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Everything posted by 7string

  1. ...and then the microwave stops talking to you, starts to burn food deliberately, then you're not talking to each other you both have to go to a counsellor to confront your feelings, you then get accused of wanting another, younger microwave with a defrost facility, digital timer and slinkier buttons because you obviously don't care anymore... All this just for heating some food.... It's a dangerous slope....
  2. Maybe JPJ is having Hugh Manson make a 4 string, tuned in 4ths but down a tone (or more) from 'standard'. They might think that it needs an instrument with a slightly longer scale length. That's one theory on the 'longer bass' anyway !! I must be the only person who isn't excited about the Zep re-union, never really liked 'em.... :ph34r:
  3. What a great bass !! Congrats on the new addition !!
  4. Great collection of basses and an interesting commentary too !!
  5. I remember reading about Bravewood basses who did that kind of thing... Not sure if it was only for their own instruments or if ti's a service though..
  6. [quote name='cetera' post='63611' date='Sep 21 2007, 02:04 PM']Thank you Sir! They're right up there with the current Euro models... Btw, can I interest you in another Jackson Kip Winger bass.... (it'd help me pay off my Credit Card!) [/quote] Yeah, I'd seen it in the 'for sale' section. Real nice bass and Kip's still going strong as well. A quick trawl through YouTube and there's a few clips with him and the Jackson bass... Unfortunately, no funds at the mo. I have one of my basses at Mr.Shuker's at the moment and he'll want some payment when I come back from holiday
  7. Definately one of the 'modern' classic basses. I've played a couple of NS2's and they're just fantastic. Congrats on 2 great catches!!
  8. [quote name='gilmour' post='63521' date='Sep 21 2007, 12:18 PM']Remington Steele Isn't that a razor? Sry. I am quite taken with the picolo and I don't usually like headless - What's happening to me?[/quote] Maybe someone liked the basses so much that they bought the company.......
  9. Thanks Dan It means a lot to me that you would leave such a message on this thread and that you're enjoying the lessons !! Just to mention here as well, that if a student's bass needs a set-up, I'll do that as well. Dan's Peavey 6 string was in need of such attention, so I took care of that for him by doing the work myself, free of charge. No point in trying to practice on an instrument which is proving difficult and/or annoying to play. That bass had a fresh set of strings on it but if they were shot, the student would have to provide their own strings or I'll get them and charge them at cost. It was nice try for a discount on a lesson though There will be discounts if a block of 5 or more lessons are arranged and paid for in advance...
  10. Remington Steele.... Was this before or after the show of the same name. (I thought I'd say it before anyone else did!!).
  11. I've had a Roland VS1680 for a few years and it always gives great results. As long as you've got a quality noise going into it, you get a quality noise out of it !! I've recorded all sorts with it from bass to distorted guitar to spoken word and I have no complaints at all. Hope this helps..
  12. Just confirming that I am still giving lessons in the Glasgow area !! From beginner to advanced 4,5,6 & 7 string bass, fretted and fretless in genres ranging from nu-country to nu-metal. Every lesson is shaped to your own requirements to help you be the bass player that you want to be... For more info, and to discuss your own requirements, either send a PM or e-mail me at [email protected]
  13. Sorry for the delay in answering this. I've been off the forums for a while I do bass lessons in the Glasgow area. I'm about 10 mins from the City Centre. See the new topic which I've put up!! Feel free to PM me or e-mail [email protected] for more details....
  14. I think I'm halfway between the two of you... I went to Martin having done some homework with regards to materials, but knowing that I wanted a Sei. I'd tried many other basses in the time before I placed my order and nothing really made me go want to go with another manufacturer or luthier (and I was looking waaay before I got into 6 and then 7 string basses). So I knew the model I wanted, it was just a case of could it sound like I wanted it to... When I sat down with Martin to go through my notes, he adjusted some of the ideas I had. That process really instilled in me a confidence that the bass would turn out the way I wanted it to. It wasn't just a case of filling out a form, it was a careful look at construction, woods, electronics and hardware to make sure that I got a Sei which spoke the way I wanted it to. I think Mike hit the nail on the head when he wrote "each of Martin's basses has it's own identity" and the identity matches the owners requirements. Mike's Sei is very different to mine, which is very different to other customers and so on. It's more like a Saville Row tailors than a production line !!
  15. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='6252' date='May 25 2007, 06:55 AM']I've knocked up a trial ramp for my P-bass clone... I used a piece of basswood from hobbycraft and trimmed it to fit between the pickup and neck. I've attached it with double sided sellotape... I'll be making a trial ramp for my peavey next month, but that one I want to be from clear perspex or acrylic as I want to see the flame maple veneer finish beneath. Not sure how to fix that one as the double sided tape isn't clear...[/quote] [quote name='ped' post='6332' date='May 25 2007, 10:52 AM']Tricky one Paul. I would be tempted to use the black tape anyway and just have two lines going down the sides of the ramp, should look fine. An acrylic block that thick might distort the underlying grain somewhat anyway. Cheers ped[/quote] Whatever you do, do not use 'clear drying' superglue. This doesn't work as it ends up drying white under clear perspex. Don't ask me why, but this is what happens and I speak from experience...
  16. Fantastic bass!! Huge congrats!!
  17. I picked up a clear plexiglass Wesley 5 string on eBay for £55. It looked really cool and for the price it was fantastic. Since then I gave it a decent set of strings, shimmed the bolt-on neck, given the frets a once over, made a new nut and I've just finished shielding all the electronics. The fingerboard took about 2 hours to clean it was so bad !! Looks great and sounds pretty good too !!
  18. It's gonna be one cool, blue jazz !!
  19. Glad to hear you're going straight for the 6... I found that when I got my first 6 (I had it de-fretted immediately as well), the excitement and challenge of the new instrument made me want to play it more. The more I wanted to play it, the more I practiced and the quicker I got better. Like others here I jumped from 4 to a 6, bypassing a 5 string.. (This probably goes for any new bass, but especially when the new instrument is so much different from what you are used to..).
  20. [quote name='thumb4bob' post='61429' date='Sep 16 2007, 10:45 PM']just got myself a RIM bass and ive got to say its one of the nicest basses ive ever seen or heard of let alone played or owned!!! Saw your bass personally yesterday alex and ive got to say you are one [b]lucky[/b] man ^_^[/quote] I've got to say that the fish tail design is one of the coolest shapes I have seen for quite a while. Definately on the list for future order and it's not very often I say that !!!
  21. That's one heckuva rig!! I like the way the pedalboard is so tidy with all cables and power supplies taken care of...
  22. This thread is excellent. Thanks BigRedX for all your work putting this together.. Doesn't help the GAS though. There's already a couple of basses I wouldn't mind getting hold of!!
  23. The bass looks like it coming on a treat!! Not too sure that I can excited by the Jet 16-32 Drum Sander though!!
  24. Quick bump for a great bass!! I've owned mine for many years and I wouldn't swap it for anything else...
  25. I've always been impressed with not only Alan's work, but his continued efforts towards creating better and better instruments. This is both through his attention to detail and always wanting to improve his skillsets, as well as his search for top-notch raw material...
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