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Everything posted by daflewis

  1. Hi Sarah, Yes, the RABs and particularly for me the ultra blacks do bow surprisingly well for nylon wound strings, but thy are harder work than the metal wound. They do have a delightfully "baroque" sound to my ears with that breathy reedy quality that is characteristic of an unwound gut string. Paula and I were both gigging bassists in south Wales for many years - we kind of musically grew up together there... Say hi for me if you see her again, we haven't met up in years...
  2. Unless you have two basses so you can set up one for arco and one for jazz...
  3. Hi Keith, Sure, the "braid" or 140B are the orchestral string (and the honeys or 140H are the jazz set) - they are the only metal wrapped strings (so the best for arco) - you can bow the others, but because they're wound with nylon the bow doesn't grip as well. It's worth trying both the braid and the honey, but the braid does respond under the bow a little better....
  4. Hi Nils, Great - it'll probably be in a month or so - unless Steve hasn't finished with the RABs in which case a few weeks - I'm sure you three can liaise on that one Cheers, Daf
  5. Oh yeh! it'll give you something to do while you wait for the silver slaps....
  6. fair enough... but there aren't any takers for the RABs yet....
  7. Thank you Sarah - consider yourself added! just so everyone knows, Jake Newman was actually first on the list - he posted in the main header topic instead of the individual string section; but once he's had them for a couple of weeks he'll be in touch with Sarah and we'll go on from there...
  8. Hi Steve, Yes, the slaps should work well for your style and set up. The rockabillys might also worth trying - they have a darker sound - I guess it just depends what you like, but again, there's nothing stopping you trying them all! hopefully Bremen should be in touch with you in 2-3 weeks once he's done testing them Cheers, Daf
  9. Hi Bremen, It's funny, I was wondering about the Stagg EUBs, as they're so popular now... As for the sound you're after - that's a great sound, and a big ask! but of all the innovation sets it's probably going to get you closest.... Endorka was after something similar on an NS Designs - see the topic "innovation string for jazz and arco" - i't might be worth asking her how she's getting on with them... but on the other hand, it'll only cost you the postage to try them anyway! (just checking - the stagg does't use a magnetic pickup does it? - the innovation strings won't work with a mag) Cheers, Daf
  10. Hi Jake, Great - no problem... could you add a reply under the topic "honeys trial set" so we don't get confused. Cheers, Daf
  11. Hi Everyone, The idea is that you borrow them for a couple of weeks and then pass them on to the next person on the list .... Or back to me if there's no one else waiting. There is a thread for each string type - just reply to the thread for the string you're interested in to get your name on the list and when you've finished with the strings just look for the name below yours and PM them for an address (You can find the list, which I'll keep updated, in the opening post of each thread). I don't see why this shouldn't work, but any problems, again, just PM me. Finally, Once you've finished with the strings and passed them on it would be really useful if you could post saying what you thought of them (good or bad!) Here we go! A few things to note... Please try and be careful when putting the strings on and taking them off as the windings can be damaged easily and please bear in mind that as everyone's bass has a slightly different stop length that there may be some loosening of the windings near the bridge (hopefully close enough to the bridge not to interfere with playing). I think that because of that I'm going to have to request that you don't put them on an NS designs stick as the length from the bridge to the ball end is much longer than a normal bass so it will damage the strings too far up the playing area (and the standard strings are too short anyway) - sorry about that! (anyone wanting to try them on an NS please PM me and if we can get enough people wanting to try them then I'll contact the company and arrange a longer set to pass around). If you receive a set that is on the way out (or that breaks while you have it) please let me know - no fingers will be pointed I promise! But the sooner I know, the sooner I can arrange a replacement. That said, the longer we can make the strings last the more likely I am to be able to persuade the company to keep doing it; I'm sure you can imagine that if they're only getting half a dozen trials out of each set, then they're not going to see it as a justifiable expense. Finally, i'm afraid that, at least for the moment, we're going to have to restrict it to the UK, otherwise some people could end up landed unfairly with a bill for postage (to the states for example)... apologies to those effected. (if there is enough interest from an individual country then I'll try and start a version there - PM me) Enjoy...
