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Everything posted by 7string

  1. Interesting project. Be great to see this take shape.
  2. Is that what happens when you fall asleep at the keyboard
  3. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='214322' date='Jun 7 2008, 01:24 PM']Is the shape of the headstock meant to represent something? Peter[/quote] No idea I'm afraid !! I've had some info from over on TB. The bass I've bought is the same one for which I posted the ad and picture for. It's serial number 198 and was originally bought in California. From there it was sold to a TB'er in Vancouver (who confirmed it was his). From there it was sold via TB to a player in the UK (I do have a name but I haven't verified it yet). That's was just over a year ago and now it's a commission sale in The Gallery. Nice to have a bit of history !!
  4. The James Tyler name goes onto the top of the headstock as well, so you can read what bass you are playing
  5. Price reduced to £950 o.n.o.
  6. Here's a pic from that advert.
  7. Sounds like a wee grounding problem.... Never mind, enjoy the re-wiring !!
  8. I'm not surprised your friend rates his Tyler so highly. The one my mate's got is finished in "Burning Water" which, in the flesh, looks darn amazing. I accept that the headstock is a bit OTT, but when it's a Tyler it doesn't matter After a bit of scouting about for Tyler bass stuff, I ran into an old advert on TB offering a Tyler bass for sale. It looks really close to the one I've bought, so I mentioned that in a thread thread. One reader has commented that the bass was sold overseas (so outside the USA), so maybe it is the same one. Here's the wording for that sale which gives another impression of the bass: [color="#0000FF"][i]About two years ago I saw and heard Neil Stubenhouse, and was totally blown away by the enormous sound he and his Tyler bass put out. I’ve always had a real fascination over Tyler basses since, in part due to the onboard Demeter preamps. I purchased a used Tyler recently, and found that initially I was not that taken with it. After playing it for several days and taking it to a practice, I began to appreciate its comfort and amazing sounds. Now I'm completely enthralled with the bass. It is an older model (guessing built around '95) black four string. It has 21 frets on a pau ferro board. The neck is maple. The neck is a 1.5" jazz style neck and is also shaped asymmetrically. The edges of the board and frets are rolled and it's easily the nicest neck I've played. The hardware is black. It has cloverleaf style tuners and a drop-d tuner, a Badass II bridge, 2 Bartolini soapbar pickups. The preamp is a Demeter, with three toggles for frequency shifting. The controls are volume/pan/boost and along with the three frequency toggles are active mid, treble and high controls. The bass weighs in at 8.2 lbs. The action is low and the intonation is set perfectly. The slight asymmetrical shaping on the neck and the craftsmanship of the frets/rolled edged along with the Demeter make this bass a standout. The rest of the bass is excellent quality but nothing phenomenal and possibly this is the reason I was not blown away with the bass upon its arrival. I read one review of a Tyler some time ago where the person commented the neck was fat and chunky, or something to that effect. I cannot imagine how that could be, given the neck on this bass. Sheer perfection. :-) [/i][/color] At the moment, I feel like it's Christmas and I'm waiting for a present to turn up.
  9. Yup, he's got a cool white one with black edges. I'm just amazed that I managed to get hold of one
  10. Just to add that I am no longer looking for trades for this bass. It's now a straight sale at £1000 o.n.o. As always, any questions just PM me.
  11. I don't know the moment, I'll open it up when it arrives. I'll also send an e-mail to James Tyler and see if he has any info on it. I forgot to put the Tyler web address up it's [url="http://www.tylerguitars.com"]www.tylerguitars.com[/url] Don't forget to visit the store
  12. After I'd had my Fender Urge Mk1 on sale for a couple of days, I thought I'd look around a few websites and look for a replacement. Originally, I thought of a 5 string, something a bit more traditional (see the "Urge to change" thread). I started to look down the lists of basses on Bass Central, Bass NW and was leaning towards a Sadowsky Metro. However, right at the bottom of the "New arrivals" list at The Gallery lurked a James Tyler described as "4 string, black, rosewood board, Bartolini soapbars". After nearly choking on my tea, I nervously clicked the link.......then took another swig of tea. A Tyler bass....... a real Tyler bass....... but the guy doesn't make 'em anymore..... I've only ever seen one advert for one ever (and believe me I look at a lot of adverts). Surely, The Gallery hasn't got a real Tyler in So I e-mailed Alex at The Gallery and asked for some more photos. OK, so at this point you might think it could be anything. But have a look at the headstock... [b][size=4][color="#FF0000"]YUP, IT'S A TYLER ALRIGHT !![/color][/size][/b] This explains just how good James Tyler guitars are: [size=2][color="#000080"]“If you have to sell every other electric guitar you own to raise funds for a Tyler, do it.” - Guitarist Magazine[/color][/size] A mate of mine has a Studio Elite guitar and it even makes me sound good. It plays like nothing else.... The basses, though, are as rare as the proverbial rocking-horse poop. They've played by the session guys in Nashville for the last 10 years or so (Michael Rhodes, Neil Stubenhaus and Mike Brignardello all have Tylers). Mike Brignardello describes his Tyler sound as "it's mid-range is tightly focussed. It sounds like a high-tech P". This was too good to miss. Luckily, I have a very understanding wife so the Tyler is now mine I tell you all mine !! I still have to sell the Urge though. Yup, I'm excited... I'll write full review when it gets to Glasgow... and after I stopped choking on my tea
  13. Slight change of tack today.... The replacement for the Urge is....... A TYLER 4 STRING RARE AS THE PROVERBIAL ROCKING-HORSE POOP!!
  14. That's crossed my mind as well. There's so many luthiers who make such things as well. I feel a lot of research coming on
  15. [quote name='3V17C' post='211802' date='Jun 3 2008, 02:06 PM']Pink with maple fingerboard like Billy's old one and i'd say yes! peace c[/quote] So would I
  16. Great catch. Many congrats
  17. 7string

