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Everything posted by daflewis

  1. And BassInMyFace is inboard too. It's getting a bit long, so I'll try and get another set sorted ASAP to help things along. Cheers, Daf
  2. Hi All, Back from hols now - thanks for keeping things on course... Thanks Keith - much appreciated - they haven't had any testing on EUBs so it's good to get your feedback. I might have a few more questions for you when i get my head together if that's ok... As for the problem with the brass bar - yes, it's something we've discussed - i was never a fan anyway as they can pop out of the tailpiece, but the real problem is that the new core is much softer and more pliable, so the bar is more liable to drop out - as you found! Owen - done! Cheers, Daf
  3. Hi Alistair, Sorry I'm late, just got back from holiday. Yes it's still going on - though it had gone a bit quiet of late... I [u]think[/u] they're with The Rev at the moment? and nobody else is waiting, so try dropping him a PM - unless it's already sorted... Cheers Daf
  4. Oh, another one to add to the list - kipperwig...
  5. Hi Phil, Thanks for the in depth and balanced review of the honeys! - (I might move it to the honeys test forum when I get a chance, if you don't mind) I think Hubrad's right too - it would be worth giving the new prototypes a go (it'll be a few months before they get to you anyway) - I'd also like to know how you find them next to your Evahs.... And thanks Hugh (Hubrad), we might have to talk about a job as sales manager! Cheers, Daf
  6. Thanks Hugh, I don't think there'll be much in it either way, it was more if anything had jumped out at you... But then, if it had you'd have mentioned it... So I've probably just answered my own question...!
  7. Hugh/Hubrad, Thank you so much for that glowing report - and it sounds like that was quite a gig too! I know i didn't ask about this, but as you're so familiar with both the honeys and the braids, did you notice any change in the acoustic volume? (either up or down) - ta! Sarah, Of course! you seemed to enjoy them very much with you tried my bass, so i'm eager to know what you think on your bass... One note for everyone about the arco, my serious classical tester has said that as far as arco is concerned, you need to draw the sound out rather than hammering it - if you "hit" them in the way that you would a steel core you won't hear them at their best. (i also know from personal experience that a slower bow works better and they respond particularly well to quiet playing) Thanks again to Hubrad for starting things off. Cheers, Daf
  8. Does anyone know Rudders? I sent him a PM about the test set which he has, but he's not replied (or read it) - I'm a little concerned as this could the the second set to go missing in as many weeks... Any help would be appreciated! Ta.
  9. Hi Adam, You should get a bit more volume from them, but the main thing you'll notice will probably be a fatter tone. Cheers, Daf
  10. Thanks for the initial impressions Hubrad - hope the gigs go well - (they should settle down in a couple of days.) Cheers, Daf
  11. No worries! - just can't wait to hear what you think!
  12. By the way Hubrad, I take it the prototypes arrived ok?
  13. Hi Richard, Hubrad's right - I've used the solos tuned to concert and if you need/want a very low tension set and play amplified, then they're worth a try, but, if you're playing orchestraly, the loss in volume and the rattle when you dig in, means I'd recommend sticking with the standard braids. The rockabillys you tried wont have bowed very easily (though they do have, as you say, an interesting breathy "baroque" quality to the sound) but you should find the braids a welcome relief I'm afraid we're not trialing the braids anyway; partly because the honeys are so much more popular (a jazz string) and partly because there's a possibility we may be phasing them out (depending on how the new prototypes go down) Though, of course, if I hear that a few people want to try them then I'll try and sort something... Cheers, Daf
  14. Hi ubassman, I'm afraid the company doesn't have tensions for its strings (like many double bass string makers) and giving a gauge is not particularly helpful as the type of material used can effect the thickness so much - sorry about that! I think comparisons are probably the most useful thing I can offer at the moment... Daf
  15. Sounds good to me! and I know you always give me great, in depth feedback. Thank you!
  16. Next up is p_w_m who PMd me earlier today. BTW the strings went to Hubrad today
  17. Hi All, Just so you know, the honeys have been to Tiki and are currently with Philparker... who's last on the list at the moment - anyone else interested??
  18. Not wishing to spoil The Rev's fun.... but is no one else interested in trying these?
  19. Thanks sarah, will check with Rudders... Ubassman, you're on! Daf
  20. Ok, thanks Sarah, I'll send some PMs and see if I can find them...
  21. Hi headofire, consider youself on there not sure where the trial set is at the moment, but there can't be more than one or two people in front of you... Cheers, Daf
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