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Everything posted by GeeCee

  1. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1327160404' post='1507226'] Not a great deal...I believe that they have the same electronics..I'm sure that somebody will be along shortly to correct me.. [/quote] They do.
  2. [quote name='warriorbass05' timestamp='1324730630' post='1477395'] Thanks, I have owned 110 of them [/quote] Is that a typo or did you really mean one hundred and ten!
  3. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1324472776' post='1474613'] Hi. The gig was really great, Cryer were brilliant and Quartz were equally as so - a very good night. As Jez said, I could here tones of the "Eight" but not quite as hear them through my rig. That said, a great sound all round and visully, very effective. The bands enjoyed it and the punters enjoyed it - Result. [i]Some [/i]of the pics we took. More details of the night, Quartz and Cryer will be on my blog in the next few days. Cheers. [/quote] Fez looks like he is positively straining under the weight in the close-ups. Good job he looks like a big lad.
  4. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1323417511' post='1463025'] Jez, Hi. Yes, he was [i]very [/i]pleased to see it again - the look on his face when I opened the case was "Priceless". Like finding a member of the family again, almost 30 years later. He just looked at it for a couple of minutes - I had to lift it out of the case and hand it to him - sort of a "Handing over ceremony". He went straight to the eight and his face lit up! [/quote] What are you going to do if he asks to buy it?
  5. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1323382468' post='1462873'] If I'm not mistaken, this or a very similar one was in Sound Control in Glasgow some years ago. [/quote] It was in Musical Exchanges in Birmingham for a number of years too.
  6. GeeCee


    [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1322690834' post='1454676'] I was re-equilibrating at the time. [/quote]
  7. GeeCee


