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Everything posted by enricogaletta

  1. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1350498430' post='1839780'] That's funny, when I kick the Octaver on with my Filter Twin, getting off from the bass is exactly what I do! [/quote] Too funny common addiction
  2. You guys are right and the most fun things about the Filter Twin is when you add it to a octaver pedal, I can't get off from the bass
  3. You're right, the neck it's very comfortable to play
  4. Thanks for your nice words Higgie. You right the Filter Twin is a too much fun toy to have! Cheers
  5. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1347563485' post='1802561'] Nice playing indeed matey, Lovin the sounds too! Filter twin is now on my gas list thanks to you!! [/quote] Thank you man! I'll upload soon some other videos including some instructional, if someone have some request just ask, I'll try to do my best ;-) Cheers
  6. Thanks Guys!!
  7. Hey everyone and fans of YT bass test! I just uploaded on my YouTube channel a new video, It's a test of my new Aguilar rig. it's to fun play this stuff that, I decided to make my first instruments video test. I recorded some grooves using my Sadowsky NYC 24 fret with DR LoRider strings into Logic, just directly from the DI out of the Tone Hammer 500, trough a Filter Twin and the TLC Compressor. The result was awesome, the Pre's EQ of the TH500 was almost flat and the bass was sounding already perfect, preserving his warm and aggressive bright tone. The filter has several sounds combination and the compressor it's incredible, especially because we are talking of a pedal comp. Give it a check. [media]http://youtu.be/JVsIxPxag34[/media] Cheers. Enrico
  8. Wonderful basses, good luck with the sale!
  9. I forgot to mention that with bass coming a Laurus leather shoulder strap and a Warwick double gigbag!
  10. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1341509148' post='1720311'] Great stuff ! Fabulous playing... [/quote] Thank you!!
  11. Hey guys here's some tracks recorded with this bass... [url="http://soundcloud.com/enrico-galetta/love-despite-the-distance"]http://soundcloud.co...te-the-distance[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/enrico-galetta/santisaia-street-48-hour"]http://soundcloud.co...-street-48-hour[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/enrico-galetta/summer-night-w-abanico"]http://soundcloud.co...night-w-abanico[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/enrico-galetta/loose-gravel-w-bill-hart"]http://soundcloud.co...vel-w-bill-hart[/url] Cheers. Enrico
  12. Interesting idea guys! Here's some of mines: [media]http://youtu.be/wYBOPoNR6sI[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/9npX7NoS3Hw[/media] On my signature there is my YouTube, give it a check. Cheers. Enrico
  13. Welcome back Enrico
  14. I forgot to tell that this bass featuring a chambered body that give an amazing warm tone, the preamp add modern and bright sound. So the tone is real versatile for a fretless instrument, even if the bass has just the bridge pickup. And it's pretty light!
  15. Using compressor on Slap is always a great idea, just don't overuse it. Maybe you can't hear when you play alone but when you're in the band benefits are always great. Anyway before start to using compressor just work on gain and tone if you have some "issue" with the new strings than start to work with compressors. Cheers. Enrico
  16. I use the LoRiders since ten years and more. They are expensive but I never found something like that in sound but cheaper. In my opinion they are the most versatile stainless steel that DR make. They are a little bit brighter than Hi Beam. Just give it a try once. Everybody has personal taste on strings about bass tone and playbility, so the best move is give it a check. Cheers
  17. Hey there, just a quick question, is a 18 or 19 mm strings spacing? Cheers. Enrico
  18. Hey Joe and to everyone, I'm sorry about the first post, I just forgot to put the price. Enrico
  19. Hey everyone, I'm selling this beautiful fretless in great conditions, mahogany chambered body with birdeye maple top on the body and on the headstock. Laurus 3EQ preamd and pickup. Scale 34" and 19 mm space strings. Here's some pics: More pics on this link: [url="http://s1255.beta.photobucket.com/user/enricock/library/FS%20Laurus%20T800%205%20strings%20fretless"]http://s1255.beta.ph...ings%20fretless[/url] Price reduced £ 1900. For everyone interested just pm me. Cheers. Enrico
  20. Hey everyone, I would like to introduce my bass lessons program trough Skype or iChat. For who wants to know more about it, please visit the links on my signature or just PV me. Let's groove! Cheers. Enrico
  21. I guess you ask this because noisy issues (buzz and more) I have low action on almost all my basses including a '62 reissue jazz bass but all the Fenders I tried, including some deluxe versions, aren't the right basses to have a super low action, because a lot of them don't have an accurate work (common problem in different big companies) on the fretboard or on the first frets so with a low action it's easier have issues somewhere, with too much buzzing, more than usual for a good instrument with low setup, or some problem with frets on the second octave. So unless you don't fix the issue with a good re-frets and bridge change, or you get used to this issues or don't use too low action on these basses. Off course there is always the exception, indeed I tried sometimes fenders that were perfect with low action because great fretboard work from the begin and the funny is that I'm talking just about a regular/not expensive models, mistery of the big Fender production :-) Cheers. Enrico
  22. Usually there was a: - TLAudio Fat1 Compressor and Avalon U5 - SWR Interstellar Overdrive and a an SWR Power750 now an Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 instead the SWRs Cheers. Enrico
  23. Here we go guys, here's mine: http://soundcloud.com/enrico-galetta/sets Enrico
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