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Everything posted by davidlovellbass

  1. PRICE DROP £550 Another odd ball amp from Fender. Only a twin in name from the cabinet it was originally in but now removed from. Tonally its very similar to the Studio Bass as they share the same circuit design, think classic Ampeg SVT more than Fender but at 2/3rds the power and half the weight. Valve complement is; 3 12AX7s, 1 12AU7, 1 12AT7 and 6 6L6GCs I'm Southampton based and demos are welcome Trades for high end compressor and preamp pedals plus cash or a Macmillan 12 step plus cash Collection is preferred but i can deliver for fuel and tea costs. [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][u]Here are the amp specifications:[/u][/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Specs:[/b] [b]Years of Production:[/b] 1975 – 1976 [b]Controls:[/b] Black Forward facing with white labels [b]Knobs:[/b] Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10 (EQ knobs numberd -5 to +5)[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Faceplate [/b] [b]•Front:[/b] Power Sw, Standby Sw, Pilot Lamp – In, In, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass, Presence – 1850 Hz, 1000 Hz, 390 Hz, 180 Hz, 80 Hz – Output [b]•Rear: [/b]Speaker Jack, ? Jack, Hum Balance Adj, ? Jack, Output Tubes Matching Adj, Fuse (3A)[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4]Effects: Active EQ[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]~Watts[/b]: 200 watts[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4]Tubes[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]•Pre am[/b]p: 2 x 7025 [b]•Power[/b]: 6 x 6L6GC[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Bias[/b]: Fixed Bias [b]Rectifier[/b]: Solid State[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4]Comments: Active EQ: 12AU7[/size][/color]
  2. PRICE DROP £500 [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][u]Here are the amp specifications:[/u][/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Specs:[/b] [b]Years of Production:[/b] 1977 – 1980 [b]Configuration:[/b] Combo [b]Controls:[/b] Black Forward facing with white labels [b]Knobs:[/b] Black skirted w/ chrome center, numbered 1 – 10 (EQ knobs numberd -5 to +5)[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Faceplate [/b] [b]•Front:[/b] Power Sw, Standby Sw, Pilot Lamp – In, In, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass, Presence – 1850 Hz, 1000 Hz, 390 Hz, 180 Hz, 80 Hz – Output [b]•Rear: [/b]Speaker Jack, ? Jack, Hum Balance Adj, ? Jack, Output Tubes Matching Adj, Fuse (3A)[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Cabinet [/b] [b]•Handle: [/b]Black Strap Handle [b]•Feet:[/b] Casters[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Covering Material[/b] [b]•Tolex/Tweed:[/b] Black Tolex [b]•Grill Cloth: [/b]Black Acoustic Foam with White Trim[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Logo: [/b]Grill mounted, raised, chrome & black script[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Speaker [/b] [b]•Size:[/b] 1 x 15 [b]•Impedance:[/b] 8 ohms [b]•Model:[/b] Electro Voice[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4]Effects: Active EQ [b]~Watts[/b]: 200 watts[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4]Tubes [b]•Pre am[/b]p: 2 x 7025 [b]•Power[/b]: 6 x 6L6GC[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4][b]Bias[/b]: Fixed Bias [b]Rectifier[/b]: Solid State[/size][/color] [color=#6F6F6F][size=4]Comments: Active EQ: 12AU7[/size][/color] Bit of an odd ball amp produced for 3 years for '77-'80. Like a Bassman but with almost twice the power and a built in valve driven second EQ. Works really well as a bed for pedals or just a huge valve tone for plug and play. [color=#6F6F6F]JohnK did a great write up; [url="http://johnkvintageguitars.homestead.com/StudioBass.html"]http://johnkvintageg...StudioBass.html[/url][/color] Valve complement is; 3 12AX7s, 1 12AU7, 1 12AT7 and 6 6L6GCs I'm Southampton based Trades for high end compressor and preamp pedals plus cash or a Macmillan 12 step plus cash Collection would be ideal, UK postage is £42 but i can deliver within 150 miles for fuel and tea costs. [attachment=219019:IMG_0496.JPG][attachment=219020:IMG_0490.JPG][attachment=219021:IMG_0491.JPG][attachment=219022:IMG_0492.JPG][attachment=219023:IMG_0493.JPG]
  3. I bought a Boss EQ pedal from Paul on Saturday, it was a really good price and it arrived recorded delivery on Tuesday. Cant get much better service!