    Ive got my 9

    I was looking forward to the hearing the 9 as well. Hopefully, we'll hear them at some point.
  18. I've received this reply back from Fender !! The plugged hole "is a pin router locate point, that is used for the manufacturing of the neck". So there we go, mystery solved
  19. I've never noticed it until you said. Yup, it does look like a small, plugged hole!! The only thing I can think of is that Fender drilled a hole in order to hang the neck from the headstock end so they could spraypaint the front of the headstock. I've sent an e-mail to Fender so we'll see what they say.
  20. Great to see another ACG on the way !! The combination of the camphor body and the spalted 'board is going to be wonderful. I think that the pattern on the camphor looks small pawprints I watched the Michael Tobias speech on Bass Player TV and he told of a bass he was asked to make a bass with camphor. Some thought that the bass wouldn't sound very good, but it turned out extremely well. Also the smell of the camphor kept the bugs out of his shop...
  21. Thanks for the reply, birdy. I think Guitar Guitar have some in so I'll pop in and check them out. I've now got the Urge up in the classified section, I thought I'd put a pic here as well so people can see it in all it's glory
  22. OK, here's the pics !! Here you can see the one small mark on the front of the bass... ...and the small scratch on the back This was left by the last owner sticking a pick holder here... As you can see, the bass is in great nick. Any questions or suggestions for trades (quality 5 strings) just PM me.
  23. Is that Status small or are you very tall ?? Looks like a great gig. Good to gets some decent action shots.
  24. Thanks for the replies I've been to Jon Shuker's place but unfortunately, we were in a rush and couldn't stay very long. I just collected my new de-fretted Conklin GT-7 and had to leave, so I haven't played one either. I've heard fantastic reviews of the Nordy's from guys who tried them at NAMM. The only one in the list that I've actually played is Sadowsky. I have to admit that the Metro I played was much better than I thought it was going to be. [b]Would anyone say that the 'Metro' label take would put them off buying one ??[/b] Unfortunately, it's going to have to be a straight change from Urge to 'whatever' as I don't have cash to put towards it. Should be able to grab something really great though.
  25. Warmoth do have a good name and I've been looking at getting a bass in parts from them. You could always grab a Jazz that you like the feel of and have it routed to take the big pickup. Alternatively, find a luthier who's work you like and ask them to make a suitable body.
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