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Everything posted by Doddy

  1. It's not really that surprising though, is it? The electric bass still has a sense of 'demotion' about it, especially with high school age kids.It's still often seen as the easy option for those that suck at guitar, especially with those who are interested in rock and pop.
  2. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1410725888' post='2552484'] Why do you need a tutor? I've never felt the need for one. [/quote] Because some people want to learn more than they would learn on their own. Go to the new guy while he's still teaching and get the most out of it that you can.When those lessons end, it could be worth looking further afield. It's worth traveling for a good teacher.
  3. I have mixed feelings about signature models, the player whose signature it is can certainly affect my opinion of the instrument. I own three (Fender Marcus Miller, Yamaha Attitude, Ibanez Gary Willis) and think they are great basses but if they had a different names on them, I might not have bought them. For example, I played an Ibanez K5 once, and really liked it but couldn't handle that huge logo on the fingerboard. Some signatures make me want to check them out (like the Marcus), some turn me off (most Ibanez signatures), and others it makes no difference because they are just good instruments(Like the Fender Geddy Lee or Nate Mendal). With regards to these new Fenders, the Adam Clayton looks smart (except for the lollipop tuners), but I don't get the Dee Dee Ramone on-It just looks like a Squier Matt Freeman bass but with a Fender logo. Neither of them seem like anything particularly special though.
  4. I think the whole idea of giving kids the opportunity to learn an instrument in school is great. Did anyone see the show about this last night? The majority of the kids were all really excited to be able to play an instrument.It was great. I think it's important that kids get the chance to play if they want-not all families can afford to buy instruments, so it's good that schools are able to offer them the chance. Unfortunately, you get teachers like the one on the show who think that music is a waste of time. With regards to teaching creative thinking or with students not writing their own songs-that's not really the point of this, initially. I've never met a young student (or older) of any instrument that didn't want to learn their favourite songs and actually learn about music. Later on they may become interested in creating their own music, but the idea of lessons is to teach them music-reading, basic theory etc-while inspiring them with how it applies to songs/compositions.
  5. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1410287629' post='2547895'] Can I ask why it matters? Genuine question. [/quote] It's about chord and scale tones. A major or minor scale will contain a form of every letter from A-G. So as you know a C major scale is CDEFGAB, G major is GABCDEF# and so on. We can then make the chord tones, which are the 1, 3, 5, 7 notes of the scale. So for Cmaj7, we have CEGB. A Dominant 7 chord is made up of 1, 3, 5, b7, so the notes are CEGBb. If you were to write an A you would usually either have a C6 chord (CEGA) or you would add it on top the dominant 7 chord to make a C13. That's a bit long winded, but basically it's because in a dominant 7 chord you a flattening the 7th and not raising the 6th.
  6. Yes!! Bring it on.......
  7. Edit.....double post
  8. Ok.An easy but great one...... Chloe in the Afternoon Cruel Cheereader Surgeon Northern Lights (Title track) Neutered Fruit Champagne Year Dilettante Hysterical Strength Year of the Tiger
  9. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1410261334' post='2547539'] Why?? Surely their only concern is how many punters the band draw, not if they need eight musicians to achieve that or if they can manage with four! Strange way of doing business... [/quote] It depends what they want. I'm sure that many are happy with a 4 piece, but you're going to get something different with an 8 piece with horns.
  10. Wynton Marsalis-Black Codes (From the Underground)
  11. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1410211320' post='2547250'] I don’t see why you think it matters how many are in the band?? Punters just want to see an entertaining band – they couldn’t care less if it is a three piece or an eight piece, just as long as they are good! There is no reason why a landlord should pay a band with a full brass section, two keyboard players & a Latin rhythm section any more than a three piece, nor should he concern himself whether the band is full time or consists of semi-pros. The only thing he cares about is are they any good and more importantly, can they draw a crowd in his boozer (as you say in the first half of your post)! Talking about how many members are in the band just confuses matters and is completely irrelevant... [/quote] I think the number of band members can certainly be a factor when you are looking at prices. One of the bands I regularly work with does a few (6 or 7) pub/club dates a year and the price we ask for is based on x amount per man. If places want to put on an 8 piece professional band, they are generally prepared to pay more than they would to a 4 piece.
  12. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1410215204' post='2547306'] Is it not possible though, that a "limited" player could still play the perfect part for the song(s), perhaps throughout his/her career? In which case; wouldn't we say that they were a great bass player (in the context of their band/songs/genre/whatever)? [/quote] I think that depends. I think that they could play the perfect (?) part for their bands songs but I don't think that it necessarily makes them great player.
  13. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' timestamp='1410180687' post='2546830'] I can only assume you all like to "flap your flares" either that or I'm hypersensitive (probably the latter, probably at bit of both) LOL. [/quote] By 'flap your flares', I'm guessing you mean play loud? If so, not at all.I sometimes do play loud but I also play really quiet gigs(as well as practice/home volume), and the fan is totally inaudible.That goes for both my MiBass and PiBass.Even if you are being hypersensitive the chances of you hearing it on either of my amps is pretty low. Like I said, I had to check that there was even a fan there. My old Hartke amps had noisy fans , so it's not like things like that don't affect me.
  14. Just out of interest, when I read about your issues with the fan I had to check my amp to see if there was one there. I've literally never heard the fan on mine in nearly 3 years of heavy, regular use.