  4. I've been shopping around for shirts, patches, badges, etc and wondered where do you get yours printed and anywhere i should be avoiding?
  5. I'm thinking of jumping into the whole foot keyboard thing too. At the moment the Keith McMillen 12 step is the best option as it'll do chords as well as having a small footprint and being cheaper than most other controllers of similar ilk. The thing I'm trying to work out is if it's worth buying a synth module and spending more but having an easier setup and not worry about it being stolen at gigs or using my mac and software which will be far more flexible with tones and use midi. I'm not sure what the preset sounds are like but for just over £200 it's worth a try
  6. I just sold the bass this was installed in so I've got no need. Tone wise it's like a normal 4003 pickup but with higher output. This was the third pickup installed in the same bass including a '86 high gain pickup and the Seymour Duncan was the one which worked best in all the styles I played. Postage included
  7. I was looking at buying a McMillen 12 step and wondered if anyone else has tried one or uses one and what setup they have. Any advise would be great as i'm looking at synth modules and wondering if using an iPad would be easier
  8. Running an eq pedal into the front end would also give more drive to the preamp valve. The eq on the LH500 isn't parametric, it's a Fender style so works well with all tone controls on 10 the roll off high depending on the gig
  9. My current rig is a 180 watt fender into either a BF compact or vintage. In the past a had a modded bassman 100 which I used both channels for extra gain and headroom. The master was on 9 but preamp on 3 or 4 and that was LOUD, enough volume for standing up to 2 guitarists with 4x12s
  10. Depends on the cabinet/s you'd be using. You'd be fine volume wise using either something modern and efficient like a Barefaced or a vintage Peavey/Acoustic/Ampeg 4x12, 2x15, 8x10
  11. Certainly looks interesting. If it just has 2 or 3 12ax7s and a SS power section then it'd fit nicely on a pedal board and be a good sansamp alternative.
  12. Hahahaha, anything specific?
  13. What car stuff do you need?
  14. Thank you all for the responses, I never gave the speaker specs much thought as the cabinet never sounded like it was being taxed at any volumes. Where could i find a cabinet design that'd use the speaker to it's full potential? I don't have a cabinet design program but making one isn't beyond impossible or would an existing brands cabinet work just as well?
  15. I've done this. Great if you're playing in a one or no guitar band also for using effects that don't play well with bass. Using a couple of eq pedals or a crossover also really helps keep the two sounds seperated which stops muddyness. My last rock recording setup consisted of a clean DI, a post eq bass DI then an over driven fender twin
  16. Thanks for the help guys. I'll have to start A/Bing spec sheets and see what'll work. It's an odd cabinet and one with quite a bit of history of pro player use so it seems a shame to ditch the cabinet. The other question would be finding a cabinet that'd work with the JBL and not cost a fortune
  17. I was hoping to swap the JBL out for an Emience basslite C2515 but spending out for a speaker that could sound bad isn't very appealing
  18. I use a Trace GP11 preamp but also owned several other Trace amps. The weight was always an issue and seemed a but unneeded. Ashdown are carrying on with mildly tweaked Trace designs including digital power amp versions and doing good business so the designs can't be too outdated.
  19. I bought a cabinet with a JBL E145 after reading how good they are as a bass speaker, sadly great tone comes in at about 50 Kgs for a 1x15 cabinet. The other problem is the cabinet design isn't standard either as it's a Karlson design so working out the internal area is a bit harder. Anyone have any ideas for a replacement speaker that isn't so heavy?
  20. I heard one of these the other day, certainly not an unpleasant tone. If you are looking for the bassman tone why not buy a silverface bassman? It's full valve, only 50/100/135 watts, cheap and daisy chaining the two channels with an eq pedal makes both channels more useable. Matched with a good 1x15 it's enough volume for nearly all gigs
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