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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. I quite liked it and I think the recessed tuners look awesome!
  2. I wouldn't recommend it to be honest. I tried to convert after a year and a half and quickly got fed up as i lost all drive to play. Whilst its difficult to find lefty basses, it does stop you from spending a lot of money! Saying that, dibs on the thumb
  3. [quote name='Musky' post='437924' date='Mar 18 2009, 12:22 AM']Hey, It's iconic! Remember the sixties were the decade that taste forgot. [/quote] <shudder>
  4. [quote name='Jase' post='437910' date='Mar 17 2009, 11:39 PM']Oooo....nasty basses! Each to his own though [/quote] +1 fugly the one on the right to a lesser extent but not exactly gorgeous!
  5. nice collection! Is the Sheehan staying the course?
  6. oh dear, think i need new pants after that picture
  7. I prefer wenj. And so it shall be. My apologies, have had a drink or two.
  8. does everyone else pronounce it "wenj" or "wen-ger"/"wen-guh"? I heard it pronounced the second way recently however I always thought it was the first... OT I know, so I apologise- wonderful bass though, hope to see it in the flesh at some point!
  9. everyone seems to want to move to GK now Should have held onto my old one, it'll be worth something in a month or two!
  10. those were my thoughts, Elixirs have been my fall back for my playing career, would be interesting to try some of similar quality and see if I prefer the sound. Just need to know if they are similar quality or not
  11. gotta say, the phrase "These have been in storage so do slight smell but will go" worries me a tad
  12. look a little pricey to me, but then again if they are they won't sell, they're only worth what people want to pay for them!
  13. ah I see! nah keep it up, sure the mods will say the same
  14. i normally dislike the more vintage styled basses, but that is gorgeous
  15. excellent, I was hoping someone would bite the bullet!
  16. ah it was this one: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=41014&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=41014&st=0[/url] but it was sold, sorry bout that!
  17. wasn't the blueburst graphite one for sale? I seem to recall it was...
  18. what are we looking at weight wise out of curiosity?
  19. www.stringbusters.com are pretty decent and I think they do bulk buying!
  20. England seems to have a propensity for ugly classics
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