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Everything posted by Doddy

  1. Warwick really have got the signature bass bug at the minute haven't they? They've just announced the new Robert Trujillo model Streamer. [url="http://bassplayer.com/article/warwick-robert-trujillo/March-2010/109761"]http://bassplayer.com/article/warwick-robe...rch-2010/109761[/url] Robert Trujillo is,of course,well known for playing a,.......... Fernandes. Mind you,Warwick have the Bootsy model as well,as he's another well known Warwick user isn't he?
  2. I don't get how you feel,because I've never felt like I've had enough or got bored with the bass. I've got bored with playing certain music,but never with the instrument. There is always new stuff to try. I think you have to ask yourself why you are bored. Is it the actual bass itself, or is it the music you play on it? If it's the latter,it's just a matter of learning something stylistically or technically that you've not tried before. There are always new things to play that stop the instrument from becoming boring.
  3. I've just been having a play of this,and it really is a great instrument. It plays really nice and has a great slap sound,very Larry Graham-ish. Great price too.
  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='764749' date='Mar 5 2010, 08:54 AM']Someone once told me that if you're mingling with the crowd, they should instantly know you're in the band.[/quote] Exactly. In fact it might have been me that said it. I'm a firm believer in the fact that your band should have some form of image.There are a load of bands who turn up to gigs wearing the same stuff that they have been dossing around in all day.So you have 3 or 4 people on stage with no sense of unity-they could be anyone.You don't need to wear matching suits and stuff-although that's cool,but there should be [i]something[/i] that ties you all together as a band throughout the gig-both on and off stage. In the last original band I was in,we did some extensive over seas touring,and we got a number of comments about us being a band when we were just walking around town or eating. Not because we dressed the same,but because we had devised a look that retained are individual personalities,yet gave us presence as a band. When we walked into a club,it was obvious who the band was.
  5. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='765415' date='Mar 5 2010, 05:20 PM']I can relate to that a lot - I usually never ask about if there will be an amp at the venue anymore because there always is an amp.[/quote] I've never played a gig where there is a guarantee of an amp. I only do multi band gigs like this occasionally now,but even when I was doing quite a few I always had an amp with me.Even if I'm told that an amp is being supplied,I always carry at least a combo amp and a DI box. I also expect other bands to do the same. I don't understand why someone would turn up to any kind of gig without the necessary equipment.
  6. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='765757' date='Mar 6 2010, 12:37 AM']absolutely loved the bass sound on earth song - anyone any ideas what he used on the bass there? great octave sound![/quote] Alex Al played a Musicman Stingray 5 through an EBS Octabass on 'Earth Song' He also used a '75 Jazz and Fretless Stingray -although he also had another seven basses in a rack behind him!!!
  7. The Emma Electronic TransMORGrifier is a really good compressor,well worth checking out.
  8. [quote name='witterth' post='764593' date='Mar 4 2010, 11:19 PM']went to one in manchester a few years ago it was great, very gobsmackingly entertaining.... Jeff Berlin is a bigheaded gob$hite though innhe?("ooohhhh everybody learn theory and if you dont youll never be as good as ME yatter yatter" the richard) Stuart is the most talented, unassuming bass guru how can showout but "back" properly too pity Im at work that night go if youre lucky enough, a legend for FREE(!!??) hope it works out ok[/quote] Oh no hear we go with the Berlin bashing again......... Anyway,if Hamm had a grudge against Jeff Berlin,why did he invite him to be a part of Bx3?
  9. Asking who is the best bass player in the world is never going to give a good solid answer-basically because there isn't one. Look at the number of debates on this site alone about how good so and so is. Those who are major fans of The Who will say Entwistle is(was) the best,but I would always say I don't rate him. Likewise, I'm a big fan of Wooten,yet others dismiss him as w***ing. If you are looking at certain area's I'm sure you can find players who are better or worse than others- eg. Hadrien Feraud is better technically than Pete Wentz,or Will Lee is a better reader than Fieldy etc. But as a general best bassist competition it's mostly subjective. I would never class a player who has played with one band for a career as the best bassist,yet many people would disagree with me (eg. Geddy Lee).I'd much rather hear players like Will Lee,Nathan East,Jeff Berlin,Glenn Worf Marcus Miller etc.,but are they any better than Paul Chambers,Ray Brown,NHOP etc?
  10. You shouldn't have any trouble with those songs really. 'Mercy' and 'Let's stick together' are basically slight variations on blues changes. Come to think of it-i think that 'Walking on sunshine' is mostly a I-IV-V riff aswell.
  11. I've never had a gig that I couldn't that I couldn't do on my good ol' Fender Jazz. It's done so many gigs in so many situations and it always works.
  12. Doddy

