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Everything posted by 7string

  1. Thanks for the explanation. They really are striking instruments and the resurrection of old red is great to see.
  2. That Stew Mac fret leveller is very cool. The bass ain't too shabby either Great to see that the GUS guys took the job on of bringing one of their own back to life again. The Ferrari red is a very dramatic choice. [b]BigRedX[/b] - A difficult question I know, but how would you describe the sounds of both this bass and your other GUS?
  3. I was sure I'd seen a repair for your trussrod problem in the original Dan Erlewine video tapes from the 1984. I went through two 3 hour video tapes, but I found it again! To fix the rattle, the video shows him taking off one of the mid-board fingerboard dots (7th) and drilling into the neck from the area underneath the dot. Thinned down Titebond glue is then injected into the neck using a plastic syringe. The instrument is left for a few hours for the glue to harden. If this doesn't stop the rattle, then another dot is removed and the process repeated.
  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='304488' date='Oct 11 2008, 05:45 PM']I nearly creamed myself when I saw the back of that instrument.[/quote] Eeeeewwww Just read this as I'm drinking a cup of coffee with cream in it. Great looking instrument and probably sounds great as well. There's so many acoustic basses about but only a few which sound good. I've seen the Jonas Hellborg videos from Bass Day at bassplayer.tv and the sound he gets from his Warwick acoustic bass is great. I bet the Wechter sounds as good or better as Mr.Hellborg is not known for compromising his sound!
  5. Looks very Warrior-ish.
  6. Back in the days of the old Bass Centre in Wapping, there used to be a cherryburst Sadowsky modern 24 fret with a maple 'board. It was so expensive I would just look at it, not daring to even ask to touch it let alone play it
  7. That Sadowsky's going to be awesome I just have the [b][size=6]TINIEST[/size][/b] pang of jealousy......
  8. OOO Whole lotta birdseye goin' on
  9. Looks great. Heard nothing but good things about those Nordy basses.
  10. I have wooden knobs on my Jackson bass. Great product and equally great service from Roger at THG [url="http://www.thgknobs.com"]www.thgknobs.com[/url]
  11. 7string


    When you're looking at spending such a sum of money, the bass world is definately your oyster! I would echo the sentiments of others on here in that you shouldn't throw the cash down unless you are 100% happy with the bass. At the price point which you're looking at, you can always have words with a luthier and get a quote for something custom made. The only 2 builders that I have experience with are Sei and ACG. With Sei, you'll be looking at a pre-owned bass but they are ridiculously good and have a fantastic reputation. Visit [url="http://www.seibass.com"]www.seibass.com[/url] and give them a call or an e-mail. Sei HQ is downstairs in The Bass Gallery which is regarded now as the best bass place in London. I don't know where you are in the country, but they're worth a visit if you can. More details at [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com"]www.thebassgallery.com[/url] Alan at AC Guitars is building a bass for me at the moment. He has access to some great woods, has some great designs and also he has his filter-based preamp. I know it seems like a lot of knobs, but you can always set it and leave it. Visit [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk"]www.acguitars.co.uk[/url] and you can always give Alan a call and throw some ideas at him. Best of luck in your search!
  12. Still a great looking bass though. Very cool.
  13. Surely, "Build Diary" is just a diary of an instrument being built. It doesn't stipulate that it has to be built by or for the author of the thread. I'd love to be able to build an instrument myself, but don't have the skills or the tools. Even if I could there is no way it would be the quality of a Sei/ACG etc. !!
  14. [quote name='spector6' post='303203' date='Oct 9 2008, 05:47 PM']Very nice, the shape of the body and some of the features remind me of Claypool's rainbow bass by Carl Thompson.[/quote] That was the first thing I thought as well It's a striking instrument. [b]ARGH[/b] - have you got (or can you get) any more info on the spec ?
  15. [quote name='YouMa' post='302689' date='Oct 9 2008, 12:55 AM']Buy one if you feel like it,but i dont really think 6 string bass has much point to it unless you are a big fat monster session dude playing behind RnB singers,and it wont get you any more chicks,to many strings and you can lose sight of the fact you are supposed to be holding down a bottom end groove.Saying that there are some good players that use 6 string basses,try it maybe it will be your thing.[/quote] You can play the same stuff on a 6 as you can on a 4 and the bigger instrument definately impresses the chicks as well. I got married after I had my 7 string Sei built. Surely this shows the power an ERB holds over music-loving ladies
  16. I think [b]d-basser[/b] might still have a Peavey 6 string up for grabs on this very forum. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19136&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19136&st=0[/url] Definately worth a look.
