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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. hmm, they look interesting, would be interested to hear from someone who's used them, as with markdavid. Anyone sponsered by em and can chuck a set my way at all? No harm in asking I suppose
  2. always good to have a lurker convert themselves, nice to meet you!
  3. yeah, I seem to remember there was a thread here about how great their customer support was!
  4. if you feel like keeping it then do so, there are always ways to keep something that makes you happy!
  5. Keep it to the PMs biznitch, noone else needs to know how street and down with the kids we are!
  6. Traded my old head for this- more of an experiment than anything else, but I prefer to keep it compact and light with my Shuttle! This 650W of delicious tubey power with integrated drive and compressor section. Heck I'll just end up reading off the site so here's a [url="http://www.ebs.bass.se/2007/td650.htm"]linky[/url]. Will be sent in a Warwick Rackbag. The front zip is buggered but its not really a big issue to be honest, the protection is still there or I'm sure you could whip up some sort of closing mechanism if you have a few spare minutes (holepunch and string maybe? I dunno). Has the original rackears and feet so can be taken out if you wanted too. Retails at about £1400 from what i can see, and had no damage so I'd say maybe £750 Few pics (thanks Lee!): [attachment=22146:demi_moores_018.jpg] [attachment=22148:P3290044.JPG]
  7. ooh sounds sexy, I eagerly await developments!
  8. so what are the differences between a 51 and 55 then?
  9. can't believe I missed this the first time, lovely neck on that!
  10. [quote name='Paul_C' post='435745' date='Mar 16 2009, 07:15 AM']Bongo is the way to go, and having owned just about all the variations of the 4 string, HS is the sweetest sounding of them all (IMHO, of course) [/quote] Bongos do seem to be superb instruments, if they managed to get the tone in a slightly more conventional body then I'm sure it'd have more adopters!
  11. just performed a trade via post (not an easy thing to organise) and went through without a hitch, great guy!
  12. nice collection! Good choice on the amp, and the rockbasses and OLPs are very good for the money. Very nice collection
  13. urgh, not a fan of ernie balls, horrible feel. Also, noone make a sesame street joke or the innuendo police will strike!
  14. of course you're in the right place! Welcome!
  15. you..what really? SCORE!
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