[quote name='Clive Thorne' post='129296' date='Jan 28 2008, 02:24 PM']Me too, I've got a Mexican in a Turquoise/bluey colour (just the two Jazz pickups, not strung through, less versatile electrics) and the US one in black. I love them both.
In fact I was in a couple of music shops in Northampton at the week end and decided to try out a few basses. I tried out a classic Fender Jazz, a Precision, and a Jaguar (all 34"), and I've got to say I wouldn't have swapped either of my Urges for any of them. Not only do I like the scale on the Urges, but I also like the small body.
The Urges aren't perfect however (what is?): Ideally I would the outer strings a little further in from the edge of the fret board, but this would mean a new bridge and nut. Also, on the US one I would like a bit more difference between the sound of the P pickup and an equal combination of the two J pups. Also the US one goes a bit thin when I drop D tune it (the mex one doesn't, so it might just be a string issue).
I also have my first ever bass, with a 31.5" scale, which I built for myself about 30 years ago. This has a single piece utile body and a set sapele neck with a rosewood fretboard. It has a really dark sound compared to the Urges, and the E detunes to a D, or even a C without losing tone, but to be honest I don't play it much since getting the urges.
7string, is yours the one that was on E-bay about 10 months ago - I remember the distinctive colour?
Might have been... I bought it from a guy in the US.
It's the only bass I have that looks "normal". My Jackson is too rock and my Sei and Conklin have too many strings.