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  1. Or, perhaps, 6 identically-namec bands each with one gig, one in each of the 6 States.
  2. "I've been searching through these seed catalogues for an hour now, and I still haven't found what I'm looking for. "
  3. You must be "Inside". Me, I am stuck beside the coat table in the hallway. I'll send you a photo of me, to help you decide whether and how you want to greet me
  4. He remembered me, and that we last met at a mutual friend's birthday party. He remembered too that he had given me a lesson. I am in shock. And I am officially Cool.
  5. To my utter surprise, I made it. The place is full of groovy and hip people. I am neither. I think that I am late. About 30 years late....
  6. That's today! Pretty close to me, in Swanley, too.
  7. The comment "Worth getting a teacher" was for the benefit of @edstraker123, as someone who hadn't previously tried the violin. So it is interesting that @Rosie C is getting a teacher, even though we know that our friend is a proficient orchestral viola player (violist?), and had therefore used a bow before. And a mandolin will have given experience of the violin tuning. And of course, anyone who can make a recorder sound decent is clearly a musical genius! If @Rosie C needs a teacher, how much more would a beginner like myself!
  8. It is terrific fun, and very rewarding to nail a line, or even a note. I feel that I have unlocked a new skill level! I am still trying to increase the "mwah" which I have done by turning up the midrange. Is there another way of getting more mwah? Lower action? Different strings?
  9. Did the bridge need any adjustment? A friend of mine asked me to restring his (much cheaper) electric violin, and I saw that the bridge was not shaped to give a lower action at the A and E side. I wasn't competent enough to try it myself, so I left him to get a luthier to look at it - but as it was, it seriously impacted on the intonation. Violin is the same tuning as your mandolin, I think. I have seen a separate fretted fingerboard "cap" that sits atop a normal violin fingerboard. Worth looking at? However, it is possible to learn the intonation and the positioning by ear (and practice). Worth getting a teacher too - of all the instruments I have tried, it was the least intuitive.
  10. Perhaps he has joined an interpretive mime group, and is trapped in a room for which he cannot find the door.
  11. "That's a great sounding bass! I must buy one for myself, for, as we all know, new basses make us sound great. " Or is that the wrong sort of thing that is being encouraged?
  12. It's not just you. Two of the input channels on my Yamaha AG03 PC interface have failed. Instead of buying a new one, I found the Xenyx 802 mixer that I was given, and used the working inputs from that, and a pair of effects pedal cables, to plug into the two remaining inputs of the AG03. The twin mixers are messy, but kept me operational. There's more. Instead of buying a midi expansion box with lots more sounds for my piano, or a better hammer-action keybed, I invested the same budget in piano lessons. My Grade 1 exam is on 10th March. And one more. Instead of using my fretted bass to practice, I am now exclusively on fretless bass, working on my intonation. So, all this gear abstinence malarky is giving me no extra toys, but a bit of extra ability on the instruments that I do already have. Practicing? It'll never catch on....
  13. @Raslee The weight is 4.334 kilograms = 9.555 pounds. To my embarrassment, I am unsure how to measure the string spacing. Do these photos help? 45mm nut width.
  14. 1998 XB500. This Korean-made Washburn was manufactured in 1999 (according to the Serial Number). An active bass with twin humbuckers, a pan-pot selects a variable mix of the pickups, and we have Volume, Bass and Treble controls. Translucent green / teal finish, that is largely intact apart from a few minor surface scratches, and a tiny dent. The stuck truss rod was recently fixed (unstuck) by a well-known Basschat luthier. I shared details of the bass in a few threads - in the interests of transparency, here are the links: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/446973-where-are-all-those-washburn-basses/#findComment-5422722 https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/459762-rattling-truss-rod-on-a-washburn-xb500/#comment-4656048 https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/445217-safe-removal-of-a-tone-control-from-a-loose-shaft/?tab=comments#comment-4365696 Prefer having the item picked up (not least so that the buyer can try before buying). No strap with the bass, I'm afraid. However, I may be able to source and add a tired but usable Hiscox hard case to the mix for an extra £40, and will post it for free. Photos below
  15. That sounds like a good outcome, notwithstanding your neck and shoulder problems.
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