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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. me too, even when it was in I had no idea, I just twidled it sometimes. I've only ever used it for a tuner, though I suspect the knob is for the metronome part of it
  2. perhaps a hercules stand? Hangs it from the headstock and you can alter how splayed the legs are. Not too pricey either, I got mine from Thomann.de though that was before the pound took a nosedive...
  3. my my, what a sexy amp, wonder where you got that from! Is it just me or is a knob missing from the rack tuner?
  4. I can't believe this thread went on for so long... Welcome Spartacus all the same!
  5. wouldnt surprise me if you player an SR, they have silly small necks. The artcore looks like it has a pretty chunky neck too. Its all a matter of personal preference, I quite like large necks whereas it may be that you personally are more suited to smaller neck. Like silddx says, go try some out
  6. nice that, guess religion does have [i]some[/i] uses [size=1]/reading the god delusion, sorry[/size]
  7. was about to come in and be obtuse about the fact that most amps make noise as that is their raison d'être. Anyway, I've had problems with those chunkyass strip lights adding a background hiss to an amp but thats generally when I'm plugged in
  8. ooh never heard of Pensa.. a review is most certainly in order! Like Buzz said though- lush!
  9. if he doesn't have any details other than your phone numbers then do a runner
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='433681' date='Mar 13 2009, 02:19 PM']Ah ha! This is an old favourite (try searching this sub-forum for similar posts - there are many). Just to save you several hours of your life that you'll never have again, here's a quick synopsis of what [i]may[/i] happen next: Some will say it's perfectly acceptable and sounds fine. Others will say it's a bad idea because they feel you shouldn't mix driver sizes and it will sound awful. If you're very lucky (or unlucky), a few experts will get into a flame war using terms incomprehensible to many. At this point, your thread may move somewhat off-topic. Coming back to planet Earth, it may be suggested you sell your 4x10 and instead stack a column of 2 2 x10 cabs on their sides for 'enhanced dispersion' and to 'minimise comb filtering'. Someone else will point you at their 2x12 cab in the 'for sale' section on the grounds that it's better than a 4x10. Just when you're losing the will to live, you'll get a suggestion that you just give it a try and see what you think of the sound, while ensuring that you comply with connection and impedance recommendations when running multiple cabs (see sticky). I'd go with the latter.[/quote] epic
  11. why do i open these threads? I know I can't play it, why tempt myself? Sigh. Good luck with the sale!
  12. always oddly liked the 5 tuners in line... good price too!
  13. josh3184


    [quote name='Roady' post='431918' date='Mar 11 2009, 09:18 PM']I have a Ram Head. Alls I can say is that it is the most perfect muff.[/quote] oh come on! i didn't even have to try to see the innuendo in that!
  14. ooh nice, has a cort-esque feel to it! lovely wood choice!
  15. thats another point, the 79 is a 2band for what its worth. mmmm would love a bongo but not a lot of lefties doing the rounds
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