    envolope pedal

    Does it have to be a Boss? You can pick up way better envelope filters than that if you look around. There is(was?) an EHX Q Tron for sale in the For Sale section of this site-that's worth a look.
  13. That'll be a Shuker with a Delano pick up [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/pbassgal.htm"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/pbassgal.htm[/url]
  14. Keep up..... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=73680&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=73680&st=0[/url]
  15. I just put a couple of coats of clear boat varnish on the Marcus Miller signature on my MM bass. It's done a good job and shows no signs of wear,even after a few years.
  16. [quote name='Faithless' post='762664' date='Mar 3 2010, 10:08 AM']Crazy or not, there a plenty of guys, who, IMHO, would have fitted the place ten times better.[/quote] There are a few guys who would have done the gig just as well as 'Sugarfoot'- namely Ricky Lawson.But as far as doing the gig 10x better? No way. Bearing in mind that MJ specifically asked for Jonathan Moffett because of his feel says it all. You said earlier that you thought he hit too hard,but that gig is all about a strong backbeat and a tight groove. It doesn't require a subtle snare work-A lot of the subtleties are on the Hi-Hat, and he's certainly got that happening. And his Bass drum work is really sweet.
  17. [quote name='mike13' post='762488' date='Mar 3 2010, 03:33 AM']Fretless are great for an upright sound,but easier to carry and play,I use a Bass Collection ebony board and Alembic activator eletronics[/quote] I'm going to disagree with this. No fretless I've ever played or heard sounds like an upright. They are two very different instruments,tonally.
  18. I hate it when people put Roscoes up for sale....I start to get twitches. Do I need another Roscoe..................????
  19. I really enjoy fretless-it gives you options that are unavailable on a fretted bass. For me,it's main problems come from the fact that many players add vibrato onto nearly every note,and the overuse of glissando's. It has a great sound in itself with relying on the techniques that are now available. I did some recordings a few years ago on fretless,and it had a really nice mellow, 'pop-py' tone that was very different to my fretted basses. However,you wouldn't know it was fretless,because I didn't use the cliched techniques. I wouldn't say that playing fretless is an advantage,but I like the fact that it gives you a new range of tonal options.
  20. I don't really know Napper,but on the few occasions when I went into Music Ground he couldn't have been any less helpful.
  21. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='761510' date='Mar 2 2010, 09:00 AM']Most fretless basses are longer than 35" scale? i did not know that.[/quote] My mistake-I thought they were short scale like the Kydd. Everything else I said,I still stand by.
  22. Doddy

    Pedal order!

    [quote name='bobbass4k' post='761041' date='Mar 1 2010, 06:45 PM']There's no "right order" you can put them in any order, but the GENERAL rule I use is: Pitch shifting (octavers)> distortion > filters (incl. wahs) > modulation (phaser, chorus etc.) > time based (delay, reverb echo etc.)[/quote] I have mine similar to this, only I swap the pitch shifers and the filters around. I also like using a compressor at the end of the chain to smooth things out. My current signal chain goes..... Filters>Distortion>Pitch>Modulation>Time>Compression
  23. I used a Punch Factory for a while-it's a good pedal and really transparent. I've recently replaced it with an Emma Electronic TransMORGrifier,which while it doesn't have a DI out, is a better compressor.It can go from very subtle to extreme squashy-ness.
  24. [quote name='cheddatom' post='760933' date='Mar 1 2010, 04:55 PM']I just had a quick read on the net. It seems like he had a lot of history with MJ and the Jacksons? I'm not saying the guy's a crap drummer (although that is how I worded my opinion) i'm just saying I personally don't like the drumming on the majority of the songs on "This is it". Whether or not someone "get's it" is obviously subjective. Like I said i'd have to watch it again to articulate my opinion better, it's just the only reason I watched the damn film was because I was hoping for some sort of mind-blowingly groovy rythm section and I was a bit dissapointed. MJ's surprisingly energetic performance more than made up for that though.[/quote] I'm all for people having an opinion, but you a so blatantly wrong in this case it's crazy. The band is majorly tight, and just ace.
  25. [quote name='cheddatom' post='760921' date='Mar 1 2010, 04:44 PM']OK, the word "crap" is going too far, but it seemed like he just didn't get it at all.[/quote] Moffett totally gets it. You don't get gigs like that if you don't.
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