Material has been ordered. * All holes have been drilled and plugged. Even though I hadn’t done this before, it was simple to do. I found one tip though, which is to shape the nose of the dowel and put cuts down the side so glue can squeeze out. So this afternoon I started to sand the finish of off the body. I tried stripping a body with Nitromors before and that was messy and extremely slow. It got to a point when it was obvious that the chemicals weren’t working so I took it to a local company who strip doors. Even they couldn’t do a full job of it so this time I’m sanding the finish off. Luckily, we have a dinky little Black & Decker sander which we picked up for a few quid in Cash Converters when we last decorated the house. Mrs 7 became a real dab hand at sanding doors! Combine that with some 40 grit sandpaper and here’s what you get: I’m not looking forward to sanding inside to horns though. There’s no way the sander’s going to get in there, so I’ll have to improvise a bit when I get to that point. I don’t think this is going to be the quickest project ever, but I’ll keep this thread up to date. Wish me luck
  22. How about a Mexican Fender Urge Mk1. Brilliant little thing.
  23. That's a wicked little rig
  24. That's a [b][u]really[/u][/b] great bass.
  25. This thread has made me get off my butt and do something about my desk. For ages (and I mean ages), I've been saying that I'll build a small shelf and put my keyboard underneath it. I can then try and learn how to use MIDI between the keyboard and Cubase. Well now I've actually done something about it. Before and after shots. Some might think that Studio Porn is a bit sad, but it's really helped me. Thanks Guys.
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