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Posts posted by foal30

  1. Equus - Pony Jones

    put a flanger behind it, the BB becomes a comfy ride
    IMO the distortion is not 'wide' enough...it's either full on or bugger all
    it needs more variance or subtlety

  2. [quote name='maxrossell' post='976668' date='Oct 4 2010, 07:31 PM']Exactly. Hence the complete crock of sh*t that is signature models. You can count on one hand the musos who use their signature models on their own records, even if they're playing the tracks themselves.

    It just makes me f*cking laugh every time I see someone walk out of a store with a signature model. Yeah, these guys are using studios where they can hire vintage Gibsons and Fenders, do you [i]really[/i] think they're going to cut the entire record on a $300 Washburn?[/quote]

    hey if it's good enough for Kip Winger , it's good enough for me
    hey, what thread is this.

  3. The The were magic
    Infected may be the best slice of Thatcher era commentary on England
    an interesting cat was Mr Johnson

    and for the second time on this site I ask;
    do anyone know what sort of Bass James Eller played on the Mind Bomb tour?
    that's the gigs with Johnny Marr

  4. today's mob is

    1. Paul Chambers he's sort of my favorite but I don't really know how to explain why. I especially like his blues playing , paradoxically it makes me happy to hear it.

    2. Jerry Jemmott electric blues grooves with B.B.King remain a masterclass. the drummer on those records was a MF'er too which always helps.

    3. James Jamerson there is always something each time you listen you know. he's like the library, a knowledge resource.

    4. Charles Mingus I not know that much of his stuff but I get 'Roots and Blues' and I'm more flabbergasted than the jive ass slippers of that fishmongers mother in law

    5. Prince he write some great songs that need great bass. so I give thanks.

  5. yes it did get an all star review in US Bass Player Magazine
    less so the promo campaign
    bad old sexist tosh if ever I see it, terrible

    I always wanted to A/B that 2-Tek
    CK might have had one in his sonic hammer, I can't remember, Warwick Flashback might have had therm too
    Chuck Rainey put one in his '57 Precision


  6. just want to say Dunn is bluddy magic player
    great guy to learn stuff of too, he's on some of the best records full stop
    some genius from here linked to a site with heaps of transcriptions, it's awesome thanks.

  7. I think Cambers contribution to the impact of Miles is greater but I'd put Marcus at 2nd. I really dig his contribution and would argue some of Miles most beautiful work is directly in response to how Miller constructed a 'platform' for him to work on.

    parts of Amandla and Siesta rival other flagship albums of the various styles of Miles.

    I also say unequivocally that Marcus can play a melody. This places him in a very select few of bass players.

  8. a Sadowsky outboard with a Fender Jazz is all good.
    this pre-amp was probably designed for the Jazz Bass.

    it's good my Chrome strung Fretless Jazz too.

    Also and hopefully this makes sense, the Sadowsky don't do too much but what it does is high quality. it's warm and full never hi-fi and brittle. I've had on for 13 years now (recently got the pedal/DI version) essential kit for me.

  9. Bartolini 9J apparently have a low output.
    I quite like them and use in conjunct with a Sadowsky out-board preamp
    quite versatile on gigging duties.

    my MTD also has Barts but with a Bart pre-amp. this is very good but I do not know what type of pick ups they are.

  10. [quote name='bubinga5' post='891005' date='Jul 10 2010, 12:45 PM']Siddx have you seen him?? if so where? Before i die i will see that man live!

    apparently his mentor is Larry Graham...very religious the man is..him and Larry[/quote]

    interesting that a lot of negative press was always laced with barbs around his new found religiosity.

    does anyone else here like The Rainbow Children? what about News?

    foals top 5 Prince albums :)

    1. Sign o' the times
    2. Lovesexy
    3. the Rainbow Children
    4. Parade
    5. Come

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