  17. Quite nervous posting this! I took Ped up on his offer of hosting an mp3, so I'm able to post some soundclips for the first time ever Here's a chord progression (C, F, G) which I recorded for one of my students to practise along with. I did several passes, altering the controls on the bass for each run through. I've edited them together with some fade in/fade out's. There's no effects of any kind, it isn't even normalised. just the Tyler into a Presonus Firebox, into a laptop running Cubase 4 Essential. The bass is panned dead centre together with the original recordings of two 12 string guitars which were panned extreme left and extreme right. On one side is my Ovation USA Elite T 12 string, the other side is my K.Yairi DY88 12 string. [url="http://dl-client.getdropbox.com/u/85432/Tyler%20demo.mp3"]http://dl-client.getdropbox.com/u/85432/Tyler%20demo.mp3[/url] The controls used are All controls flat, switches up, top pot full anticlockwise All controls flat, switches up, top pot full clockwise All flat First control full on, switch up Second control full, switch down Second control full, switch up Third control full, switch down Third control full, switch up Tyler - my nearly ideal settings for this track The effects of the different settings are quite subtle but all very useful.
  18. Thanks for the kind words about my Sei bass. It's the first (and up to now the only) lacewood Sei, but the simplicity of the 1 pickup came from another 7 string Sei which has a flamed sycamore top (which looks a little like flamed maple). The idea for the coil tap button came from there as well. Luckily, he's a good guy and didn't mind me pinching his ideas. It plays superbly well and I've taken the action a little higher since I've had it. I hope that I'll be able to make it to a Bass-Bash at some point and then people can have a go on it. Anyone who's played it finds it a lot easier than they expected it to be.
  19. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='300976' date='Oct 7 2008, 01:18 AM']you got a really good deal when you did the trade with the Warwick![/quote] +1
  20. Now I've GOT to try and record something I'll do me best!
  21. [quote name='D-COOPER' post='300828' date='Oct 6 2008, 09:28 PM']Hi 7string.Is the EQ on your Sei an addition?I remember your bass having no controls at all!![/quote] Yup, you're right. The bass used to just have a volume control. When we went through the details of the bass, Martin Petersen (the guy behind Sei basses) thought that it might be a bit of a risk going passive. Because of this, we agreed that the full control cavity be routed anyway so if I did want to change then it would be easier to drill holes and add some wires. After a few months, I wasn't getting the sound I wanted, so the Schack 3 band was added. This was on 2 stacked pots, so it was one more hole for that and a tiny hole for the dinky switch for the LEDs. After a bit of fiddling with the dip switches on the Schack unit, the bass sounds great. [quote name='ped' post='300846' date='Oct 6 2008, 09:50 PM']Have you got any clips of the Tyler? ped[/quote] I have no idea how to upload mp3s to put them on here! If anyone knows, could you tell me. I could then record something to show the sounds from the bass. The Tyler has a lot of switches, but I could probably find some way of demonstrating it.
  22. I had a Yamaha TRB6 II which I bought when they first came out. It played great and had a good sound so I hardly had to touch the eq or the blend controls at all. The wide string spacing took a little getting used to, but as it was the only 6 string that I could actually afford, I didn't have any choice! I had it for a number of years, but sold it to get a 7 string. Good instrument though and great value for money.
  23. Yup, I was there last night. I did have the jacket and I walk with a couple of sticks, so pretty easy to spot me in a crowd Billy was on good form last night and I throughly enjoyed it. It was the first time my wife had seen him play and even though she's not a musician, enjoyed the music and the banter. After Birmingham tonight, Billy flies to Shanghal for Wednesday, then goes on to Hong Kong, Australian, Indonesia, Singapore and ends up in Canada at the beginning of next month. A whole round the world tour promoting Yamaha in general, the new BB714BS bass and his new album "Holy Cow". I first had the jacket signed in 1991 (I think) at a Bass Clinic at the old Bass Centre in London. Billy was kind enought to sign it and put the big "Mr Big" writing on it. All the members of Mr.Big signed it in 1992 (I think, all gets a bit hazy, so many years ago) and Mr. Sheehan added another signature and the arrow pointing to the character "Mr. Big". Around 1997 or so at another clinic in Manchester Billy added the "Yee Haw"at the bottom. Even from the first signature I was worried about the writing fading on it. So instead of going over it in another pen, my Mum went over the signatures in black thread. She then went a step further and embrodered the Mr.Big character (the big hat and small feet) onto it as well. One day, she'll have to finish the job!! The jacket will now be retired and hung on the wall of my music room
  24. I like the couple who wandered past him in the first 10 seconds of the first clip. It's all very technically impressive but doesn't do a lot for me, I'm afraid.
  25. Nice to find another fan The "Live" CD and DVD released earlier this year were really great.
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