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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. Known as tenor tuning I believe? Did it for a while with a Wal I had, it's pretty good fun. Useful for soloing or chords. Great for higher ranger arpeggios and the like as well of course. If you're not using the B stri g then you might as well give it a go, I used Elixir strings as they sell the high C separately.
  2. Oi! Don't start
  3. Practice makes perfect as everyone keeps telling me! Worstcomes to orse you still get some play time with other musicians and that's never a bad thing in my book.
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='782380' date='Mar 22 2010, 09:23 AM'][i]"Also, I have a healthy reserve on this as I'm in no rush to sell."[/i] Erm ... no you don't, pal.[/quote] was just about to post this! Has it maybe been listed before and he's given up? Or will he pull it? Time will tell I guess!
  5. [quote name='Eight' post='782385' date='Mar 22 2010, 09:31 AM']I might have finally found some people to play music with, but one small thing that concerns me is that I don't know if anyone is going to be singing. We're just intending to play simple things to start with but I was wondering if anyone had any good tips on how to follow where you are in a track without any vocals? Is it just a case of counting bars all the way through? Cheers.[/quote] I personally find that if you listen to the tracks you're going to be playing enough you can get along by feeling your way around. Took me about a week to get it down but now I can play all of my band's songs with just the drummer. Guess you've just got to know the music- counting bars has never worked for me oddly enough, its like I'm thinking about the music too hard and not feeling it. IMO of course
  6. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='782387' date='Mar 22 2010, 09:34 AM']I really like the Warwick $$ but it just doesn't look the part in a pub on a Saturday night.[/quote] Lies! Apart from than disagreement, you've got a very good point- I've had a similar revalation which I hope to make a thread about soon
  7. [quote name='tom1946' post='782361' date='Mar 22 2010, 08:29 AM']He went rather ballistic and threatened me with T.Standards, police, FBI and his mother in law but I just said go ahead sir but you're not having it. He rang a week later and apologised for being wrong. TS told him he had no rights.[/quote] Good on him for apologising though. Nice to see people admitted they were wrong these days
  8. [quote name='Clarky72' post='782373' date='Mar 22 2010, 08:57 AM']+1 why on earth have they never fixed the pup issue with the g string, its so bloody annoying!?[/quote] What? I didn't know bassists were allowed to use anything other than the E string?
  9. [quote name='budget bassist' post='782216' date='Mar 21 2010, 10:40 PM']I've had two $$'s, one stingray HH and one musicman SUB single H, quite simply, i prefer the sound of the warwick, there's not really another way of saying it, either you like it or you don't. It's like a stingray but more aggress, but more versatile if you want it to be. It has more midrange too, i thought. Plus, i preferred the neck profile and the smaller body, more comfortable to me. Two very different basses though, i would advocate trying them both before coming to any conclusion.[/quote] I know what you mean about the sound, my $$ never managed to get the Ray tone but it never needed to, every sound it put out was just fantastic in a rock context and it could hold its own with other styles too. I'd say its much more mid-rangey (not a word) but less top end, didn't really have the zing of the Ray, and in my experience that's not a bad thing. Sometimes I spend age trying to EQ the zing away All changed when I got the pre-EB Ray though, much stronger towards the lower end than the more recent Rays, and the neck cannot be beaten. Its a genuinely brilliant bass, feels like you can't pklay a note wrong
  10. $$s are undeniably brilliant, but you won't get a proper Stingray tone from them, I've tried and its just not the same. Can't be beaten for versatility though! I personally find the HH rays/Bongos etc to be a little pointless as I (personally) dislike where they've got the neck humbucker, its a tad too far forward for my liking and gets in the way of slap/pop which is one of the Stingray's best features. In my opinion, any pickup config other than a single bridge humbucker on either the Ray or Sterling doesn't quite work. If you want a more versatile Ray then the Sterling is certainly worth a look as it has coil tapping which helps to make it a little more versatile and I personally preferred the body. Couldn't get on with the neck though, but if you like Jazz necks then you should be fine. Saying that, tried a Bongo recently and if you like/ can get past the looks (I personally love them ) then I honestly don't think there's a more versatile Musicman out there. The 4EQ is seriously fantastic.
  11. I've heard of PVA / sawdust mix though I've no idea how that would stand up to time on a fretless
  12. [quote name='Pookus' post='779995' date='Mar 19 2010, 04:46 PM']They are terms employed by a mixing engineer - relating generally to the frequency ranges of the Ashdown controls and their effect on the sound of a bass guitar. So if my bass is sounding a bit too boomy - I can cut the 180hz range (boom). If I want more clarity - I can boost the 340hz range (clarity) and so on. So the terms are not in my opinion arbitrary. I think it will be useful for me anyway - like you say. Thanks for your input [/quote] No worries, I look forward to seeing the results!
  13. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='778914' date='Mar 18 2010, 05:55 PM']I think that if you're planning to personalise your amp, then surely asking other people for their opinions kinda defeats the object? Just do what looks good to you. Name the knobs and sliders after varieties of seabird if that's what grabs you. S.P.[/quote] To be fair I think SP has a very good point. The terms you're using are subjective and what you might call one thing, someone else may describe differently. Just look at all the different ways "growl" in presented on this forum If those are what those frequencies mean to you then go for it
  14. [quote name='throwoff' post='779572' date='Mar 19 2010, 11:10 AM']Dude any chance is yours with Dr Adidewengo? The guy who has £3.1 million he needs to get out of the country?[/quote] He doesn't anymore, he says its being transferred to my account as we speak
  15. Matthew bought my Warwick yesterday and was thoroughly wonderful about the whole thing. Thanks man
  16. should totally do a left bash, met MXM yesterday and had good fun playing on each others' respective basses. First time I've been able to look at a kickass bass and not have to think "wish that was lefty"
  17. [quote name='The Burpster' post='777793' date='Mar 17 2010, 06:31 PM']'scuse my ignorance but what is a silencer.....? I know what they are for cars, bikes and guns......but musical instruments.... And why would you need 0% for one...?[/quote] Silencer may be for drum kits?
  18. This scheme is fantastic and I'd recommend using it even if you can afford it straight away for the sheer fact that your money is in your account longer therefore more interest. For all that interest is worth these days
  19. I fancy it! Would have to play it upside down though One of the few factory relics I've ever liked
  20. could be a set neck eg the infinities or dolphins (if I recall correctly, one of the two used to be set neck)
  21. think its the first bass to have a cutaway for your genitals
  22. [quote name='hellothere' post='776476' date='Mar 16 2010, 05:42 PM']cheers oh and just noticed, i meant to type trust worthy not trustable haha[/quote] but trustability is so important these days
  23. this is a ridiculously good price
  24. Had a real passion for candy apple red recently, looks lovely good luck with the sale!
  25. In an attempt to stop what I see as an arguement brewing I too find it confusing but I know naff all about music so if you could explain it I'd be grateful
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