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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. Coloured silks! Blasphemy! So you get a great stealth bass until the rainbow headstock, wonderful
  2. If anyone is teetering, the GB is awesome, highly recommended!
  3. hmm good point... I'd be worried about knocking a tuner and it coming straight out the bottom with a thin disc of headstock wood
  4. its not a problem but visually its quite nice. Its just the design, never said I subscribe to any technical reason he did it
  5. [quote name='Paul S' post='438045' date='Mar 18 2009, 09:27 AM']Until last week I owned a Hayman 4040 - cousin to the Shergold. I'd say it was giggable in as much as I did use it for a gig. Lovely thing, beautifully made but, for me, a pig to play. Moved on to a more appreciative owner now. Here's some pics, anyway.[/quote] Sometimes when I see these old basses with these insane looks I get the feeling that we're missing out with the current crop of basses out there- it just [i]looks[/i] like its got all sorts of crazy features that I wouldn't understand
  6. hmmm and where are you based? Take it you wouldn't be interested in my tech soundsystems cab?
  7. any splitting or trades? might be interested in the cabs
  8. ooh nice! Been thinking about changing my 2x10 to 2 1x12s, and that looks like what I'd be goin for. Sexy!
  9. [quote name='Josh' post='438638' date='Mar 18 2009, 08:35 PM']Wuss.[/quote] i will gatt you up boy
  10. like i say, did try it and I lost all drive to play the instrument as my timing just disappeared up its own wazoo
  11. i agree, some lefties can play right handed through practise, but I know some that tried to start playing right handed from the beginning and just couldn't get their heads round it and had to get a left handed instrument
  12. all to do with grounding i believe
  13. haha, genius! Just got to pray that the price does go up of course... Saying that, seeing as the Euro is getting stronger against the Pound I'd have thought that the new value (and hence the second hand value) would go up soon
  14. good call, warwicks are severely undervalued atm
  15. [quote name='Macko1968' post='438186' date='Mar 18 2009, 12:25 PM']It's taken me over 18 months to find a nice transition 'ray so I jumped as soon as I saw it.[/quote] congrats
  16. [quote name='xgsjx' post='438495' date='Mar 18 2009, 05:37 PM']Never understood why the homosexuals stole or adopted the word "gay", or was it just some PC F@*kwit trying to be PC? They can be bright and cheerful if they want Just don't prod my poo [/quote] oh dear, not touching this topic with a ten foot penis
  17. would have been great if you were flying too
  18. are you in the next matrix film
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