  12. Post a reply to register your interest in a trial set.... HONEYS A fairly low tension, slightly thicker than average, metal wound string designed primarily for jazz, but that bows very well too. They have a gutty thump at the front end with some sustain but a softer sound and less growl than most metal wound strings. The windings are non-ferrous so these strings will not work with magnetic pickups. (piezos are fine) List ( * = done) Sarah Thomas * Jakenewmanbass * Bassinmyface * Noojb * The rev * Missionary * Jwbassman * Tiki613 * Philparker * Patrickhadow * johnny dissident * Bassfunk * Maude * Blood Sugar Hill * JimmySims * Subfeeder steve G-wrath Nugget bass awkward eubassix
  13. Post a reply to register your interest in trying out the trial set (but please read the topic "innovation trial sets" before posting).... ROCKABILLYS A black nylon flatwound medium tension string originally designed to replace gut for slap playing, but actually bows and finger pizz quite well too. A darker sound than metal strings but with some sustain and a good gutty slap. Well suited to straight ahead jazz and rockabilly (of course!) Trial order * = done Steve * TheRev * Rayman * Sarahthomas * Slap it hard * ChrisF Headofire Trashabilly
  14. Post a reply to register your interest in a trial set.... SILVER/GOLDEN SLAPS A clear round wound nylon coated string that comes with a silver or golden "hue". A bit thicker than the rockabillys but with lower tension, they also finger pizz well with a nice toppy click at the front end. Under the bow they are quite breathy and a bit scratchy. Very popular with slap players. bremen * steve * noojb * Bassinmyface * TheRev * alistair Sutcliffe * Jhowhdheyieh * cattytown * spencer b * Burg* JimmySims - no longer interested Bassbadger Monster rockabillybob1 eubassix
  15. Hi Everyone, I finally have some sets of Innovation strings ready to pass around on a trial basis... The idea is that you borrow them for a couple of weeks and then pass them on to the next person on the list.... Or back to me if there's no one else waiting. Please try and be careful when putting the strings on and taking them off as the windings can be damaged easily and please bear in mind that as everyone's bass has a slightly different stop length that there may be some loosening of the windings near the bridge (hopefully close enough to the bridge not to interfere with playing). I think that because of that I’m going to have to request that you don’t put them on an NS designs stick as the length from the bridge to the ball end is much longer than a normal bass so it will damage the strings too far up the playing area (and the standard strings are too short anyway) - sorry about that! (anyone wanting to try them on an NS please PM me and if we can get enough people wanting to try them then I’ll contact the company and arrange a longer set to pass around). If you receive a set that is on the way out (or that breaks while you have it) please let me know - no fingers will be pointed i promise! But the sooner I know, the sooner I can arrange a replacement. That said, the longer we can make the strings last the more likely I am to be able to persuade the company to keep doing it; I'm sure you can imagine that if they're only getting half a dozen trials out of each set, then they're not going to see it as a justifiable expense. I know some of you have already expressed an interest in a trail, but as I have no idea who's still up for it I'm going to have to start from scratch - (sorry if you find youself down the list!). Also i'm afraid that, at least for the moment, we're going to have to restrict it to the UK, otherwise some people could end up landed unfairly with a bill for postage to the states for example) apologies to those effected. (if there is enough interest from an individual country then I'll try and start a version there - PM me) I'm going to start a thread for each string type - just reply to the thread to add your name to the list and when you've finished with the strings just look for the name below yours and PM them for an address. I don't see why this shouldn't work, but any problems, again, just PM me. Finally, Once you've finished with the strings and passed them on it would be really useful if you could edit your original "interested" post saying what you thought of them (good or bad!) - this will also help everyone keep track of where we're at. Here we go! I’m starting with a few sets - silver slaps, rockabillies and honeys... I’ll be adding others shortly...
  16. Hi Keith, Depending on what style you play the 140B or 140H would be closest - the "B" favours the bow a little and the "H" has a slightly brighter sound for jazz (though personally I like the extra "thump" in the pizz of the Bs) That said, if you don't bow much at all then the silver slaps have a nice pizz sound - Jennifer (endorka) has started using them recently on her NS designs eub - it might worth having a chat with her... Also, just checking - the Yamaha doesn't use any magnetic pickups does it? As innovations won't work with mags. Cheers, Daf
  17. Silver/Golden Slaps A clear round wound nylon coated string that comes with a silver or golden "hue". A bit thicker than the rockabillys but with lower tension, they also finger pizz well with a nice toppy click at the front end. Under the bow they are quite breathy and a bit scratchy. Very popular with slap players. Super Silvers Based on the same idea as the silver/golden slaps, but with higher tension. Psychobillys A string similar to the Silver Slaps in tension but thicker; there's plenty to grab hold of! Rockabilly A black nylon flatwound medium tension string originally designed to replace gut for slap playing, but actually bows and finger pizz quite well too. A darker sound than metal strings but with some sustain and a good gutty slap. Well suited to straight ahead jazz and rockabilly (of course!) Ultra Backs A black nylon flatwound string with a bit more tension than the rockabillys. A real dark horse this one, has a lovely punch to the pizz and a good amount of growl and sustain; it also bows surprisingly well, though with a definite "reediness" to the sound. 140H "Honeys" A fairly low tension, slightly thicker than average, metal wound string designed primarily for jazz, but that bows very well too. They have a gutty thump at the front end with some sustain but a softer sound and less growl than most metal wound strings. The windings are non-ferrous so these strings will not work with magnetic pickups. (piezos are fine 140B "Braid" Again, quite low tension, metal wound and slightly thicker than average, these strings have a bit less sustain than the honeys but have a great gut like sound under the bow with that characteristic slightly breathy quality.
  18. a bit of fun [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOdo7dhvSwg[/media]
  19. [url="http://www.d-tar.com/solstice.shtml"]http://www.d-tar.com/solstice.shtml[/url] http://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-guitar-fx/pid11167/cid578/tonebone-bassbone-bass-preamp-38-di-pedal.asp?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=pricecomp&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping not cheap though.... there have been some great ones in the past - the RavenLabs pmb and Fishman bass blender - both now discontinued, but you might find them on ebay.
  20. Ooh 'eck! No pressure then!
  21. Hi Jennifer, Yes, please do let me know how you get on.... It might also be worth mentioning that Sam Burgess, the resident bassist at Ronnie Scott's uses silver slaps and he loves them.
  22. I bought one about 12 years ago from footes (about £150 iirc) - the make was called "OK", but it's been far more than that - it's been fantastic! Unfortunately I can't find anything about them now...!
  23. Hi, I've not owned a tom & will myself, but a friend has had 2 in the space of a couple of years and they've both fallen apart.....
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