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Everything posted by enricogaletta

  1. Great Axe! Free Bump for you
  2. [quote name='mrbassman_de' timestamp='1378505750' post='2201385'] Of course I know :-) But this wonderful forum is frequently visited by German, Dutch, Belgium, French, whatever players and may be one of them is interested - who knows ... there is also some chance that I will do a trip to UK in the next months so let's see... [/quote] You're right man, this forum is awesome also because it featuring players from several country even outside UE. Anyway, killing rig man, free bump for you!
  3. The suggestions you got above are very good, so keep always up your practice and when you reach a level you think is good enough, move to the next step, never study the same things, or you will be stuck with any further improvements. The other great advice is listen, listen any kind of music, because sometime you can get amazing funk bass lines and feel in music that don't belong just to the funk styles. It's always good learn licks and more but try also to "educate" your ears to the listening, this will help you to understand better a music style and improve your "own voice" on the bass. Cheers. Enrico
  4. it doesn't make any difference, just a personal habit. Cheers. Enrico
  5. In my opinion there are just few guide points to follow when you learning to play a new technique, hands positions, sounds to get, etc, are always relevant but first of all never forget two important points: - playing technique are always personal and individual, way to play it can't be the same for everyone so, you need always to be comfortable when you play; - when you play, it doesn't matter what kind of technique, if you reach a nice sound, that's it, don't worry if the way you playing is different than others. Cheers. Enrico
  6. Try to practice reading and counting, every day a little bit and if you have a chance, if you can, record your playing with a click on your daw, just only with a click, drums and loop tracks are not too much useful if you wanna learn to keep the time good without follow the others. When you practice any exercise, do it with slow tempo, like 60, than same exercise jump to 80, it will help your time keeping... Cheers. Enrico
  7. I'm selling this Warwick Premium double gigbag in mint conditions. Producer's info on the follow link: [url="http://bit.ly/14jros3"]http://bit.ly/14jros3[/url] [url="http://s1255.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09917_zps5b928c1b.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1255.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09916_zpsa7675345.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1255.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09915_zpsf108f807.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1255.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09914_zps8fd9c247.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1255.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09913_zps5a00c559.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1255.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09911_zpsddbca759.jpg.html"][/url] The gigbag is in Italy but there isn't problem for shipping. Shipping not included in the price. Cheers. Enrico
  8. I'm selling this Warwick Premium double gigbag in mint conditions. Producer's info on the follow link: [url="http://bit.ly/14jros3"]http://bit.ly/14jros3[/url] [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09911_zpsddbca759.jpg.html"][/url] More pics [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/library/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag"]HERE[/url] Cheers
  9. I'm selling this Warwick Premium double gigbag in mint conditions. Producer's info on the follow link: [url="http://bit.ly/14jros3"]http://bit.ly/14jros3[/url] [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/media/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag/DSC09911_zpsddbca759.jpg.html"][/url] More pics [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/library/Warwick%20Premium%20Double%20Gigbag"]HERE[/url] Cheers
  10. Hey guys, I'm sorry for the late reply and thank you so much for your nice words @alembic1989, thank you for your offer but right now I'm not interested in trades.
  11. [quote name='Mark Dixon' timestamp='1358549881' post='1941413'] Very very nice, bet it sounds fab [/quote] Hey Mark, it sounds fabulous, the tone is rich of all frequency, it seems to be an active bass!!
  12. [quote name='enricogaletta' timestamp='1355577330' post='1900106'] I'm selling in behalf of student of mine, this wonderful Fender '76 Jazz Bass, maple fingerboard on ash body, serial number 7630968. The bass is in excellent conditions and it sounds great. Unfortunately he need to sell to offset some unforeseen expenses. No trade. The price is set to £ 2600 and include the case. More picture on this link: [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/library/76%20Fender%20Jazz%20Bass"]http://s1255.beta.ph...r%20Jazz%20Bass[/url] [/quote] Price reduced now to £ 2000
  13. [quote name='enricogaletta' timestamp='1338566554' post='1676541'] Hey everyone, I'm selling this beautiful fretless in great conditions, mahogany chambered body with birdeye maple top on the body and on the headstock. Laurus 3EQ preamd and pickup. Scale 34" and 19 mm space strings. Here's some pics: More pics on this link: [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/library/FS%20Laurus%20T800%205%20strings%20fretless"]http://s1255.beta.ph...ings%20fretless[/url] Price reduced £ 1900. For everyone interested just pm me. Cheers. Enrico [/quote] Price reduced now to 1800!
