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Everything posted by Cow

  1. Interesting, how so? The pickup mod?
  2. Alex from Ned's Atomic Dustbin's Rickenbacker (not that Matt's stingray isn't a looker too)
  3. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1495794958' post='3306643'] If you change the mass of the headstock, you will alter the resonant(and cancelling) frequencies of the neck - resonances and cancellations act like EQ, exactly how much cut/boost you get and the frequencies at which this occurs will vary from instrument to instrument. [/quote] I guess it could be something along these lines, I'm just concerned that somehow not fitting them 'properly' is the culprit in some sort of negative way.
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1495732939' post='3306243'] If you have an old set of strings on, simply taking them off and putting then back on again can make them sound brighter. I guess it's the same phenomenon as this, just without the slapping! http://youtu.be/s8OYeN9mAL4 [/quote] This was my initial thought, which is why I tried swapping back to the old tuners to see if the change remained, but that seemed to revert it back to how it was before :/
  5. (Wasn't sure if this would be better here or in repairs and technical, mods feel free to move if I chose poorly) This is probably going to be a strange post so I apologise in advance. Long story short(er), I fitted a set of hipshot ultralite tuners to my fender precision last year and was ecstatic with the result, made a world of difference to the balance and comfort of the instrument with no negatives I could perceive. I was very keen to get the same result with my Rickenbacker, which while not as neck heavy as the pbass had been I'm also constantly aware of the weight and drag on my shoulder regardless of the type of strap used, which is a constant distraction from just getting on with enjoying playing. However, I soon discovered (surprisingly I thought) that apparently no one makes a lightweight tuner that's a direct fit and doesn't require the headstock holes to be enlarged, which I am really not keen on at all. I did however have a conversation with a chap who informed me that he had had success fitting the hipshots by simply leaving the stock bushing in place rather than using the ultralite one, and therefore not having to enlarge the holes. Decided it was worth a go since I thought worst case scenario I end up with a screw hole that would be hidden by the original tuners if they went back on. Sure enough, I was able to fit them, but, the results were a bit confusing. Weight wise, they made a difference, but not nearly as drastic as on the fender. Playing for a little while I'd say there's still some 'pull' towards the floor but it was definitely easier to ignore and my shoulder wasn't fatiguing nearly as much. However, more importantly, as soon as I strung it up I immediately noticed a change in tone, which I did not with the fender. I shall freely admit to not having the best ears in the world, so I'm really struggling to understand or explain what the change was. The best I can put it is that it was almost like putting a new set of strings on (I did not), it's sort of like a more metallic/trebley/clank that's audible both amped and acoustically. It's sort of like a hollow body sound maybe, a little like plucking on the Hofner I have. I wondered if it was perhaps to do with taking the strings on and off so for comparison I took the hipshots off and put the stock tuners back on, and it immediately went back to 'normal'. It's pretty annoying because I can't for the life of me figure out if the change is good/bad/inconsequential or what it even is, and it's making me feel a tad silly. All I can think is that perhaps because the hipshots are designed to be used with a screw bushing rather than the press fit one used for the standard rick tuners, the single screw isn't enough on its own to create a snug enough fit and is causing everything to resonate differently and or wrongly? Especially since I didn't notice any change with the fender as I say and haven't read anything about anyone else experiencing a tone change switching over. I guess what I'm asking in amongst my rambling, is has anyone had any sort of similar experience or thoughts on what could be going on? Ultimately, the weight and balance difference is a positive, but I don't want to have messed anything up in the process and I don't think it's enough to have convinced me drill out the holes to try and fit them 'properly'. But I also don't want to say forget it and go back to stock if it's nothing negative or detrimental and is only because I'm hearing something 'different' that I'd get used to and forget about. Anyway, hopefully some of you can forgive my vagueness and offer some helpful advice.
  6. I almost always get a funny look when I tell people Ned's Atomic Dustbin are my favourite band (and usually get asked to repeat it more than once!) Also a big fan of Dream Disciples, but have yet to meet anyone else who's even heard of them
  7. Joy Division - Transmission
  8. Fitted the mid brown one to my USA pbass without any hassle, looks great
  9. I also purchased a lovely tort pickguard from Simon, great communication and sent out straight away, cheers!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wX3aKOnIiM
