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Everything posted by Matty

  1. I love it. It's a nice change to the Muff type sound, great for heavy riffing, clear but dirty too. Hows the Guv'nor treating you?
  2. Hi guys. I've got a Lowdown hd750 head here, gathering dust and not being used to its full potential. IT is a great sounding amp, worth it for the AMpeg sound alone, without the ampeg weight! The clean and brit sounds are good too, the R&b cops some great old school tones and the synth is fun too, whilst the grind is great for adding a bit of, well, grind to your sound. Nice little built in octaver, chorus and envelope filter, as well as tuner. Will also include an FBV express pedal that cost an additional £70, which allows access to four saved presets, volume and wah control, as well as read out for the built in tuner. This really is a nice amp, pumps out 750 watts at 4 ohms, so no lack of power, and whilst not a feather weight, is in no way back breaking at all. It also looks cool. Only selling because im downsizing, using a Sansamp VT bass for my amp sound, direct into pa. Not totally sure on a price, as i can't quite remember what i paid for it, but will up date once i find the receipt. Cheers Matt
  3. Big ole' bumpola
  4. Right side board Left side board: Mic stand in the middle, and i'm happy
  5. Is the 00funk a mark 1 or mark2?
  6. Legend for Submarine?
  7. Hi guys Just thinning the herd here. Marshall Guv'nor Mk 1. [b]Sold. In 14 minutes. blimey.[/b] Y'all know the one. Little bit beaten up, seems to be missing mids knob (I'm sure i can find this) and the battery cover (not so sure about this...) SOLD MXR Carbon Copy. Awesome little delay. Proper analog sound. With box etc. £75? Devi Ever Legend Of Fuzz Bought this a couple of weeks ago. Just not my thing really. Paid £85 at vintage and rare, so would like about £75 again Interested in trades for weird and esoteric fuzzes, tremolo pedals, chorus, anything really. ta Matt
  8. Theres also a shergold Marathon on t'bay at the moment, which is what the 4040 evolved into. Both are over priced by nearly £100 though.
  9. Neighbours are away, so i set this up to see how it worked. Bad news, it works very well. No idea how i'm going to transport it now Line 6 goes into the 2x12" clean, gallien into the 2x10" with my fx. lush.
  10. Wish i was going to ATP. Killer line up this year
  11. Shoot a PM to Silent Fly. He's in the mod's business, should be able to help you!
  12. Matty

    line 6 amps

    I have the 750 HD. The chorus is ok. not enough flex though. Doesn't do subtle at all, and before you know it, its warble time. The octave is ok. not enough flex though, and the tracking drops out at B on the a string. The filter is ok. not enough flex though. the wah is cool though. Its model on the old tychobrahe (sp?) and sounds great. m
  13. Does the Dr Scientist do that cool super choppy trem sound?
  14. I have a PT pro soft and am looking for a pt-2. Is it soft or hard case? In fact, i'd be quite happy with a straight swap...
  15. Matty

    Line6 M9

    Cool clips. Love the reverbs. M9 here i come, methinks.
  16. or a straight trade for a VT-bass?
  17. can throw an elephant ear into teh deal too...
  18. willing to split? Interested in the cab...
  19. Marshall Guv'nor mk1 and some dosh for that there Assmaster?
  20. Can i have a price pm too? ta.
  21. Is this still around?
  22. what sort of price are you looking for?
  23. great little pedal. Love mine and the self osscilation is awesome!
  24. Grin 'n' Bass it
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