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Everything posted by 7string

  1. 7string

    my three

    Very cool I like the idea of having the minimum amount of controls...
  2. 7string


    Nice collection
  3. At least Roger Sadowsky is being up front and honest about the way he makes his basses. I'd still buy one... and if I find one in my budget when I'm in the USA in April then I might [quote name='dlloyd' post='133345' date='Feb 3 2008, 11:28 PM']I've got a pair of Seymour Duncan pickups sitting here that would probably work nicely in it and it would probably make sense to get Jimmy Egypt and co to install them.[/quote] After seeing how much they charge for things, I'd dig out the soldering iron...
  4. Some good info here, which I'll have to bear in mind when I go to the USA in April
  5. I think that the '51 Re-issue is a great bass I never had a problem with the slab body at all. I switched the original pickup out for a Seymour Duncan and made sure I shielded everything, even the run of wire from the pickup to the controls !! I was always surprised at how flexible the tone was. Just a great bass...
  6. 7string


    Very cool trio
  7. Great to hear of the progress I really enjoyed seeing my Sei after the wood shaping. I'm sure you know this already, but be prepared for your bass to look a little pale. Martin will no doubt but some thinners on it so you can get an idea of what it'll look like after it's been to the finishers. Here's how my bass looked at the same stage as yours and then after it came back with a shiny coat on It is incredibly exciting to hold the bass and get a real feel of what it's going to be like
  8. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='131693' date='Feb 1 2008, 02:37 AM']Cheers Guys, Nice Fretless their 7string![/quote] Thanks !! It was de-fretted and ramped last year by Jon Shuker. Sounds better than it did when it had frets
  9. Strange.... The carving is clever but I think taste left the building when they were designed
  10. Apparently, Guitar Guitar no longer stock Cort. I've had a quick look on Thomann. They do have Cort stuff, but no funk machine...
  11. Great to see some progress. The facings are really unusual with the mix of curl & birdseye
  12. Yup, nice collection indeed !! The pic of the Skelf is something special What's the top on that ??
  13. What a great setup Lexicon stuff is always great and lives in many racks the world over. Nice to see a player who is GAS free
  14. No point sending out the bass if it's just going to be returned !! Hang in there Mr.Bear
  15. That's a tricky one.. If you have a similar bass already, and like the way it plays, why don't you take measurements from that and ask Jon to set the new bass up to that spec ??
  16. Yup, I have to agree with that as well. Sadowsky are at the top of the tree if you want something more traditional looking. I remember many moons ago back at the Bass Centre in Wapping there was a beautiful Sadowsky on the wall. Superb quilt maple in caramel burst with a maple 'board. All I could do was just stare at it in wonder. Lottery-time, I'll have a Sadowsky as well
  17. Cool basses Surprising how heavy those plexi basses are. I have to admit that my favourite is the Takamine. What a great looking instrument (and being Takamine it probably sounds great too !!).
  18. Great to hear your wife's really enjoying the bass.. She'll be after your gigs next
  19. 7string

    Ive got my 9

    Just listening to the new Steve Bailey release, So Low....solo. That's pretty darn great... I had to laugh at the stuff over at sevenstring.org Geez, some could hardly put a sentence together without some obscenity. It was all very Beavis and Butthead (uurr we can type f*** on here urrrr cool ). ARGH's approach to answering the same questions time and time again may be direct and controversial but there's no doubting his passion for the 9 string which is the first to be made in this country....
  20. Now that's just bloody clever 2 of the most usable effects on-board the bass.. I only learnt how to solder last year !! I admire your taste in both the bass itself and the colour. Great minds think alike and all that Photo courtesy G. Jones
  21. Hi, Yup, you're right there. You never stop learning new stuff
  22. Another cool Staus bass
  23. [quote name='Clive Thorne' post='129296' date='Jan 28 2008, 02:24 PM']Me too, I've got a Mexican in a Turquoise/bluey colour (just the two Jazz pickups, not strung through, less versatile electrics) and the US one in black. I love them both. In fact I was in a couple of music shops in Northampton at the week end and decided to try out a few basses. I tried out a classic Fender Jazz, a Precision, and a Jaguar (all 34"), and I've got to say I wouldn't have swapped either of my Urges for any of them. Not only do I like the scale on the Urges, but I also like the small body. The Urges aren't perfect however (what is?): Ideally I would the outer strings a little further in from the edge of the fret board, but this would mean a new bridge and nut. Also, on the US one I would like a bit more difference between the sound of the P pickup and an equal combination of the two J pups. Also the US one goes a bit thin when I drop D tune it (the mex one doesn't, so it might just be a string issue). I also have my first ever bass, with a 31.5" scale, which I built for myself about 30 years ago. This has a single piece utile body and a set sapele neck with a rosewood fretboard. It has a really dark sound compared to the Urges, and the E detunes to a D, or even a C without losing tone, but to be honest I don't play it much since getting the urges. 7string, is yours the one that was on E-bay about 10 months ago - I remember the distinctive colour? Clive[/quote] Might have been... I bought it from a guy in the US. It's the only bass I have that looks "normal". My Jackson is too rock and my Sei and Conklin have too many strings.
  24. That's one beautiful looking bass Whilst on the "why headless" question.. Could you answer a question for me... Do you find a difference between headless basses with double ball end strings and those using 'regular' strings but are clamped ? I do like the headless design (have owned a couple in the past), but I have a fear of the clamps slipping over time and a large string then slapping me in the face (mentally scarred by being caught by a violin string breaking cutting my face when I was a kid).
  25. Yup, Hartke stuff is great. Love the 4.5xl cab !!
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