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Everything posted by daflewis

  1. Hi Dave, No problem! I'll put you back on the list.
  2. Hi All, I think most of you know that I run the Innovation strings forum, and are aware that I run a scheme where you can try out any of Innovations sets for a couple of weeks for free (including the new prototype set "Polychrome" that I'm currently working on). But for those who may have not visited the area this is just a heads-up to say that a few of the trial sets don't have much of a waiting list at the mo, so if you do fancy trying them now might be a good time. (especially the Super Silvers and Ultra blacks) Cheers! Daf
  3. How much!! Wow, that is pricey! Another thing i didn't mention was that it does fold down and the top bar comes off, so it looks like it would also be much more compact than that Kolberg one...
  4. Hi All, Just thought i'd share a new type of bass stand that I've found really great, especially for doubling gigs. For full disclosure i should mention that it was designed by a colleague and i have written a testimonial for the site, but i have no other vested interest. It's a really simple design, (the best often are!) but it does away with the two main problems: either, 1. having to locate the spike in a holder you can't see, or, 2. having to physically lift the bass on to a cradle - so it's really great for quick changes. Here's a pic: [url="http://s91.photobucket.com/user/daflewis/media/1499702_zps2ad037eb.jpg.html"][/url] and here's the web site if anyone's interested in more info: [url="https://www.thebassbar.co.uk"]https://www.thebassbar.co.uk[/url] Cheers, Daf
  5. Hi Kenny, Lots of useful perspectives there, but I've just realised - we're definitely veering towards slap/rockabilly playing with most of the suggestions and you've not actually mentioned what styles you tend to play - the recommended spiro lights would be more a jazz string, so I'm wondering if that's more the sort of style you play?
  6. Ah, cheers Owen, I had wondered if there might be a mag option like on the NS Designs. Thanks for clarifying!
  7. Yes, there are ferrous wraps under a lot of Innovation's nylon strings so there is a limited magnetic potential, it's just that the company doesn't want to say that they will work with mag pickups and then have people come back and day the signal's not strong enough. Actually I thought the Stagg was piezo - is there a mag option then? Edit: ah! Just saw your edit - and yeh, of course, any string is fine with the piezo....
  8. Ah yes, low tension magnetic strings suitable for slap - the holy grail! We are experimenting with different metals to try and come up with something, but it's definitely a work in progress....
  9. Hi Kenny, Not wishing to be too biased, but also wearing my sales hat at the same time.... There would be a few advantages in choosing Innovation: 1. Because they specialise in gut-like strings, they have a good range of low tension strings 2. They cost under £100 a set 3. they can custom make you a set that will perfectly fit your EUB at no extra charge (most EUBs need strings with shorter ends to fit properly) Hope that helps. Edit: oh, one word of caution - I don't know if the Staggs ever use magnetic pickups, but none of Innovations strings will work with a magnetic...
  10. Ha! Not odd at all - especially as I only added the "polychrome" label to the trial thread title about an hour ago and there's nothing else out there about them as yet... Sorry for the curve-ball there! but yeh, it's a flat wound string in the same mold as the old Monel ones.
  11. Hi Hubrad, Yes, these are the hybrid set that you tried - that was a while ago now though! Since then I've brightened the E a bit, raised the tension on the A a fraction and done a few other tweaks to even things out. Im still struggling with the G a little, but am hoping to have it sorted and all ready to go in the next couple of months (fingers crossed!) I know it's been quite a while, but there have been a lot of problems with sourcing the right core etc... hopefully it'll all be worth it! Do you like the name by the way? it comes from the POLYmer core and CHROMEsteel outer windings and means multi-coloured - i was quite pleased with that Thinking about it, I should change the title of the trial thread really, shouldn't I!?
