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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. thats only for lead singers that talk sh*t
  2. sexual... love the wood control plate too!
  3. lowing the upper arm contours :wub:
  4. got pics of that? Never noticed it happen meself, then again it would make sense that they go pretty quick...
  5. might help [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/index.shtml"]http://www.ovnilab.com/index.shtml[/url]
  6. oh god. My pants are destroyed.
  7. wow, nice updates! Looking superb that!
  8. i personally think it would look better with an MM. I dont like expanses of body with nothing there- each to their own of course! Sandberg are a manufacturer that have a P/MM config and if i recall its quite popular
  9. sexy!
  10. (buyer) Robtoulson bad feedback: SELLING USED AND WORN ITEMS DESCRIBED AS *NEW* - BEWARE UNPROFESSIONAL SELLER! reply by seller: rotoulson Oh snap, you showed him!
  11. about £950 these days, though half a year ago more like £650/700
  12. hate it when they do that, its only people new to playing bass with more cash than sense that fall for it and I really feel sorry for them
  13. this REALLY should sell soon, I had the exact same one but left handed and it was wonderful! I want it back actually
  14. all I meant is the shine at the base of the neck looks like a fret... then again warwicks do use bell brass
  15. quite like how guitars UK is a bit like guitar sUK
  16. i can't decide if there's a slap bar at the base of the neck or whether its just a contour
  17. always thought celinders looked wonderful- good luck with the sale, although selling from the continent might be difficult at the moment
  18. ooooh can't wait, I can only imagine how excited you are
  19. +1 for Wizard, Andy is superb! Custom winds for free, just tell him what you want it to sound like!
  20. you know, I'd be terrified to use those auction snipe sites for the sheer fact I don't trust them: a) to actually do it b) because they need my ebay account and password O.o
  21. I last minute bid. Its the best way to bid to be honest, but equally I wouldn't whine if it got pulled before I bid, that's my loss
  22. Am I a bad person for really wanting to try most of these suggestions...?
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