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1410100838' post='2546075'] Looks like it was Noel..... Err.... so.... he can't be blamed for the bass lines then!!!! [/quote] It kind of proves my point though. Noel is a very limited guitar player, so it makes sense that his bass playing will be even more limited to playing very simply.It also makes me think that Guigsy must have been pretty poor if he wasn't able to cut the tracks. So, no, it's not a low blow at all, just a statement about the limitations of a certain player (I picked him, but I could have applied it to a bunch of bands). Out of interest, I actually like the first couple of Oasis albums but I'd never any of the members around that time as being good musicians.
  16. Chord tones are where it's at. They are what will give you a solid harmonic grounding and will give you the basis for your fills. I don't know how much you already know, but I'll give you the basics. Assuming you already know the major scale (I don't just mean the fingering pattern), chords are constructed from the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes...we can add the 7th later. So, a Cmaj chord will be C, E, G. Gmaj will be G, B, D, and so on. The same then applies to minor chords-they are built from the 1, 3, 5 of the minor scale.So again, C minor will be C, Eb G. G minor will be G, Bb, D etc. This will give you a good start for making lines and fills.Later you can start expanding from these by adding more scalar notes, but the chord tones are at the core. If you were to think of your fills based on the key of the piece,then there is a whole other explanation about diatonic harmony but I don't want to overload you with information just yet.
  17. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1410071187' post='2545756'] Thanks for the confirmation. I was surprised the question was answered so quickly. Not many people seem to flirt with this part of the forum [/quote] It's a shame that they don't because some of the most useful information can be found in this section....although there are no shiny pictures.
  18. It's definitely an Eb because E is the 7th note of F. D is always the 6th of F.
  19. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1410020735' post='2545475'] You're making huge assumptions about someone who you don't know, know nothing of the other priorities in their live or their strengths and weaknesses. I made a statement about my situation, I didn't criticise anyone for learning to or being able to read notation, and I certainly didn't call for a response that could be inferred as patronising and arrogant. [/quote] There is literally no arrogance there. I just stated that if you have time to practice, you can learn to read, and it isn't actually that hard. How is that patronising or arrogant? If you're referring to my sarcastic comment about reading words, I was just responding to how you sarcastically said you hear music with your ears and not your eyes.As far as I'm concerned reading music has the same value to a musician that reading words does.
  20. I always ask if the simple part is played because it is the best thing for the music or is it because that is all the player knows how to do? When someone like Will Lee plays a root note line you know it's because it's what's required, but when Guigsy from Oasis did it I'm guessing it was because of his limitations.To me, that's a huge difference.
  21. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1409996557' post='2545216'] Written music is an alien concept to me. My ears hear music not my eyes . Besides that i simply don't have time to put to it [/quote] Does that mean that someone read this thread to you and then you dictated the reply? Same thing. If you have time to pick up the instrument, you have time to learn.In fact, you don't even need to pick up the instrument every time. Its not as hard as people think-I could have you reading basics in 15 minutes, and the rewards are great.
  22. [quote name='TheSiberian' timestamp='1409907310' post='2544433'] However the Marcus Miller's own basses are custom made in the States...the rest is just a good to fall asleep marketing story. Best [/quote] If you want to be really pedantic about it,the bass that the signature model is based is a '77 Jazz so obviously it is US made (with a Bartolini preamp if you want to be really picky). Regardless of his own instruments, the Marcus signature is really nice. I've not played a Mexican model but I've had a Japanese one since '06. Back on topic, the current 4 string model is Mexican made while the 5 string is made in the US.
  23. I'd much rather buy a physical product than download.When I download something I never feel like I actually own a copy of the album.I had a hard drive break recently, and I lost literally 1000s of albums and movies and tv shows-that's never happened with my cds. I buy a lot of albums online (thanks Amazon Marketplace), but I still like going in to a store and looking for things.I like the feeling of looking through a rack and finding an album that maybe I'd forgotten about and wouldn't search for. Let's be honest, you can buy pretty much anything without leaving your desk but I still enjoy actually going outside and doing stuff.
  24. From the perspective of wanting work and money....... The first ad, if they are as established as they say, could be worth a call. They might only be wanting to do a couple of gigs a month but it leaves time to do other stuff and gets you some extra cash for some shopping. Wanting video submissions would put me off though. I wouldn't be interested in the second advert though. They are a start up band, so there is potential for lots of rehearsing but with no gigs for a while. They play hard rock with their own personal touch? Probably means they don't ( can't?)learn the tunes properly (I could be wrong, but that's what I assume).
  25. [quote name='Bradwell' timestamp='1409664928' post='2541982'] Not sussed out the way our band will go yet, got the basis for four songs, loads of ideas, tonnes of enthusiasm for the project plus we all get along well as band members. Looks like amplification will go down the route of equipment that sounds good with more than enough on tap to overpower the drums. If we're in need of more volume it'll have to be routed through a decent PA. Big concerts are going to be a way down the road, if we make it that far: I can re-evaluate bass amplification at a later date if needs be. [/quote] I don't think you need to be thinking about having the enough volume to overpower the drums.You need enough to be balanced with the band as a whole, not to overpower anyone. Also, if you do get to play big concerts you shouldnt have to reevaluate your rig, because in those situations you'll always have PA support. I've played some pretty big gigs with my Ashdown MiBass rig which is either a 550 or 240 watt head and one or two 1x12 cabs.Its got plenty of volume to be able to play smaller venues with no support, and has tone for days. I know you're against Ashdown, but I can honestly say that it blows away my old Hartke rig (HA3500, HA4000, 4x10, 2x10) in every way. Personally, I'd be more concerned about you saying that you won't be ready to gig for 6 months.
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