  11. In fact, just to add: I had almost forgotten, but at the time my girlfriend was buying the acoustic guitar she had another electric (an ESP) on order with Thomann. It wasn't being released for a few months yet if I recall so she was waiting for the stock to come in. She happened to mention this to the shop owners at which point they went on a tirade about how Thomann were the worst company in the world and no one should ever buy anything from them ever, even showing her a printed letter they said had been sent out from the head of ESP warning that Thomann were a bunch of scammers who wouldn't honour warranties or some such. They convinced her she should cancel her order and they would order the guitar in for her if she wanted it. I wasn't convinced (have used them myself before and since) and didn't find anything online at the time or since either about a problem between ESP and Thomann - perhaps it was genuine and someone here can back it up though, I'd be interested to know. Anyway, they scared her enough that she did end up cancelling the order, though luckily she never re-ordered it from that store.
  12. Since we're on the subject of customer service in local music stores: A few years back I went into my small local music shop with my then-girlfriend, who ended up purchasing a nice acoustic they had. While she was paying for it and selecting a hard case etc, I asked to try a five string bass they had (can't recall exactly what it was) as I'd never had a go on one before. It was pretty nice and not particularly expensive, so naturally the GAS monster started to rear it's ugly head to the point that I was almost convincing myself I should buy it, getting all caught up in the retail-buying excitement and all. After five-ten minutes or so of noodling one of the staff came over so I started asking some questions, such as was I right that the fretboard was ebony (I pretty much knew it was but was trying to show I might be interested in buying it). They were all met with disinterested half answers including a 'no idea, probably' regarding the ebony board, he then huffed and told me he better take the bass back now otherwise it would be second hand. Bearing in mind, I had had it for less than ten minutes and was showing interest in it while my girlfriend (we were the only two people in the shop) was handing over a reasonable sum of money at the till, I gave him a blank 'are you serious?' look, handed over the bass and left. On the plus side, it stopped me spending money I shouldn't have been spending, but I still couldn't believe it. Fast forward to last year, I was installing a treble bezel in my Rickenbacker and in the interest of cosmetics, was considering getting some replacement pickguard screws etc as the ones on it are showing a little rust. They were a bit too pricey online so thought I'd give the local shop a try, thinking since they do repairs/setups, they might have something suitable in stock or be able to to order something in a bit cheaper. Worth a try at least, I thought. So in I went, it was one of the owners who was behind the counter, so I asked him did he by any chance do spare screws/nuts etc. He looked at me like I'd just asked him if I could get a roll and square sausage and replied "screws for what?". Resisting the urge to ask him if that was a trick question and accepting perhaps I wasn't specific enough, I looked over at the repair counter with the boxes of screws nuts and bolts and politely explained I was looking for replacement pickguard screws/nuts etc. for my Rick. He then leaned back in his chair, folded his arms and said "Well, we might - but everything has it's price". Those were his exact words to me. No exaggeration. At that point, I really wanted to (and in retrospect should have) simply turned around and walked out, perhaps asking if he'd like to get that printed on the window as the store slogan. However, being too polite and still sort of wanting the screws, I pointed out (as politely and non-sarcastically as I could at this point anyway) that I didn't ask for anything for free and was well aware they wouldn't be, given that I was in fact, in a shop and that is generally how shops work. We then went over to the repair bench where I showed him the screws I'd brought with me, after telling me he couldn't order the correct screws for me, he then rummaged around various tubs bringing out various screws, none of which were remotely similar. Ones that were the closest he only had four of, which when I pointed out I needed more than his answer was I could just take four of them, then a couple of different ones as well to make up the numbers. I decided to leave at this point. Needless to say, I won't be back there again and I certainly won't be taking in anything for repair...
  13. [quote name='Chris Sharman' timestamp='1386762990' post='2304114'] Done. I didn't note the number but it was either 735 or 736. Observation not my strong point. [/quote] I think I was no 735. Having said that, observation isn't my strong point either :-P
  14. Alex Griffin, 'lead' bassist of Ned's Atomic Dustbin. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmD08Na5VKI[/media]
  15. Got to pipe in with Alex Griffin of Ned's Atomic Dustbin, the 'lead' bassist of the two. Rarely if ever see him mentioned, which is a real shame. Not a conventional player by any means but definitely my biggest influence, the first player to open my eyes to the different possibilities of the instrument. Big plus one for Morgan Nicholls too
  16. Cow

    Geddys Nose

    Bought Si's Retrovibe off him - pleasure to do business with :-) Got it out to me straight away, packed securely, and in top notch condition too - cheers! :-D
  17. Ooh, go on then [attachment=52161:rick.jpg] [attachment=52162:pbass.jpg] [attachment=52163:sub.jpg]
  18. Bought Wooks' Zoom B2.1u pedal off him, can also say i found him a pleasure to deal with, top bloke, cheers Wooks!
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