  14. What a great bass!
  15. [quote name='JazzBassFan' timestamp='1355768390' post='1902529'] what's the weight? [/quote] About 3.8 kg
  16. I'm selling in behalf of student of mine, this wonderful Fender '76 Jazz Bass, maple fingerboard on ash body, serial number 7630968. The bass is in excellent conditions and it sounds great. Unfortunately he need to sell to offset some unforeseen expenses. No trade. The price is set to £ 2600 and include the case. More picture on this link: [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/library/76%20Fender%20Jazz%20Bass"]http://s1255.beta.ph...r%20Jazz%20Bass[/url]
  17. hey Bobby thank you! Yeah that track it was too fun to play and think two different way to soloing :-)
  18. Welcome and if you need any tip or advice just post your questions. Let's groove. Cheers
  19. Nice bass, welcome!
  20. There are two book I highly suggest to learn and improve sight reading: - Reading Modern text In 4/4 by Louis Bellson - Sight Reading for the Bass by Ron Velosky The first one is to improve your rhythm reading and the second to improve your quick sight reading. If you do both page after page, without rush and giving yourself the time to learn accurately you won't have any problem to read good and than you can move to the next step, working on real music charts, even in this second part you need to study first simple charts and than moving to complex ones, it doesn't matter if them come from different music styles, pop, rock, jazz, ballad etc etc, probably the diversity will help to improve your sight reading. Never forget that sight reading is a true fitness, when you practice it every day you get it sharpen, vice versa you'll lose a little bit the speed in reading. Anyway if you need any help feel free to PV. I have a reading class program and I will be happy to help you. Cheers. P.s. another good challenge is apply the sight reading to slap exercises.
  21. Hey man, don't worry, no offense. I don't use google translator or whatever, just my english knowledge but, sometimes, and I'm pretty sure you can understand this , is a quite complicate explain a deep concept in a different language than your (and I'm sure you agree with it) plus several times people can't understand each other even when they speak the same language, isn't it? Anyway I think you got what I was trying to explain, in my opinion the teacher it's the main key, a great teacher doesn't have his main aces in degree, skills, etc etc, they are important off course, but the true key in teaching, is the capacity to make or transform a boring/not interesting/not supercool thing in some that give you enthusiasm in learning it! For this reason I'm truly believe that great players aren't always great teachers, in my learning history I studied with some of the top players in the world and I can tell you, some of them were awful teachers. I'm connected with several music schools, both with different targets, some are for professional musicians some are for basic instruments courses, in both there are enough bass students. I don't believe the new generations think the bass is less "cool " than other instruments, especially in these last decades where, from any music style, whether the player is a groove or virtuoso type; the bass reached an awesome level of popularity. Talking about the marketing, well I'm pretty sure your friend is good, but if all the other courses are full of students but the bass class still don't reach a good level... well, don't you believe there is something wrong that doesn't depend from the popularity of the bass? Cheers [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1350688464' post='1842452'] I'm sorry Enrico, i don't mean to be rude, but i found that quite hard to read. you aren't perhaps using google translate, are you? I don't mean to insult your english skills though, google translate has a habit of translating things wrong. are you saying that in alot of cases, it is the teachers fault for not doing it for any other reason than the money? because i reject that, most kids just aren't interested in learning bass. the music school i was talking about, i am good friends with the owner, and he has a degree in marketing. his business is quite successful, with 6 fully booked guitar teachers, 2 pretty well booked drum teachers, and a bass teacher who only has a few students. he is a good teacher, so that isn't the issue. The issue is, it isn't seen as a "cool" instrument, and kids always want the "cool" thing, even if it is totally rubbish. [/quote] [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1350689930' post='1842469'] I understand what Enrico is saying perfectly. [/quote] [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1350717309' post='1842539'] I agree with Enrico, a good teacher needs to inspire and find out how to get the info into the students head. [/quote]
  22. In my opinion and from my experience depends in the 80% from the teachers, kids are like adults beginning play the bass, a lot of them start with the idea "to have just fun" and with the concept to study just the little they need to play the bass in some friends band. Give them enthusiasm, curiosity, willing to study (even things that they don't supposed to care) when they come back from the day job it's all on the teacher shoulders. It's the main ability a teacher should have! In my opinion it's a big truth, the matter that great musician isn't always great teacher! In teaching process IS the teacher that [u]turn on the fire[/u] in students no matter what and the big problem is that a lot of teacher they do it just for the money, they really don't like teach and don't believe in what they are doing in that moment. The rest 20% it's just marketing, there are several ways to how promote and claim audience and if you had the chance to make it real and you have real good teachers, than you done! Cheers.
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