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  1. Where about's are you Tom?
  2. Where about's are you based
  3. I had one of these fitted with celestion's sounded awesome but was so so so heavy Have a bump on me
  4. Ahh alas the problem becomes more of a problem as Hard to Find, Birmingham have gone into receivership, I've spoken to Loud Technologies and they seem to think they will just swap it for another new one, fingers crossed this one works
  5. I've had the Marshall for 5 years nearly, never let me down the ampeg is he reserve but ive been using it at the last 2 smaller gigs to get the feel of it. I've the 410 cab
  6. I hope it's just a fault hmmm we'll see I guess
  7. I thought am I, but the it was a small gig in a front room, it's 350 w gain was at about 2 o clock, volume 10 o clock
  8. I need a little help, I bought 3 weeks ago an Ampeg Pf 350, and have used it twice now, last night in a house for a private do we played at. The problem I'm having is that at really low volume the amp starts cutting out?, this was not at high volume setting on the Amp. I've read a lot online about this happening but know one seems to have a definitive idea, so do I 1, send it back faulty for repair 2, send it back and try for full refund 3, it's just the way it is Im in favour 2 as its just doing my head in, my Marshall mb450 in comparison sounds awesome
  9. So with this head and my mbc410 both running at 4ohms will the cab draw the full 350 watts?, The Marshall has a 600 w rms handling capability? Will I get the full 350 watts into my cab is basically the question Thanks for your help though fellas
  10. I have he matching Marshall head as well but is proving a little erratic and I need a small light weight back up and a new porta flex is 215 quid, doesn't seem a bad deal to me
  11. So am I right my cab runs at 4 ohms ( Marshall mb410), and I'm thinking off getting a ampeg porta flex 350 which at 4 ohms will give full 350 watts am I correct in my thinking, I think the bank holiday has blown my mind a bit oh and does anyone have the ampeg porta flex ? Any reviews ?
  12. I play in a 50's rock and roll covers band at the moment and this morning we played at a special needs childrens school. The kids loved it, some of the funniest dancing I've ever seen, brilliant morning if you ever get the chance to do the same take it. So where have you had a gig that surprised you?
  13. TraceElliott SM7 for sale £45.00 delivered - [b]SOLD Pending payment[/b] Zoom 506 £ 15.00 delivered Effects Flight Case, 240v kettle lead in bottom side exterior and plug for 2 sockets on the interior. £ 40.00 delivered Both the Trace and the Zoom come with 240v plugs if both or all three items are wanted their will obviously be a reduction in the delivery [attachment=87100:DSC02172.JPG] [attachment=87101:DSC02170.JPG] [attachment=87102:DSC02171.JPG] [attachment=87103:DSC02168.JPG]
  14. I have to agree with fat rich, thanks very much for all the advice, Ive just lower the poles in the same way and it seems to be much brighter, the test will be with a full band. Also i found a setup on the amp last night that did improve the quality of sound aswell so much happiness all round
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