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Everything posted by josh3184

  1. aint dat da troof!
  2. [quote name='Linus27' post='425369' date='Mar 4 2009, 06:04 PM']Is this aimed at me?[/quote] is this aimed at me? WHATTHEHELLISHAPPENING?!?!!?!?
  3. would have been surprised if it lasted longer than a day
  4. the word schadenfreude comes to mind!
  5. very tempted as i have the readies... wanted to try a status for a while... what to do :wacko:
  6. ah screw it, i'm staying with pronouncing it like pie
  7. is that a good price for an s2 btw? No idea of status values!
  8. as pointed out in ebay section [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=42932&st=0&gopid=425269&#entry425269"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry425269[/url] anyone tempted? I bloody am
  9. HAH SUCK ON THAT sorry, been waiting for someone to say "if only it was right handed" for a while now
  10. ebs td650
  11. wouldn't surprise me if it was, the tolerance for the sound I currently use is such that using any other cab, head or eq setting on my bass means it disappears entirely
  12. what a bargain! If my other cab was 8ohm I'd probably have this, someone snap it up!
  13. every time i see the retroglide I want it. I've always got GAS, but thats currently topping the list by some margin.
  14. they're amazing, I've owned loads of basses over the years I've been playing and not one had still made me think "holy s*** this is good!" every time I pick it up Growl out of the wazoo too!
  15. never occured to me to have two different woods in the headstock, it looks magnificent!
  16. oh yummy!
  17. well I personally think a 15" extension is a bit excessive, the most a girl could ever want is about 9"
  18. cowboy bebop is superb, as is trigun if you ever get the chance!
  19. a $$ zebrano one was, probably about 2 months ago. It was a 5 string though so you're safe for now
  20. I'm sure this will start flame wars, but I've never really seen what all the fuss is about...
  21. I'd chuck in a +1 for the Hercules too, they're out[b]stand[/b]ing for the price :brow:
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