    [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1322639035' post='1453718'] I'm guessing the Jaydee could of had a neck made of wood not fully seasoned and dry, once it's lacquered and water tight it would be stuck in there? Basically like the vacuum trick with a pop bottle how they swell or crumple up in various atmospheres. (see EBMM roasted necks!) [/quote] My guess would be the ebony fretboard; ebony seems to suck up and release moisture so depending on the humidity in the basement (damp and high or heated and low) the bass may just have been re-equilibrating and requiring a new set up.
  8. [quote name='bassatnight' timestamp='1322682710' post='1454541'] Anyone own or played a Jaydee Fretless Roadie? Any good worth £900 or too much? [/quote] What kind of Roadie? One or two P/U, active or passive, condition? That price (£900) is more than a new basic Roadie I (1 P/U, passive) and pretty close to the current price for a Roadie IIA (2 P/U, active) at £1,155, but there's a 16-month wait for a new one, so worth it to you, maybe? Fretless models are often Roadie I's and I quite like them. Quality bass, basic, simple volume and tone arrangemement, but well made and very playable. Jaydee is not known for his fretless basses though, so try before you buy would be my advice.
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1322342790' post='1449786'] Not my cup of tea either. [/quote] Fair enough, but hardly hideous methinks
  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1322334627' post='1449622'] Jaydee's really are hideous looking things. [/quote] Hideous ... really.
  11. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1322328416' post='1449520'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DEAD-MINT-JAYDEE-BASS-GUITAR-8-STRING-CUSTOM-EDITION-ALEMBIC-STATUS-FENDER-/330647658171?pt=Guitar&hash=item4cfc22debb#ht_886wt_1257"]http://www.ebay.co.u...b#ht_886wt_1257[/url] No mention of how he can authenticate this though.. [/quote] This particular seller is prone to ridiculous pricing. Must be a New York thing. Authenticating is easy. He has given you the serial number, so call Jaydee and they will tell you who it's listed on the books as having been made for. The Mark King thing is not entirely implausible. I remember a guy telling me something similar a few years back, how John had made some basses that he hoped Mark would be interested in, but Mark declined them. The guy bought a S1 Mark King off of John that he claimed was one of those basses. It's not a '91 bass though. If this is the bass I think it is, it was made for a guy called Dave who lives in Ohio.
  12. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1318692874' post='1405308'] White fretboard?? what's that made from then?? [/quote] I would imagine it's just painted white.
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1318367876' post='1401349'] If you are nearby, turn up and knock some at the door round the side.[/quote] Nah, that won't work, I'm not exactly local.
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1318367876' post='1401349'] Really important you don't ask for a mobile number. [/quote] Sorry, but I don't get it.
  15. [quote name='OldGit' timestamp='1271373078' post='807879'] He (For it is a he called Steve) had a set of Antigua's on the wall last time I was pressed against the glass. If you want to go in it's best to phone ahead. [/quote] Hi, Does anyone in the Bristol area have a current telephone number for Steve at Electric Ladyland? When I call the number in the directory (0117 983 2500), I either get an engaged signal or a message saying that the number is no longer in service depending on the phone I use. Always the same, regardless of day or time. Is the store still open? Thanks.
  16. Curious as to what the controls are? Not the typical Pangborn set-up.
  17. [quote name='JayBassD' timestamp='1316723743' post='1382028'] Just to let you know, it is infact a one off. The customer who had it made also had a guitar done in the same manner. They still have the stencils for the anarachy inlays. [/quote] The guy from The Oppressed maybe?
  18. [quote name='Bassowner35' timestamp='1316423787' post='1377729'] Thanks Nick and GeeCee It plays OK and I think it sounds nice. I haven't used it much recently but I used to play it in a small jazz group. I now play an anonymous one-off ( I think) that I found in the local music shop, but I'm thinking of making the Westone my main bass. I may even have it converted to fretless. The finish on the Ned Callan is very distressed, with long cracks, and it has a few rather deep dents and dinges. I could have it sanded, filled and resprayed but of course that wouldn't affect its sound, and might affect its value. I'll check out the shergold website. [/quote] The Shergold guys are used to the crazing associated with these instruments and would tell you not to do anything to it, keep it original.
  19. [quote name='Bassowner35' timestamp='1316363127' post='1376928'] Hello I have a Shaftesbury Ned Callan Hombre that I bought in Exeter back in the 'seventies. It isn't in mint condition, far from it, but as far as I know everything on it except the strings is original. I recently bought a Westone Spectrum ST, which so far seems like quite a nice bass, and I'm thinking of perhaps selling the Ned Callan. I imagine that trying to restore the finish or changing the pickups would spoil its "original" character. Not being a collector, I haven't much idea of what it is worth, but I know it featured in a book about British basses and guitars that appeared a good few years ago, and I understand it was designed by Peter Cook, a well-known British luthier. Has anyone got any suggestions? [/quote] Check out the shergold website ([url="http://www.shergold.co.uk/forum/"]http://www.shergold.co.uk/forum/[/url]). I am sure someone there could give you a value and maybe even buy it off you.
  20. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1356254' date='Aug 30 2011, 08:35 AM']Here are updated photos of my Roadie (before and after) and also the ( ghastly ) pink GA24 which I traded for my Wal Mk1..any thoughts on whether I should have the GA24 resprayed???[/quote] No, don't do it. Too many of the pearl basses have been resprayed (and more selfishly I want to buy one eventually). I was hoping to get this one, but could not get things worked out with Nick. C'mon it's better than sunburst anyway.
  21. [quote name='lobematt' post='1342060' date='Aug 16 2011, 11:21 AM']I've gotta ask dude, who's arse is that in your avatar??[/quote] I think it's Jessica Alba's
  22. [quote name='blunderthumbs' post='1332655' date='Aug 8 2011, 03:03 PM']What I don't understand is why it has gold hardware and chrome tuners [/quote] I believe it's because gold-plated Schaller tuners were very expensive at the time (not that they're cheap now) and were quite hard to get hold off. This "mismatch" is very common.
  23. [quote name='Sofistifunk' post='1308701' date='Jul 18 2011, 08:06 PM']The Serial number of the bass is 01064 - so what year does that make it?[/quote] I believe that would make it from 1981 and roughly the 64th bass made although it's a bit more complicated than that. Slacker is the winner!
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1306507' date='Jul 17 2011, 06:17 AM']Nice bass - very similar to mine which is currently with John having an upgarde on the p/ups..the knobs/switches are different to mine though which is odd as it's also an 87 model..hopefully Nick (Doctor of the Bass) will be along shortly to explain why..[/quote] Roadies typically have black plastic knobs for the EQ controls, but there is no reason why someone could not ask for brass knobs.
  25. [quote name='Sofistifunk' post='1306751' date='Jul 17 2011, 10:29 AM']Not sure how old my Jaydee is? I assumed it had to be a 3-4 years old when I bought in 87-88, because of the amount of nicks and dings to the body.[/quote] What's the serial number, that will tell you?
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