  12. Hi Dave, Ha! top secret... well, I'm doing my best to change that! They're a new (metal wound) string I'm working on that are designed to be a true hybrid pizz/arco string. They have an old school pizz sound which is quite similar to the Honeys, though perhaps a little brighter; but the real change is in the arco response - they respond extremely quickly to the bow and squeak far less than just about any other string i've played. They were designed for people like me (and probably many of us on here) who have come to arco quite late and could do with a little "extra help"... though, that said, they're going down so well with the classical fraternity and the Philharmonia bass section - one of the best in the country (world?) are using them. I've also had cold calls from players who've depped with that orchestra asking where they can get hold of a set!.... which is nice... Cheers, Daf
  13. Hi TPJ, Yes, that's no problem, as long as you're cutting in the silk area and not into the playing area. It might be worth popping a dab of glue (evostick or similar) on the end just to help stop it unravelling. Cheers, Daf
  14. And actually, there's no one waiting for the at the mo, so you could PM Trashabilly your address - he should be done with them by now....
  15. Hi Dave, Well, I'd say it's well worth trying the ultrablacks... They're quite similar windings underneath, but the fact that they're flat tape wound instead of round wound should make them feel a bit heavier. They also have a couple of advantages over the silvers in that: 1. They're much more bowable (still not that easy but they do have a nice baroque sound), and 2. They don't have the string noise when shifting position that some people can find annoying with the silvers... Shall I put you on the list?! Daf
  16. @neal yes, I emailed when I first got the flightcase and Phil got back to me personally; I certainly have no problem with the customer service! He told me to change a couple of resistors which I did... It helped reduce the noise (but not eliminate it) and then only for about the first 20 mins after switching the amp on... Again, I don't know enough about electronics to comment on the how's and whys; but that was all a few years ago and I'd have thought this would have been addressed by now as it was/is a known issue.... Apart from the noise, the flightcase is a great amp especially for double bass, as was the briefcase (I only changed because I wanted a touch more power). in fact one of the best things about the briefcase is that you can run the headphones whilst still having the speaker on. I used to use it as an in ear for me plus a monitor for the rest of the band and it worked great. If anyone's interested, this is what it sounded like (through a PA too, of course!) http://youtu.be/cMELQUHkLYA
  17. Yeh, it appears, as you say, that the larger (and possibly older?) amps are fine - I wonder if it's a weight saving thing?... Maybe it's a digital power supply instead of an old fashioned transformer?? But I really don't know enough about that kind of thing to make a judgement; all I do know is that they're not cheap and they should work properly!
  18. Hi Neal, [quote name='neal_b' timestamp='1402024636' post='2469313'] Neither the Cub nor the PB-300 has any noticeable noise (my sympathies to daflewis; maybe the 240V power source has something to do with it.) [/quote] Thanks for that... I take it from that that (and the time you posted!) that you are "over the pond"? - I love my six pack and also loved the briefcase - both extremely quiet with a great sound. I've read about other people having the same problem with the newer small amps and it only seems to be an issue in 240v countries; but sadly it makes the DI unusable, and the high pitched buzz from the amp is also intrusive in a low noise environment.
  19. I've had a six pack, a briefcase, a flightcase and currently have a cub (and still have the six pack) and I would add one word of warning if you do end up going for the Phil Jones; both the flightcase and the cub are very noisy (this comes through the DI too) it is apparently something to do with the power supply when running on 240v (which does make it sound like a design flaw to me! ) I don't know if all the newer/smaller amps are the same but it's certainly worth trying one before you buy!
  20. Hi Invicta, Thanks so much for that, and sorry for the late reply... As you say, there's not a lot of difference between the two sets, but enough! a lot of people do mix them actually, especially if they want slightly heavier strings at the bottom which, as you say, can help with sound and articulation. Just don't try bowing them! Really not their strong suit Cheers, Daf. P.S. Thanks to all for keeping things moving!
  21. Good point... I was concerned about steel wound strings matching the gut for slap and pizz sound, but actually I believe Paul King uses a couple of solos for slap...
  22. Hi Jeff, I would say that your best bet would be the Rockabillys - they have a flat wound outer wrap which gives more contact area for the bow than the slaps, so there's more grip - not as good as the steel wraps as the nylon is naturally non stick, but some people do like them for bowing as they have a slightly breathy almost baroque sound... Cheers, Daf
  23. Hi Bob, You're on the list! There are about thre in front of you at the mo... Cheers, Daf
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